Windows Programming - July 2018 (Page 2)

Deployment for a visual C++ program using 2015 community
Hey guys, I'm at the point where I need to get ready for deployment. I've never deployed a visual c++ program before and I'm using visual studios 2015 community...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks for the help. I ended up able accomplish my goal using Microsof... (by Atilliar)
by RickK
Clear user input before it is entered
I am working on a Win32 console application that uses a keylogger to determine when a specific key sequence is pressed and then opens a console window when it i...
[1 reply] : Solved it, here's my solution: (before the inner while loop) std::s... (by RickK)
decimal to binary conversion in c++
Needing help for programming an algorithm in c++, about conversion from decimal to binary. Here's my deal, but it's wrong. Anyone for helping me? include <io...
[1 reply] : # include <iostream> # include <string> std::string to_binary(unsigne... (by mbozzi)
Dialogs, Win32 API (no MFC)
I have a Dialog, i have a Button in this Dialog (IDC_BUTTON1). How do i find out whenever ... - ... this Button is pushed. - ... this Button is selected. ...
[2 replies] Last: Problem solved, thank you. (by lovecoffee799)
Can I make this code work on VS 2010?
#include <iostream> #include <fstream> using namespace std; int main() { string line, new_content; string prefix = "1."; char filename = "DATA....
[2 replies] Last: Sorry, I didn't mention, it didn't compile it. But I solved it, thanks... (by Pranciskus)
Modifying specified data in a txt file
Hello everyone, my question is what should I add to the following code so that I can change the number 3 in the txt file without corrupting the data. /********...
[1 reply] : Did you solve it? How? (by Pranciskus)
How to get ALL filenames in directory output?
#include <stdio.h> #include <dirent.h> int main(void) { struct dirent *de; // Pointer for directory entry // opendir() returns a pointer of DIR typ...
[3 replies] Last: Yeah, thanks, it works well, it's probably limitation of CMD interface (by Pranciskus)
Application logman.exe
Hi! Which application that read the files "perflog.log", "processlog.log", "seclog.log" generated by logman.exe? Thanks, Tchelo
[3 replies] Last: Is this one of those XY problems? Do you want real-time, process-speci... (by Ganado)
Hi, I want to makedir using system drive variable but I'm getting error
Sorry, somehow I can't insert as code #include "stdafx.h" #include <stdio.h> /* printf */ #include <stdlib.h> /* getenv */ #include <direct.h> ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you! Just replaced mkdir parameter to "\\mushroom\\strawberry" a... (by Pranciskus)
Borland Turbo C++ 3.1 "Declaration syntax error"
Hello! I am currently working on a game for MS-DOS, but I ran into a "Declaration syntax error" while defining a class in a seperate file... The error occurs i...
[11 replies] Last: Thank you for the help! :D I think the variable should be fine, but no... (by TimCoding)
How to permanently delete data from Hard disk drive?
I want to wipe out old and confidential data which is stored in my Seagate Hard disk. There are several software available online but I am unable to decide whi...
[9 replies] Last: There are data destruction firms that will throw you drive in a hopper... (by Computergeek01)
Unable to CoCreateInstance.
cpp #include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> #include <cstring> #include <string> #include <windows.h> #include "tchar.h" #import "
[10 replies] Last: Also having the same problem looking for help! (by Justin Maribito)
by Derex
I am not able to use libcurl
People, I can not use libcurl! Can someone help me? Teach me how to compile this correctly! Because I'm following every step that comes in a doc along with...
[3 replies] Last: So folks, I got it sorted out! report my solution! I was compiling th... (by Derex)
when i was trying to run this program from microsoft my compiler says: ...
[1 reply] : on the page you've linked... look at step 2. Create the ITaskService ... (by Jaybob66)
Maybe not
Yeah so I thought I wanted to learn Visual Studio 2017 I've often heard people complain about managing strings in C being too much to deal with. It was diffi...
[7 replies] Last: mbozzi: Yes, on Linux wchar_t is quite wide, but all system APIs use U... (by helios)
API Windows WriteFile: works but returns 0
Hello I wrote a method that does nearly well it's job (except it returns an error) : The function write an image file to a USB key partition with the function W...
[4 replies] Last: WriteFile returns FALSE, and I don't know why That's what GetLastErro... (by kbw)
Menu Item bitmap
Hi, How can I make a menu item's bitmap background transparent so that the background colour of the menu shows through ? Thanks
[1 reply] : Maybe use Photoshop or Gimp to create a transparent bitmap. (by Thomas1965)
Add item to MFC list box from thread? (1,2)
My thread listens and accepts new client connections on sockets, I would like every client added to a list box. Problem is I cannot add items from threads (as I...
[26 replies] Last: This worked ::SendMessage(m_list.m_hWnd, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)(LP... (by sigmablack)
how looking for a folder?
i have these function for show a folder name. int FindF(char* pDirectory) { char* startpDirectory=pDirectory; char szFindPath = {0}; strcpy(s...
[12 replies] Last: finally it's working like i need: string FindDirectory(std::string Fi... (by Cambalinho)
Unsecured Wi-Fi connection detection
Is it possible in C++ to construct a console application that detects (i.e. throws a notification) whenever the host connects to an unsecured Wi-Fi network (no ...
[2 replies] Last: OK. Thanks! Does anyone have any sample code as an example? (by Maverick123)
July 2018 Pages: 12
  Archived months: [jun2018] [aug2018]

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