Lounge - September 2015 (Page 2)

Professional Interview
I have to interview a professional in the computer science field for my technical communications class in college. I'm going to post a few questions -- if anyon...
[8 replies] Last: Thank you for your responses! It's great to have a few different point... (by Dissimulation)
What are the advantages?
I want to hear your thoughts over reading out loud, or reading silently and what you do prefer?
[7 replies] Last: I'm involved with a school for children with language-based learning d... (by dhayden)
What are your thoughts about this?
Do you agree that reading more books will give you more knowledge. I'm watching this guy on youtube Tai Lopez. And he's saying the more you read, the more succe...
[8 replies] Last: What does that have to do with academic learning vs doing so as to gai... (by shadowmouse)
Username & Password Script (C++)
Here is a code I made today! Can I get some opinions? // Log in to view secrat message script. (C++14) // FireCoder 8/26/15. #include <iostream> #inc...
[15 replies] Last: if you look at the code I published at DataBase.cpp , Line 13 , I sugg... (by Ericool)
Languages with Deterministic Destructors
I always have found reliable scope based destruction to be the best thing in C++ by far. It still amazes me all of the other major languages I see seem to solv...
[18 replies] Last: [quote=James2250]Probably doesn't help I think of games when I look at... (by LB)
Does ALICE belong in Comp Sci?
At the college I go to, the introductory class is ALICE. To me the program is cumbersome, grossly oversimplified, and the class moves slower than necessary. I...
[2 replies] Last: Never tried it, but it looks good for introduction into programming su... (by MiiNiPaa)
by leo255
Tips for Discrete Math?
Hi all, I'm taking this currently, and am trying to find all the resources I can for it. Usually, when I've taken Calc I, II, III, Linear Algebra, etc., I've...
[3 replies] Last: vectors not related to discrete math matrices not related to discr... (by MiiNiPaa)
Concord Spark
Hi all, With the upcoming school year heading our way, I just thought I'd once again put out the news that I am offering tutoring services. It's been more t...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks. I'm just wondering why because someone reported my post? Tha... (by Little Captain)
Custom Theme
I've made a custom theme for my Code::Blocks editor and would like some feedback on it. Do you think it's good? Any tips for how it might be improved? Thanks gu...
[8 replies] Last: The lighting conditions you're in has a large effect on what theme is ... (by Lachlan Easton)
by Spiral
What would Bjarne Stroustrup say ?
I'M spiral, high school student somewhere in the world. So I'm dependent to my parents in money. I'm pretty excited about learning new things. I know java(begi...
[18 replies] Last: I have yet to meet a math professor that sees math textbooks with any ... (by Ispil)
My First Game!
Russian Roulette! My first non-graphic game. This is a 2 player game, so grab a friend and enjoy! //First Game! //Coder: FireCoder. //Date: 9/2/15 //Version 1...
[11 replies] Last: Thanks, I am going to work on something else, but I don't know what. (by FireCoder)
Jokes for Coders!
Hey fellow coders! I love jokes, memes, and comics! So I know there has to be some jokes for programming or coding! So I am asking for you to post your favorite...
[5 replies] Last: Its still cool! (by FireCoder)
Web Development
Hi guys, I'd like to start learning web development, and hopefully start my own website in the future. Do you have any recommendations on what books I sho...
[9 replies] Last: Look at educational books for web development . You will learn what to... (by Ericool)
Visual C++ 2015 and UPX
I have routinely used GCC/TDM-GCC in the past and was rather disappointed in the compilers bloating up a program when using C++. Even a "simple" Hello World ...
[9 replies] Last: Yes, it seems that at some point VS started to pack its output by defa... (by helios)
September 2015 Pages: 12
  Archived months: [aug2015] [oct2015]

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