Beginners - December 2012 (Page 55)

Gotta add more to this, help!
Heres my code so far. I did everything that I was sure I knew what I was doing up to this point but here are the things I dont know how to do: - When the use...
[2 replies] Last: Put this on line 25 cout << "Average = " << (g1+g2+g... (by SamuelAdams)
by khatri
read ascii file (
My ASCII file contains three columns: (It is output of some high energy physics simulation.) 1st column: row number(event number)is always in a pair of two i.e...
[no replies]
Convert "0.8660254" to "sqrt(3)/2"
Does anyone know how to convert an irrational number, such as "0,866025403784439" to its fractional representation, such as "sqrt(3)/2"? I know it's impossib...
[5 replies] Last: (by Darkmaster)
c++ recursion
#include<iostream> const int Len=66; const int Divs=6; void subdivide(char ar ,int low ,int high,int level); int main() { char ruler ; int i; for(i=1...
[1 reply] : works (by Darkmaster)
by Tod85
Infinite loop + factorial
Hi Guys, I have a task that I need a hand with as it seems I am not getting it the way I want it to work. Basically the task is to do a C++ code that does...
[5 replies] Last: the includes are always on top since you first need to include librari... (by Darkmaster)
by sharma
Implement Sliding Window Protocol : URGENT
I need the code to implement selective repeat sliding window data link layer protocol in c++ as soon as possible.
[1 reply] : You better get to work then. We're not going to write it for you. (by AbstractionAnon)
Using C++ in Excel
Hi, I'm new to c++ forum and to c++. I'll try to be as clear as possible. What I'm trying to do: (1) Make C++ read a CSV file to set some variable. (2) ...
[no replies]
My arrays are showing errors
My teacher gave us a program in visual basic and I've decided to convert it into C++ as practice. I've converted as best i can, not changing the way that she di...
[2 replies] Last: At array starts at zero and ends at size-1 (i.e. array to array[size-... (by Moschops)
[3 replies] Last: What is the full output of the error? It will give us some clues as to... (by TheIdeasMan)
Multiple Condition Do While Loops
Sorry for the long code but was wondering if anyone could help me with the do - while loop with multiple conditions. Basically i want the loop to end when playe...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks. Amatuer mistake (by MewEight)
nesting for loops
I am new to programming. Why will my y variable not increment inside the inner loop? i was expecting 10(y) to be divided 1 thru 10(x)then decrease y by 1 and x ...
[4 replies] Last: Were you replying to me or deviants? (by TheIdeasMan)
Overlap characters
is it possible to overlap keyboard characters? for example if i had a map for a game like this ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## #####...
[no replies]
Why isn't it working?
This is for my school project . Please tell me why it won't work. I want to write the class objects to a file called STUD-DBMS. //--------------------...
[5 replies] Last: I thank you from the bottom of my heart :D You've helped me so much. T... (by Novice Coder Alpha)
Hmm..cant get to work!
Can't get this to compile, any ideas? #include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> using namespace std; class student { private...
[1 reply] : in your code: line 18 and 27 #include <iostream> #include <stdio.h... (by Darkmaster)
Signals and slots in QT
Hi I just started using QT but I have much problem with signals and slots. It seams quite easy but I can't grasp it for quite a time.. I've build such a testi...
[1 reply] : connect(name,SIGNAL(send(QString)),surname,SLOT(recive(QString))); ... (by guestgulkan)
Would learning a lower level language and coming back to C++ help me understand it and help me learn it better?
I started C++ about 2 weeks ago, and it had been going great and I had been getting a lot of the concepts down and blasting through the basics. Then as I got in...
[3 replies] Last: i learned delphi in highschool, with a book called "delphi for kids" i... (by Darkmaster)
Reading a File and Manipulating Data
I have an assignment due tomorrow at midnight so I have 24 hours to finish this. Assignment: First, you should use Notepad (or any other text editor) to cr...
[13 replies] Last: Thank you so much! You rock! (by Blixamarkham)
Double precision
I have to store quite a precise double and writing std::cout << std::numeric_limits<double>::digits10 << std::endl; I learned that the precision of a double i...
[8 replies] Last: Ok guys thank you everyone for your help but I found out that there wa... (by fpiro07)
Ragged Array and Pointers
1. Prompt for user ID, station, and lab. 2. Fixed array ; SIZE = 4. 3. Each array points to dynamic array So do i have the user determine the array size wi...
[no replies]
Two dimensional array to list n cities' names?
Sample screen input/output: -How many cities do you want to enter? >>5 -Please enter the names of the 5 cities: >>New York >>Chicago >>Washington DC ...
[no replies]
December 2012 Pages: 1... 5354555657... 65
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