General C++ Programming - November 2012 (Page 43)

by Prog24
Palindrome Program. Help Please!
My job is to read in a line of data from an input file, remove all white space and punctuation, then check to see whether or not it is a palindrome. The input f...
[3 replies] Last: I started over because something happened with my visual studio and to... (by Prog24)
by Jikax
divide by 48
Hello I got the following C (not c++) code: #define PTR( m_idx ) ( &( arr[ ( m_idx ) ].byte[ 0 ] ) ) #define IDX( m_ptr ) (uint32_t)( ( ( m_ptr ) - (...
[3 replies] Last: thnx! I will take a good look at that. (by Jikax)
lirary in c++2008
I want to learn using library in c++ 2008
[1 reply] : 1) #include the library header. 2) Tell your linker to link to the l... (by Moschops)
by BHX
Vector of Classes
I'm trying to learn to use classes in a vector. So far I understand vectors and basic data types, but not sure about vectors and classes. I have thus far: ...
[4 replies] Last: Okay, thanks for clearing that up. (by BHX)
urgent-please help by sorting
I will sort a vector consisting of floats in ascending order. I can find the smallest elements of them. no problem by sorting. but i want to know which one was ...
[2 replies] Last: float mainpress,maintemp,mainpow,allvariables,diff,mindist=100000; ... (by noktalivirgul)
structure o the whole program
i have a problem on how you write the whole program from start to finish. the order on how you declare and compute and also display
[1 reply] : Start from here (by Kart)
by imandb
array of char* ( a little urgent)
hi everybody i have a problem, i tried to find a way but i coudn't. i have some char* like "not" "or" "1" "3" , ... and i want to insert them into an array ...
[1 reply] : use a vector (by Jikax)
Rename a file using Boost::filesystem
Hi Everyone, I am new to C++ development and i have written a program to rename a file in a directory, while build no errors and no print messages in the conso...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you for your support. I have fixed the issue by replacing the f... (by TouchElango)
how to read string from file using >>
I am trying to read a string from a formatted file using ifstream >>. This is the code fragment: float o, h, l, c, uv, dv, spx; char type, date ; string...
[1 reply] : std::getline(infile, datestr); outfile << datestr << endl; ... (by Stewbond)
by iky
am i doing this right?
im not sure if im calling the bool function correctly or if something is messed up in the function itself or the main function. this is the bool function: b...
[2 replies] Last: thanks a lot. (by iky)
Changing map
Right now I'm making a 2D engine in Allegro, and it's going well so far. The only problem is I'm trying to find a good way to go from one map to another. Basica...
[4 replies] Last: Holy turd. Thanks a ton. I'm new to classes and all so thinking of way... (by closed account GbX36Up4)
#include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <ctime> #include <cmath> using namespace std; void countx(double, int ); void initializeArray(int );...
[4 replies] Last: Good work cire . @OP If you format your braces like this, then you m... (by TheIdeasMan)
Dynamically Allocated 2-d array
Working on a program for a friend of mine to change a .txt file. I was hoping to get some advice on my program as I seem to always end up in an infinite loop wh...
[2 replies] Last: I'm trying to make the dynamic array that is since the count vari... (by raines883)
obviously not the proper way.
i know theres a smarter way to do this but this is basic idea of what i want to do. which is to search the system for a file. #include <iostream> #incl...
[6 replies] Last: Because it pollutes the global namespace with heaps of stuff, making ... (by TheIdeasMan)
by Sh0
Issue with directories
Hey there guys, I'm working on a program and I've run into some issues with which directoy things are happening in. Basically the program is designed to pro...
[no replies]
Fast lookup table ideas
I need a really fast lookup table: -it will accept a two digit hex number -the first digit will locate the row of the table (1-F) and the 2nd the column (1-F) ...
[6 replies] Last: Stringstream is horrendously slow. Let's not blame stringstream for... (by cire)
What's a good book for an Extremely Rusty C++ Programmer?
I have been a professional programmer for nearly 25 years. Most of that time, I used Pascal, Basic, and bare C. I used C++ in the 1998-2001 era professionall...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks. I bought Effective C++ and I'm finding it really good so far.... (by wpostma)
Finding which derived class object is pointed to by a base class pointer
What methods can be used? I have a class with a dynamically allocated data member (through a base class pointer. I think I need to identify the object pointe...
[6 replies] Last: I need the freedom to assign values for v and a within the L2 class co... (by closed account D80DSL3A)
by SMA01
Basic C++ code?
I'm having trouble getting this code to work: Given the availability of a file named numbers write the statements necessary to read an integer from standar...
[2 replies] Last: Oh wow, I can't believe I didn't notice that, my mistake. (by SMA01)
I can use this function in the visualstudio debug mode and it works fine. If I create an exe file with the release mode and run it, it doesnt create the directo...
[2 replies] Last: doesnt work but it's some problems with missing rights (by Darkmaster)
November 2012 Pages: 1... 4142434445... 51
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