Lounge - January 2016 (Page 2)

Is mobile app development worth it?
Apparently the median lifetime revenue for an iOS game is 3k. Not a lot of money, but if you consider that 90% of them are just "anime tits + sprite graphics + ...
[7 replies] Last: (the microtransaction bit is stale, I haven't spent money on a microt... (by goosestuf)
by eveeve
how to backup contacts on android?
Losing contacts from android phone happened unexpectedly, so we need to backup them to computer frequently. But as you know, we can't do that directly, we need...
[no replies]
by xismn
Error: Content Length mismatch HTTP header
Hello, This is a long question, and it doesn't have anything to do with C++. I've decided to post this in the lounge since the other boards aren't appropriate,...
[3 replies] Last: @tition Here's the whole program, just for completeness: #include <i... (by xismn)
posting code
How do you post code in this forum so that it actually looks like code written in your text editor of your IDE with all the colors for keywords etc
[2 replies] Last: got thanks much (by andrewllewop)
January 2016 Pages: 12
  Archived months: [dec2015] [feb2016]

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