General C++ Programming - November 2019 (Page 6)

matrix and vector multiplication
Hi, i am trying to do multiplication of matrix and vector using block_prod( ) boost library in my code but i'am not able use it properly. can anyone link me to ...
[9 replies] Last: Thank you all for you help, will try manual way. (by kavyaGN)
by Ric
Help with a Card Trick Program
Hi,I need help with a Card Trick Program. I need it to print out like this: Jack of Spades 2 of Spades 4 of Diamonds 8 of Hearts 9 of Clu...
[2 replies] Last: BuildDeck() and PrintDeck() don't use the size parameter. Remove it or... (by dhayden)
by atoken
How to check if char input is a single character
So while input is not x I want the program to run a loop. However, if I enter two letters at one time it prints them both out. I only want it to print out 1 how...
[4 replies] Last: If the user enters some like hey it will output the 'h' and the 'y' o... (by dhayden)
C++ sequences of numbers 1 and 2
Is that "don't know how to do it on paper" or "I can do it on paper, just not in code".
[2 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include <string> // print ... (by JLBorges)
by rp140
Vector bug
I have this assignment that asks me to separate a program into 5 files. The program runs fine as a whole, but when I separated them, I keep getting these two bu...
[19 replies] Last: Thank you so much Furry Guy!! That worked perfectly. (by rp140)
Problem with std::isnan() in combination with __float128
Hello, I am using the GCC compiler's __float128, but I've encountered a problem. I have a class template in which __float128 is passed as a parameter, when I...
[4 replies] Last: I've decided to choose the easy solution and use mbozzi's method: boo... (by Peter88)
Please help!
I am admittedly very new to c++ and am working on a project, with which I am very stuck. ((I articulate that I am very new as I know this is a forum where mos...
[3 replies] Last: Take the bullet list from the instructions and paste it into your code... (by dhayden)
uniform initialization issues
This code: #include <iostream> int main() { unsigned short width { 5 }; unsigned short length { 10 }; // the following errors out when using unifor...
[5 replies] Last: It must be that VS2019 is noncompliant. I'd have to say that is an u... (by George P)
what is wrong with these 'if' combination?
else if(index<CodeLine.size()-2 && (CodeLine[index+1].Token!="]" || (CodeLine[index+1].Type!=TokenType::Integer && CodeLine[index+2].Token!="]"))) i'm testin...
[12 replies] Last: coder777: you have right... thank you so much (by Cambalinho)
by C O C
Passing string in functions
Hello, I am learning about pointers/references. My program is asking user for input(string) and I am trying to use this input in different functions throughout...
[5 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <string> double get_input(std::string& ... (by George P)
This make me crazy. Someone please.
Question 4: Write a program to find how many students get mark more than average of quizzes of 30.
[13 replies] Last: I got it. Thank you so much. Thanks, sir !! @coder777 (by DARKADVERSARY)
C++ preprocessor should be seen in all unit modules in makefile
How to make a C++ preprocessor code to be seen and take effects throughout many separated translation unit modules in makefile prerequisites to compile? as its...
[1 reply] : Do this in a particular header file. #include it whenever you need it. (by coder777)
Background tasks in ASP.NET
I am in a situation where I have to run multiple async tasks (like sending emails, processing files etc.) after a user makes a request to the server. They are n...
[1 reply] : This is not c++ but c#. For this requirement async seems pretty much ... (by coder777)
Problem with arrays and loops
i keep getting "exited, segmentation fault" for some reason. the code is supossed to output a random answer for any question and then keep in track of the quest...
[10 replies] Last: G++ will take a ton of 'more or less c++ like' code by default. you h... (by jonnin)
Process cannot atteched
Hello.. i wanna attach a process in my program, but process wil run on background,, but my program doesn't not detect that process, this is my code #in...
[3 replies] Last: I made few projects that create a sample target window program, debug ... (by malibor)
Use of Map function
Im using the map function to store student information for an assignment. IN my gradebook.cpp I have it to where you can list the records of students shown. I w...
[1 reply] : if studentMap.empty() {...} else {...} (by doug4)
Learning C+ - C++ primer disjointed?
May be a good idea to get a second book, in addition to C++ Primer. This is dated (C++98, so does not use the newer features of the language), but otherwise ex...
[8 replies] Last: real world spammers use farm more advanced techniques to earn money, s... (by malibor)
Some 'switch - case' not reading value correctly
Hello, somehow if I do: switch (j) case 2: case 5: the cases are not corresponding to the value of integer variable 'j'. Can someone please help ...
[6 replies] Last: Oh, yeah, construction of objects within a switch-case statement is a ... (by MikeyBoy)
How attach process through PID
Hello I want attach process through PID (Process id), For Example: if user enter PID in program then require process automatically attached.. and this (...
[1 reply] : Just because you post twice doesnt mean you'll get more response, in f... (by malibor)
Why does the mutation of STL List containers cause an iterator to be invalidated?
Why does mutating an STL container (such as a vector or a stack) cause an iterator to point to junk data? Why does the elements shifting left or right cause thi...
[6 replies] Last: There are specific rules for which iterators are invalidated by which ... (by dhayden)
November 2019 Pages: 1... 45678
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