Windows Programming - July 2018

How to get file's itself directory without filename?
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv ) { TCHAR buf0 ; GetModuleFileName(0, buf0, MAX_PATH); TCHAR installer ; _tcscpy(installer, buf0); _tcscat(insta...
[5 replies] Last: C++17 != Visual Studio 2017 (by mbozzi)
Can't create C++ project on Visual Studio 2017
I recently installed VS 2017 and I can't create project. I had installed it before and updating VS fixed my problem but now I can't see any notifications to upd...
[6 replies] Last: So just to make sure: In VS2017 you click File->New->Project then sele... (by Too Explosive)
Problem with OpenCV 3.10 installation on Windows 7
I'm total begginer in Cmake and I don't know where I have to put code. My problem is: CMake Deprecation Warning at CMakeLists.txt:81 (cmake_policy): The OL...
[no replies]
Can't get OpenCV app work in x64
// ConsoleApplication7.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // #include "stdafx.h" #include "opencv2/opencv.hpp" #include <iost...
[no replies]
How to convert TCHAR to const char?
#include <stdlib.h> // ... your defines #define MAX_LEN 100 TCHAR *systemDrive = getenv("systemDrive"); TCHAR path ; _tcscpy(path, systemDrive); TCHAR c_wPat...
[2 replies] Last: thx, already solved (by Pranciskus)
by sinept
win32 modeless dialog hides main window behind other apps on close
The modeless dialog has a two buttons and a window-frame close button. The two buttons within the frame each open a MessageBox. If I click one of the buttons, e...
[1 reply] : I found a solution. I figured out how to set up the main window with a... (by sinept)
How to import DLL file instead of project to C++?
Using the DLL codes here Included here for convenience... // MathLibra...
[3 replies] Last: .lib is a static library where functions and procedures can be placed ... (by Albo Coder)
Accessing the content of a button in a non-event function UWP
Hello there! I am just starting to try and teach myself UWP in Visual C++. When I am writing the function for an event I know that I can check the content of a ...
[no replies]
How to disable loading ring when launching WinAPI application?
How to disable loading ring when launching WinAPI application? As I noticed console application runs without that ring. Can I approach this? Didn't find anywher...
[2 replies] Last: I see, thanks for explanation. (by Pranciskus)
how do i translate this in c++???
int main() { int n,r,sum=0; printf("Enter your number: "); scanf("%d",&n); while(n<0) { r=%10; sum= sum+r; n=n/10; }...
[6 replies] Last: why do you use 10 here? why not other number??? because the number ... (by Jaybob66)
by cghw01
Building XercesC with MS Visual studio
Hello, I am trying to build XercesC_3.2.1 using MS Visual Studio 2017 (version 15.7.1). The OS is Windows 10 Enterprise. I am using CMake 3.12.0 I seem t...
[no replies]
WinAPI program: "Entry Point Not Found" after 2 hours
WinAPI program drops box after approximately 2 hour of working: "Entry Point Not Found" and computer crashes, I have to restart. Is there any solutions for this...
[2 replies] Last: The problem probably was that I mixed dbg and rel libraries. Actually ... (by Pranciskus)
how do i add 5 numbers automatically like this?
like this Enter you number: 55555 =25
[3 replies] Last: In another thread you had the code to count the digits of a number. Sa... (by Thomas1965)
Pause / Resume a process in Windows 95/98
Hi to all!! I need to suspend and resume a program under Win98 (I'm using an emulator). I have search many and many, but if under NT or more recent OS it's re...
[8 replies] Last: Ok, I see. I'm 19, I usually satisfy if code works on Windows XP. Bye:... (by Pranciskus)
problems with strange characters
Hi everyone! I am having problems to create a file in a directory that contains strange characters. I am using Visual Studio 2015 in Windows 10. This is t...
[2 replies] Last: Hi Ganado! thank you very much for your response. The problem was not ... (by hebrerillo)
How to make multiple infinite loops at once?
for(;;) CopyFile( "c:\where\I\want\it\myapp.exe", "c:\where\I\want\it\myapp.exe", sleep(60000); for(;;) CopyFile( "c:\where\I\want\it\myapp.exe",...
[3 replies] Last: Idk if I'm understanding you correctly but If you're wanting an infini... (by BeaumontIII)
path+"/helloworld.exe How can I join these?
path is TCHAR, /helloworld.exe is underlined by red as wrong. How to join them together?
[1 reply] : Why don't you start learn by reading a book or tutorials. In a previo... (by Thomas1965)
by K2411
writing a DLL code for WxFormbuilder GUI.
Hello all I am not an expert in programming and I need help. #-o it is regarding DLL. I am working on a windows simulation software developed with WxFormB...
[no replies]
Using WndProc as a member function of a class
A few things here: someone hinted to me that I should use a wrapper function so I have WndProcWrapper, a "select" function (creates the window), and a WndProc f...
[7 replies] Last: I think I'll just give up and find some other way, this is too frustr... (by Thomas1965)
According to MSDN the return from this function is a 32-bit value that consists of two 16-bit values. Now I got no idea on how to test the return. On pla...
[1 reply] : You can use the LOWORD and HIWORD macros. (by Thomas1965)
July 2018 Pages: 12
  Archived months: [jun2018] [aug2018]

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