Windows Programming - August 2014 (Page 5)

by sambos
RichTextFiles strings etc
Hi, I have posted a previous question about rtf files and I've been stuck on it for a bit. I have tried to follow the suggestions but didn't get anywhere. He...
[no replies]
SFML Windows Error!!!
I have created a game in c++ using sfml. It is still in early stages. I have an error I can not figure out. It compiles perfectly but when it is run, it instant...
[5 replies] Last: Thank you, ill try it (by lordseanington)
I challenge you all to compile these 2 Projects (place them in the same directory)and then click on either one. After that try and terminate both of the process...
[2 replies] Last: Learn how to use loops, DeathAngle: while(true) { // this code ... (by Disch)
Message box
I want to make a message box without an 'X' button pop up. I already have this #include <windows.h> /* This is where all the input to the window goes ...
[18 replies] Last: That's exactly the same. repeate() is calling repeate() endlessly. E... (by Disch)
Which IDE should i use?
Hi, I'm using orwell dev c++(an updated version of dev c++) for my projects. But i don't like this IDE very much because when i look in forums for IDEs there a...
[10 replies] Last: Eh, they make their money off of companies buying bulk licences for th... (by ResidentBiscuit)
August 2014 Pages: 1... 345
  Archived months: [jul2014] [sep2014]

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