Windows Programming - October 2018 (Page 2)

by rain
Is there better way to do this?
Hi! I want to tell if current process has window with title "Error". This is how I do it: BOOL CALLBACK enumWindowCallback(HWND hWnd, LPARAM lparam...
[1 reply] : LPARAM is just an integer. It should be directly assignment-compatible... (by Duthomhas)
Server Side socket connection closes after few minutes of inactivity
Hello, My server can handle multiple clients using TCP sockets. A worker thread listens and accepts new connections then add it to array SOCKET clientsocket Pr...
[8 replies] Last: Cool thanks for the help. I tested using various connections, and seem... (by sigmablack)
by markj
Change Window Text from a different app.
Hi. I want to temporarily change a program window title from a different app. If I do an enum windows, I can get the hWnd of any window.... If a user owns both...
[2 replies] Last: fewdiefie - SetWindowText worked wonderfully. Thanks a Lot. note: Us... (by markj)
DirectX 11 - Unexpected Token Identifier
Hi All, Edit: I managed to figure out the error. Didn't check the d3d11.lib spelling, I used ll instead of 11... I've been following a tutorial on getti...
[2 replies] Last: Did you copy paste the code, otherwise how did you type ll instead of ... (by fewdiefie)
WinMain Function cannot be overloaded
Hi there, I'm learning DirectX 11 at university, and we've been told to find a sample piece of code just to open a DirectX 11 window when the code is executed....
[5 replies] Last: int WINAPI WinMain( HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, L... (by fewdiefie)
DirectX11 Visual Studio 2017 Link Errors!
Hello all. I am very new to DirectX programming and am trying to learn the basics following the tutorial from Rastertek. Obviously, this is an outdated tutorial...
[8 replies] Last: Did you use #pragma comment( lib, "d3d11.lib" ) #pragma comment( li... (by fewdiefie)
Best software to learn C++ on windows?
<p style="text-align: center;"><strong>A sonic boom: will the fast-growing mobile electronics field resonate with traditional distributors and retailers?</stro...
[4 replies] Last: The best way to learn C++ is through reading books and I would recomme... (by fewdiefie)
Simplest Way to Draw Rectangle on JPG Image C++
Hi, new here. If i do something wrong when using forum and asking, please warn me about that. I'm using Visual Studio 2015 and development environment is C++...
[1 reply] : I'd suggest ImageMagick. (by mbozzi)
About programming softwares.
What programming software do you recommend to use in windows?
[5 replies] Last: If you're asking about making programs with GUI then Microsoft's Visua... (by ammar629)
help please
I am using Microsoft Visual Studios, Your program will be creating 10 library books. Each library book will have a title, author and publishing year. Each li...
[9 replies] Last: Also as lastchance said... struct Book { char bookTitle; char ... (by ammar629)
error 5: Access Denied Dev C++
I am able to compile and run cpp code in command line by using g++ but when using Dev C++, Code compilation is fine but while running the code "Error 5: Access ...
[no replies]
by Fadey
play sound through speakers when headphones are on?
I want to create a simple program what is able to play sound through speakers even when headphones are on. Is it doable? Any library what allows to do such...
[1 reply] : It depends entirely on your hardware. For example, my desktop motherb... (by helios)
October 2018 Pages: 12
  Archived months: [sep2018] [nov2018]

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