Windows Programming - June 2016 (Page 2)

ask for location of a file from user
hello im writing an app on devcpp. and i want to get location of a file from user and take it on a string so i dont want to use "cin>>str" i want to show a dial...
[3 replies] Last: Here is an example how to use it. However to understand it you need to... (by Thomas1965)
Scaling the Window down (window.h)
Hello there, i have a program with 5 buttons: Abyssal Scepter -> Writes something into ChampionName-SummonersRift.txt Aegis of the Legion -> Same thing, diffe...
[18 replies] Last: I have no words to describe how sad i am. I let you guys down and i ha... (by n0thing17)
Client and nonclient areas
Hi, I want to draw my own toolbar that contains a number of buttons. I have drawn a bitmap with a gradient for the background and the buttons will be place...
[3 replies] Last: Hi, I'm using Visual Studio Community 2015. And I didn't know you co... (by Fractal Cat)
C++/CLI Main arguments call buttonclick
Hello, how can i call button_name->PerformClick(); when for example i start winform program from cmd with argument callbutton(nameOfExe.exe callButton). This...
[5 replies] Last: Yea, thanks, i go look how to use timers. (by BAILANDO)
what means "Process terminated with status -1073741819"?
what means: "Process terminated with status -1073741819 (2 minute(s), 41 second(s))" ? i had tried several things without sucess. i get these error only som...
[8 replies] Last: - the error was on my Timer class: i was stoping the timer on CALLBACK... (by Cambalinho)
Mouse pos and bitmaps
Hi, How can I tell if the cursor is inside a screen bitmap ? Thx FC.
[1 reply] : First you need to get the cursor position and the rectangle of the bit... (by Thomas1965)
RichTextBox Color problem
Hello, i have code where i call function on textchanged in richtextbox, but here is one problem, when i input first character, it works as i expected, but when ...
[2 replies] Last: with this it works richTextBox_srv_output->Clear(); richTextBox_srv_o... (by BAILANDO)
Dynamically Loading DLL Class Member Function
I have created a dll but I'm not sure how to interact with a class member function in the client code. Say there's a function called Foo laid out like this ins...
[3 replies] Last: Sorry, I forgot to add the exp/imp define in the example I provided. A... (by Neuroticheeze)
Using MIDL with MinGW
I have an idl file. I have MinGW 5.3 and I have MIDL compiler installed with Windows SDK. I am unable to use this combo, can someone assist me? In the followin...
[5 replies] Last: [quote=hazdazzler009]Since Visual Studio is not free Visual Studio 20... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
Printing 2 times..
So I made a tic-tac-toe game, but it has some problems int castiguri_player_1,castiguri_player_2,turn=1; int x,y; int key_press; loop_1:...
[1 reply] : your code in psuedo code... print the prompt get the key update x,y... (by Jaybob66)
icon background
I have created a static control with a gradient fill using BS_OWNERDRAW and this is what i want. However, I am trying to draw a transparent icon on top of this...
[1 reply] : You can convert your icon to a bitmap and use TransparentBlt function ... (by Thomas1965)
MFC beginner - generated functions in header file?
I need a simple Windows app with just a few buttons. I decided to go with MFC and started with this tutorial
[4 replies] Last: If you want to learn the foundations of windows programming, I would s... (by closed account z05DSL3A)
I am looking for C++ code for FOWSR. (Fine Offset Weather Station Reader) I have found some code, but it's for Python and I have no experience with Python, jus...
[1 reply] : maybe you ask mrs. google the wrong questions...^^ I get answers: htt... (by closed account 48bpfSEw)
Toolbar buttons
Hi, How can I remove the border from around the buttons in a toolbar control ? Thanks FC.
[1 reply] : Some WinControls has an event (OwnerDraw) which gives you the full con... (by closed account 48bpfSEw)
foreach loop help C++ CLR
Hello, how this loop not stop immediatelly but after return i see next 5 results? void SearchTree(String^ path) { static bool found; String^ dirName;...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks guys, it works both, now im using cire's code. I try with retur... (by BAILANDO)
winsock recv not working...
Hi! I have a windows client/server pair that are supposed to chat with each other using buffers. The client connects fine to the server, and the server sends th...
[3 replies] Last: That d way it work. (by oshoke)
Backgroundworker in CLR C++ Console App
Hello, how can i reportprogress in background worker in console app? Thanks a lot :) #include "stdafx.h" using namespace System; using namespace System:...
[1 reply] : I have never used it in a console app but it should work the same way ... (by Thomas1965)
i need some advices abou found errors\bugs and leaks
i'm testing my program, on GDIViewer i don't find anything. on Task Manager i see the GDI column count growing. on my opinion it's some GDI object that isn't de...
[5 replies] Last: i was creating on another place without notice. i can't create a solid... (by Cambalinho)
Rename Reference assembly name in VS 2015
Hello, it's possible to rename assembly dll in my project C++/CLI .NET? For exampel i don't want this name 'ChilkatDotNet45.dll" but i want 'Chilkat.dll', how c...
[2 replies] Last: i try this but when i start program, then i see error <originalname>.d... (by BAILANDO)
Compiling with .NET 3.5 error
Hello, i have VS 2015 and i want compile app with .net 3.5 and when i run app, i get this error (after press button). An unhandled exception of type 'System....
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June 2016 Pages: 1234
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