Linux: I AM SOLD

Pages: 12
Congrats OP. Now just try not to break the Linux install :) What distro did you go with?
It is so fast, and I can't wait to check the source code out.

Torvalds would be rolling in his grave, if he was dead.
On a related note, if you haven't already go watch Revolution OS.
I went with the Ubuntu distro.

Also, interesting note: on my V5 Touch (a late 2012 model, so fairly new... very very new...), If i start up and boot with Ubuntu while my computer is not plugged in, it doesn't boot up correctly. I can only fathom why...


I have watched Revolution OS, it's actually why I've gotten Linux in the first place. ;)

lol It is so awsome.

One more quick question: Why types of files are the (i suppose "equivilant to") executables I should be looking for when I want to install a program? I have already learned about .sh files.

if there is a different way to run these file types than .sh files, please post a link to it or put the command here for me. Thanks for the help.

Also, is there any way to see what programs are running in the background?
One more quick question: Why types of files are the (i suppose "equivilant to") executables I should be looking for when I want to install a program? I have already learned about .sh files.
Linux doesn't rely on file extensions the way windows does, most executables have no extension (though not always). Executables will be collored differently in the terminal and have a recognizable icon in file browser.

if there is a different way to run these file types than .sh files, please post a link to it or put the command here for me. Thanks for the help.
I don't know what you're asking, you just run them.

Also, is there any way to see what programs are running in the background?
I'm sure there is a GUI utility, but I just run top in a terminal.
I'm sure there is a GUI utility, but I just run top in a terminal.

htop is nice. Just top, but with curses and more of an interface.

Not sure what's going on with your booting while unplugged issue. Might check out power settings and see what its like.

If you want to install something, either go through the software center for a graphical approach, or use apt-get install <package> to install it via the terminal. Typically if you find something from a website, it will come with command line instructions for downloading and installing their software.
i got ubuntu and xp on my box, i use XP, im not sure why i just do.
cool. Thanks for the htop suggestion.

Also, I'm looking for a good C++ compiler/IDE for Linux. Any suggestions?
Ubuntu should come with GCC already installed.
Ubuntu comes with the C compiler installed.

Also, I'm looking for a good C++ compiler/IDE for Linux. Any suggestions?

Can just sudo apt-get install g++. That should give you G++4.7. As for IDE, I guess Code:Blocks. Seems like most people who program on *nix just use a text editor and do compiling and linking from the command line.
Gedit is a nice text editor, that might come preinstalled. Sublime is another good one. There's actually a thread going on right now about this:
g++ is already included in gcc.
Not in my install.
Oh. I remember I didn't have to download it separately, but I guess memory failed me.
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sudo apt-get install build-essential
Alright, downloading G++.

I do say... linux is so... awsome.
Typically if you find something from a website, it will come with command line instructions for downloading and installing their software.

But you should check first, whether someone has packaged it for your distro so that apt-get/yum/whatever can fetch it. Source installs are not nice, because you package management will not know about them and thus manage them.

One more quick question: Why types of files are the (i suppose "equivilant to") executables

POSIX file permissions are Read, eXecute, and Write. If a file is marked executable, then shell can attempt to execute it.

If the file is binary, then the beginning of it should contain a signature of valid format.

If the file is text, then the first line can have a "comment" #!path parameters . The "path" is run instead and the contents of file is passed to it. If there is no such comment, then the shell assumes the content to be a script in shell's syntax and interpretes self.
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Pages: 12