Windows Programming - March 2017 (Page 2)

by qtsoft
Convert 8 bytes timestam to readable Date and Time
I'm not sure where to post this, but here goes: I'm trying to understand how a binary file (.olk Outlook office 2016 for MAC) works. I'm using a hex edito...
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Visual Studio Template Files
Hi everyone, last time I've used Visual Studio (I think Community 2015) I was able to export template projects including all the source code files. But since...
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Trackbar resets
I got this problem with a trackbar in winapi, as soon as I click off the trackbar, it resets back to 0. Here's my WM_HSCROLL message code. What am I doing wrong...
[2 replies] Last: I made this function and used it to instantiate the trackbar: HWND C... (by Golden Lizard)
Credit Card Validation
stuck here. Luhn Formula. can't get code to work for first multiplying each individual odd term by 2 then summing them (also take 10 away if the multiplied valu...
[1 reply] : I've taken a look at your code and it's pretty confused. My concerns ... (by kbw)
by zxcvbn
Programming an LPC2148 in OSX
Right now I'm using HyperLoad to program an LPC2148( through USB. HyperLoad is a windows program and I...
[no replies]
Draw a line on screen
Hey guys, I was wondering if it is possible to draw a line on screeen. I want to make a c++ program that would draw a line on my screen. Nothing with graphics...
[8 replies] Last: I thought you just needed to draw a line above that window. Mouse-clic... (by newbieg)
Separating data within buffer
Solved the issue, thank you.
[1 reply] : Managed to solve my own issue, thank you. (by closed account 1Afj1hU5)
by Atton
I've been trying to use MPG123 to convert mp3 data to pcm. I've seen solution's related to this right here on stack overflow. However there is one major issue I...
[1 reply] : Hi Atton, Haven't really examined your code closely, but I have a fun... (by xismn)
Simple program using conio.h not working
Main program: char key = '0'; while(key != 'x') { cout << key; key = _getchar(); } Whenever I run this code, key comes up as some question mark inside ...
[1 reply] : I think you mean _getch() or getchar() (without underscore). Also,... (by Golden Lizard)
Interview Questions for WinApi
I want to apply for this entry position as a C++/WinApi/MFC software developer. What are some common questions that they ask in interviews about WinApi? I googl...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you for your advice. What I'm worried about is that I will have ... (by Golden Lizard)
How to reference a file added within project?
Hello, I'm testing a c++ project which has a .sys file i added to the project and want it to stay within the project when compiled and not external file , I...
[no replies]
lrint equivalent command
hi everyone, i am transfering a code on Linux to visual studio 10 and there is a command which is notĀ“defined in vs10 and it is lrint. is there any equival...
[1 reply] : As long as you are using a C++11 (or later) compiler all you need to d... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
No toolbox
I just started using windows C++ in visual studio, and there is nothing in the toolbox that I can use. How do I populate the toolbox with usable tools?
[1 reply] : There is nothing you can use from the toolbox. The toolbox is for .NET... (by Thomas1965)
Hello guys I want to solve the IV curve of semiconductor device by using c++. Is here anybody working in same field?
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by iggy23
manager game NEED HELP :)
Hey guys:) I'm thinking about to make a basketball manager game... Is C++ god to use for it? :) Where should i start?:) Which commands should i use?...
[2 replies] Last: I think that c++ is great for developing games so it's a good choice (... (by benhart)
Segmentation fault error
Following is the main.cpp and infix.cpp (implementation file of my infix calculator). I have created an infix calculator using CMAKE utility so that's why there...
[2 replies] Last: Segmentation fault are the worst, I found a great helper for those. Ch... (by benhart)
can someone help me with this problem? I'm having a hard time with it.
class node { public: int data() { return data_field; } node* link() { return link_field; } private: int data_field; node* link_field }; Suppo...
[2 replies] Last: Sounds like classic case for using an iterator. Good luck. Ben. (by benhart)
C++ book edition 2
I was just wondering, what compiler/IDE do I use for this book?
[3 replies] Last: Yeah but the problem is that he uses header filed like #include "std_... (by jlb)
how can i play a midi file resource?
using midi functions, how can i play midi files and resource midi files?
[17 replies] Last: thanks for all (by Cambalinho)
by edikch
Creating new class for output html report using FMC
Hi! Help me. Don't output html report in window. Describe object: Created base class VIEW which inherited from class Cwnd. Created class VIEW_REPORT which...
[4 replies] Last: I have created several files CPP Begin Frame.h ______________________... (by edikch)
March 2017 Pages: 123
  Archived months: [feb2017] [apr2017]

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