Beginners - August 2015 (Page 25)

Functions to help beginners.
Here is some code to help beginners with functions. Post your questions on what you don't understand. Enjoy! #include <iostream> #include <string> #in...
[2 replies] Last: Good Point, just thought I would help. Some people learn from not only... (by closed account N7960pDG)
Question about Pointers
Quick question: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main () { int firstvalue = 5, secondvalue = 15; int * p1, * p2; p1 = &firstvalue; // ...
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> int main () { int firstvalue = 25 ; int ... (by JLBorges)
Bool statement not working, PLEASE HELP!! PROJECT DUE 8/5/15
Hey guys i need help on my project. So everything runs smoothly until the user inputs a different answer other than the ones asked for (the choices are a-i). S...
[10 replies] Last: Yeah the space bar was the problem.. THANKS SOO MUCH!!! (by kromansa)
Some simple database questions
Okay so let me start by saying I have a pretty decent c++ base and very advanced logic skills. So whatever help you will have to provide will probably be minima...
[1 reply] : If I was going to put something like that online I'd probably use acce... (by SamuelAdams)
Bool statement not working, PLEASE HELP!! PROJECT DUE 8/5/15
Hey guys i need help on my project. So everything runs smoothly until the user inputs a different answer other than the ones asked for (the choices are a-i). S...
[1 reply] : Please don't double p... (by Hippogriff)
Using Modulus operator?
I feel like I am making this problem way more complicated than it should be. All I'm trying to do is print out the numbers that are below 1000 that are divisibl...
[1 reply] : where do you check to see if it's divisible by 3 or 5 ? you also have... (by SamuelAdams)
STL sort() function and accumulate() function
Try to sort the student' scores data by student's name, after that, try to use accumulate() to find the average of the score I read the data from a csv file ...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks for your advises. I am totally a newer for C++ :) (by douglasmchen)
by DannyL
Arghh char help!
I am offering the player a yes or no decision and have coded it like this Char Decision; Char Positive ; Char Negative Char Both; Char Neither; Positive ...
[2 replies] Last: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { char deci... (by CodeWriter)
Decimal to binary conversion
I've recently started with c++ and wrote a program to convert decimal number into binary number. #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> temp==bin; void main(...
[2 replies] Last: You must be careful to separate the printout or string input of a numb... (by CodeWriter)
by sondsk
set<> with pointers
Hello. I have made my own class, called Person. It looks like this: class Person{ private: string name; set<Person *> friends; vector<string...
[3 replies] Last: Using pointers is necessary if you want a two-way relationship. perso... (by Peter87)
file input-output and virtual functions
Please, help with file output and input of objects. I have base class "firstbase", and its derivative "second". I try to output to file jbject of derivative cla...
[1 reply] : What is the expected output and what are you actually getting? You ha... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
It's not outputting what I want.
I'm working on a program called Grading Program that I found in the Article section on this forum. So I need to create a program that allows the user to enter t...
[11 replies] Last: Thanks again JLBorges it make sense now. I guess I need to review co... (by closed account yR9wb7Xj)
How to write objects to file...
Please, help me. I'm in serious trouble. I have the following class- class student { string name; int roll; double average; double grade; ...
[7 replies] Last: Thanks to all... It was helpful. Now I understand something. (by PSYCHAMERON)
by am71
Need Help Quick! Full Project
I'm pretty new to programming and I was given a task by a university prof. that I have no hope in completing by the deadline I was given (tomorrow at noon). My ...
[2 replies] Last: I'll give you a couple of pointers to know where to start: 1. Process... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
Program with vectors fails
The program just fails when I run the program could someone point me in the right direction please? I'm a beginner and self teaching myself from a book so I rea...
[3 replies] Last: > would bleep method work better? bleep = "bitch" ; won't work at... (by JLBorges)
Program using linked list crashes at runtime, no compile errors or warnings.
I need help with debugging a class I wrote to store a polynomial into a linked list. I can compile my code with no errors or warnings, but during runtime, my pr...
[5 replies] Last: Copy constructor line 19 in your copy contructor code doesn't look ... (by andywestken)
Prime number checker 0.1
I have only recently started programming in c++,so I got this idea for prime number checker. I don't know is it any good but it works(at least i think i works)...
[2 replies] Last: It is a very good start. Checking primes is actually a pretty involve... (by Duthomhas)
by Kairo
Novice Game Dev. Looking for excercises to write better code!
Hello, I'm an aspiring (and novice) game developer. Currently working on some basic games in Unity, with C#. But to be honest, C++ is what i want and will ha...
[no replies]
MinGW W64 NOT RECOGNIZING std::thread!
Hello. I recently updated my compiler to MinGW W64 version 5.1.0. I added -std=c++1y to the compiler configurations (I am using Code::Blocks). It seem...
[19 replies] Last: As already given you by JLBorges , you'll need TDM-GCC-w64. It is spe... (by Duthomhas)
socket status
How do I display the status(bound or unbound) of a socket in an array if sockets?
[3 replies] Last: You could try select() but again, the implementation on Windows (which... (by Computergeek01)
August 2015 Pages: 1... 232425262728
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