Beginners - December 2012 (Page 65)

two dimensional array reading from textfile
my program is supposed to read 16 numbers from a file and input them into a two dimensional array. I then have to print a name then four of these numbers, end t...
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Bubble Sort
[2 replies] Last: I'm gonna make this poster disappear... click... he's gone... Cultu... (by Catfish3)
Moving Characters with keyboard arrows
How do I move characters with keyboard arrows? I don't know how to use kbhit() if it's needed. I'm just wanting to create a game by using arrows. Thanks i...
[5 replies] Last: Obviously I forgot to post later on thursday but here's a primitive wa... (by TheBeardedQuack)
December 2012 Pages: 1... 636465
  Archived months: [nov2012] [jan2013]

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