Windows Programming - September 2016 (Page 2)

How to change folder's date of creation?
How to change folder's date of creation?
[4 replies] Last: No problem, I figured out the similar way to do that. (by Pranciskus)
by COM314
DirectX Gamepad Input (1,2)
I decided to try making my own controller mapping utility because the ones I've been able to find haven't worked and I figured it would be nice to be able to ha...
[24 replies] Last: There should be some files with extensions '.llb' or '.a' that are com... (by Chirag Senapati)
by Gyiove
Simple graph library what allow to render time series graphs to windows in real time
Hello everyone, I'm searching the simplest and smallest library possible what just allows me to draw time series graph (lines), rendering it to a windows an...
[2 replies] Last: Oh, Sorry. I forgot all about this thread. So I found one amazing plo... (by Gyiove)
GDIPLUS::Image::Save(IStream*): why change the backcolor?
see how i can save a gif file: friend std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& lhs, image& rhs) { //Create an empty IStream: IStream* p...
[no replies]
C++/CLI BOoks/Resources
i would like to download a book on c++/CLI or otherwise have a good online tutorial on it. it will deal with all parts including network programming. i find it ...
[1 reply] : Here are some tutorials: Some books: ... (by Thomas1965)
by DS92
GoodMorning, I've a question about the RegCreateKey in Visual studio in windows 10. I try to create a new key registry. The code is compiled successfully, but n...
[7 replies] Last: thank you really much...I solved the problem imposing multibyte :) t... (by DS92)
C++/CLI Win Forms
My C/C++ skill are out dated and I have no Windows GUI/API experience. So I decided to give VS2015 Windows Forms a go. I worked through a couple online tutori...
[1 reply] : In WinForms application it is common practice to write all your code o... (by Thomas1965)
Win Forms - Open as a File or Stream
So with the OpenFileDialog component I can open the file as a File, or a Stream. For reading and parsing text files which is generally preferred?
[1 reply] : Actually the OpenFileDialog gives you only the filename(s). To open a ... (by Thomas1965)
Windows form error Visual Studio
I downloaded the newest version of Visual Studio, and I was creating a windows form. When I tried to open it, it gave me this error: Invalid class string (Ex...
[3 replies] Last: I created a demo project with VS 2013. Try if you can open and run it.... (by Thomas1965)
by Hex213
Why it repeats "start" command ?
Helper code: #inclu... DWORD conmain; ... void wait_helper(int second) { for(int x = 0; x < second; x++) { conmain = FindProcessId("Defender....
[5 replies] Last: Thanks. very helpful. (by ostadsho)
MinGW C++11 Issues
I'm trying out MinGW (MinGW32 from and there seems to be a strange issue when telling the compiler to use C++11. For example the following program: ...
[2 replies] Last: Hmm, you're probably right - that --build option does seem a bit weird... (by Norm Gunderson)
need help with inline assembly
Hello guys I hope you can help me on this one! Im having an issue when I want to push callm1 char callm1 ={'1','7','4','7','F','1','F','2','8','B','C', '...
[2 replies] Last: I wanted to push all of the integers into the stack divived as 32 bit ... (by SilentP)
by Hex213
As system user
Hi. I created "Troll" program and I need run it as system user. Exist anything in c++ code or can I run this program in .bat file as system user? It would b...
[no replies]
by Rydog
Nested if Loops and Resetting User Input
Hi, relatively new to C++, so if my code is absolute crap, it's probably just because of that. I'm trying to make a program to solve the Pythagorean Theorem fo...
[3 replies] Last: • You should never reset user input by clear all text on screen, it ... (by cute apple)
Unable to use WinAPI functions in CLR project
Hello! I am working on a Windows Forms application using CLR. Up to now, everything has gone great, but I am trying to set a pixel in the form with the standar...
[3 replies] Last: Can you post the code of the form? BTW. Why do you want to use the Wi... (by Thomas1965)
making windows gui applications
I have been learning c++ for quite a while and wanted to start making windows application/windows software and the first thing that came up in the search bar wa...
[7 replies] Last: Here's my tutorial... (by freddie1)
Write a class called Doctor. The Doctor class will have four data members: name (String), workingHours (int), yearsOfService (int), and salary (Double). Cre...
[1 reply] : Ok , i did it on paper only But I will do it on action soon (by programming02)
Getting Memory Dynamic address from pointer
Hello, im making one personal trainer for game, in cheat engine i found correct pointer which point still at correct dynamic value after restart. Problem is, ho...
[1 reply] : 0x151A7A8 + 0x1616728 ] : 0x239FD94C010 The underlined part is a poin... (by integralfx)
September 2016 Pages: 12
  Archived months: [aug2016] [oct2016]

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