Lounge - January 2016

Suggestions to build up GitHub profile?
As I am finishing up my second year of computer science, I want to get a start on expanding my portfolio to GitHub and making it worth while to look at in the f...
[15 replies] Last: sure (by RUNNER PRO AGARIO)
Class with loop
hello Can you help me How to create a class with loop? Given: 5 multiply it by itself and 5 times will loop. any answer shall be accepted thank you
[2 replies] Last: Take a look here: http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/control/ You... (by coder777)
Not only is it apparantly possible to code in machine code, but apple II basic was directly written that way
no idea how on gods earth its actually possible to hand write an asm program on paper, then 'assemble' it by looking at memory addresses in hex and subsequently...
[8 replies] Last: Back in the days of early space travel, I wonder what was used for al... (by dhayden)
x86 asm- masm/ fasm different syntax/libraries? which should I use? win32 api surprisingly simple???
I decided to learn some x86 asm, and probably also will delve into ARM asm, so I have some assembler to work alongside my C/C++ code in future projects. I figur...
[7 replies] Last: I'm trying to keep it simple. DLL files are the best examples, in Wind... (by Computergeek01)
I will rank you on the 1st page of Google for your Professions City and State
Hello Everybody, I have been watching this forum for quite some time now, and I have seen a common problem. What I notice is that there is always a surplus of...
[7 replies] Last: spam. (by Bdanielz)
best tutorials/resources for learning x86 ASM
as long as its intel dialect, Im cool with FASM, NASM or MASM. So far Ive screwed with FASM and MASM since im on windows right now, but nasm or tasm would work ...
[3 replies] Last: thanks much, btu it has to wait until tomorrow or the next day. I mus... (by demon6552)
Need Guidance
I know for a fact that the middle phoenix was loaded from a bmp....but i wanna know..plz help http://imgur.com/DECwK6r thank you... PS:i think its a mi...
[3 replies] Last: That program looks older than dirt, in computer terms anyway, and the ... (by Computergeek01)
How do I achieve this but without beings just texts?
In the link below(remember to go there), is my dream, yet, it is text files-only. How can do the same thing with the fstreams or other but rather get images or ...
[7 replies] Last: Well, for one, not all of an image file is just pixel data. There is a... (by Ispil)
Good Voice Recognition Library
Hey all. Do you guys know of any good (free) voice recognition libraries? It can be in any language, I just need something that is reliable and not overly compl...
[no replies]
What is the most pointless and useless subject you have studied (1,2,3)
For me, English Literature
[42 replies] Last: nice, ever try it? (by RUNNER PRO AGARIO)
Happy NewYear!
assert (2016 == "A Great Year for ALL OF YOU!!");
[12 replies] Last: lol (by RUNNER PRO AGARIO)
Good C++ Game engine books
Hey, I am trying to write a game engine for a 2d side scroller platformer. Are there any books to help me create this game engine that would sort all the resour...
[6 replies] Last: Sorry I missread your post, I think I am going to use SDL so I will ch... (by FighterCoder)
Advice getting first job (1,2)
Don't know if my title is right for this but here it comes. What do you guys think would be my chances of getting C++ related job if I would have a pretty good ...
[20 replies] Last: Cool, thanks man for sharing your thoughts. Didn't know about such fea... (by etrusks)
Question about building an online portfolio
Hey all, I wanted to build an online portfolio for my programming skills. Do you guys have any suggestions on what website to use or anything of the nature for...
[11 replies] Last: Then Good luck! (by RUNNER PRO AGARIO)
Advice for new linux user
Hi all, So I'm a computer science student at university. For my next class and upcoming classes (data structures, object oriented programming, etc), we will ...
[11 replies] Last: Linux Mint is the best coming from Windows. It's most similar. Ubunt... (by IWishIKnew)
Anyone willing to join new c++ project?
Hi, Very boring here, and googling "project ideas" to kill time. picked at these projects from google results: -download manager -password safe -FTP client -ro...
[5 replies] Last: I wouldn't mind jumping in. I'm pretty good at low-level programming,... (by IWishIKnew)
Adventure style text based game
#include <string> #include <iostream> int main() { std::string response; std::cout<<"Your flashlight begins to flicker, would you like to contin...
[7 replies] Last: By task numbers I mean This: Suppose after each question, you created ... (by RUNNER PRO AGARIO)
by Mavs25
Binary conversion?
Hey guys can I get some help on how to convert base 10 to base 2? I'm trying to convert 2016(base10) into ?(base2) I'm not sure what to do help? Can someo...
[1 reply] : The usual method is to find the largest power of two which can be subt... (by shadowmouse)
C++ Trademark?
So here is a pretty random question: I am writing a sci-fi graphic novel that I would like to title "C++". Is there a copyright or trademark issue? I have ...
[3 replies] Last: the biggest problem is probably misleading ideas about what your book ... (by RUNNER PRO AGARIO)
C++ Reference as offline mobile app?
Hi! Is there an offline mobile app for CPlusPlus.com (or cppreference.com)? I've downloaded the offline archive from cppreference.com but I haven't found a w...
[3 replies] Last: I've used HTTrack to download the reference section of this site for o... (by shadowmouse)
January 2016 Pages: 12
  Archived months: [dec2015] [feb2016]

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