Windows Programming - January 2016 (Page 2)

by s8050
GetKeyboardState() & SetKeyboardState()
Hi, I know how to use the GetAsyncKeyState() and GetKeyState() functions; But I'm having some problems understanding the GetKeyboardState() and SetKeyboardSt...
[1 reply] : Somehow it just worked after inserting a meaningless call to GetKeySta... (by s8050)
by V07
Hi, I have created a dialog box using this code INT_PTR CALLBACK About(HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(lPara...
[2 replies] Last: Very Thank you Finally made this to work with your help, It works now ... (by V07)
Freeglut header declearetion problem
As I'm learning freeglut, I have decleared these header files #ifdef_APPLE_ #include<GLUT/glut.h> #else #include<GL/glut.h> #endif But when I'm running the...
[1 reply] : what error? describe more details. Show the full source code as well a... (by Muzibur Rahman)
When is control given back to calling program?
Hi. I encounter a problem with the following DLL : #include <windows.h> #include <string> using namespace std; void __stdcall MYFUNCTION(long anynu...
[3 replies] Last: Years ago, I worked at a bank that rolled started using Daytona Gold, ... (by kbw)
help - limit download/upload speed
hello , i am making a program that limit internet speed for a specific program i searched in every where but couldn't find code that limit speed of internet f...
[no replies]
by evaboy
Win32: l need help on filling a combo box
Am creating application and l need to fill a combo box list. However, l was able to do all and is working but whenever l filling the last combobox, l get an exc...
[2 replies] Last: @Shadowwolf: Thanks so much. you saved my life. (by evaboy)
by V07
Why this code not creating button on my main window?
Why this code is not creating button in my main window: Here is the small snippet of my code.It does not create button on my main window. I am using visual ...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you everyone for helping me (by V07)
Move Desktop icons when mouse is near
Hello this is my first post so sorry if it's a bit bad. But the problem i am having is that I've been trying to make a program that will move the desktop icons ...
[2 replies] Last: Maybe this give you some hints. (by Thomas1965)
how do i print out a Unicode check mark in console...I can print one out in linux using the line cout <<"\033[32m\xE2\x9C\x93\033[0m<<endl; but it wont work on ...
[5 replies] Last: @Thomas1965, That Code Project is VERY helpful to me. Using C++ sta... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
MFC: CListBox with multiple selection issue.
I've created a CListBox with multiple selection(LBS_EXTENDEDSEL) in my MFC application. I've query regarding the focus behavior for this control. The focus i...
[no replies]
Freeglut tutorials
Thanks for last helps about GUI I have configured freeglut in my code::blocks.. Now I need a tutorial of "freeglut" from very beginning. From where would I fo...
[no replies]
Send Message to other Apps
Hello, I want to create console app where I for example type some text and send it to another application... I know how to send keys to notepad but in my ca...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you very much. WinSpy is what I was looking for. (by lowarago)
Which line should I use for game programming?
I am a C++ programmer and I have been learning it for 1 years.. Now I think I know C++ bit good.. But I can only solve problems in command prompt.. About GUI I ...
[7 replies] Last: (by Moooce)
QT program
I made a chashier program and now i want to do it with qt program. 1.How can i make dynamic folders(buttons) which i can open them just if there is saved data(m...
[no replies]
by Hex213
Active user
Please, I need to get what is the active user with win32 and show me some example. Thanks.
[1 reply] : Look here: (by coder777)
How to detect selected text or file?
Can anyone tell me how to detect selected text or file? Do i have to install any library? For example And how can i experiment with sel...
[5 replies] Last: if (cin >> SendMessage(hEdit, EMGETSEL, (WPARAM)&thestart, (WLPARAM)&... (by Thomas1965)
How do you find when a user presses 'H'?
I'm using Win32 and want it to create a MessageBox when a user presses 'H'. How do I do this?
[2 replies] Last: You need to handle WM_CHAR messages in your Window Procedure. The cha... (by freddie1)
SDL - How to keyboard input
How can i declare SDLK_LCTRL and SDL_RCTRL + an character? Can i write like this: char character; if(character == SDLK_LCTRL + 'a') or char character; i...
[14 replies] Last: are you are saying it still says state is not defined? you need to hel... (by Moooce)
by V07
Could you please explain me the difference?
Hi everyone, I am a beginner in windows programming.Since I am self learning with a book which I have purchased recently so I cannot find a solution...
[6 replies] Last: Don't know CoderJames. I don't work with networked stuff much, so you... (by freddie1)
Multithreading: simultaneous read/write?
I'm rewriting a console app to include a GUI. The original was single-threaded, so this inevitably introduces a bunch of data races. When an address is written ...
[1 reply] : To ensure that the pointer is valid across the threads make the pointe... (by coder777)
January 2016 Pages: 1234
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