Beginners - December 2013 (Page 60)

Reading Data from a File
Edit: I have discovered that the errors I receive after the program reads my file are because it is trying to output data that is not there since the file does ...
[3 replies] Last: The int variable n from before the while loop int n = 0; can repres... (by tisnman)
binary tree node counter
Hello, i'm very new to this and i'm sorry if this is formatted incorrectly. Anyway, I am trying to add a function to an already built code, that counts the nod...
[2 replies] Last: Line 21: change friend size_type size_aux(node* rootptr); to friend... (by heebleworp)
Sieve of Erastosthenes
This was a previous homework assignment, the assignment was you have to change 1 line and 1 line only to fix the program. Could anyone help me find that line, i...
[4 replies] Last: whenever I figure out things that are way easier then I'm making them ... (by Joshcannon)
Median of arrays
Hi there, I'm working on this assignment that requires the user to enter up to 15 "test grades" in an array and find the min, max, median, and average of the en...
[no replies]
tic-tac-toe trouble!
tic-tac-toe trouble! I was really hesitant on posting this wall of code, but i think that you need to be able to see the big do I get it so that the...
[no replies]
by BrianA
Short question abous strings and numbers
Hello I have txt file Hello, my name is Brian. I like to tra00123456789vel my phone number is 65254875245652 ok, tha156845ts not my tr5632e number And I nee...
[11 replies] Last: Hi, I'll just put up another example, based on my interpretation of w... (by tipaye)
Number of Capital Letters
I need to write a value-returning function whose argument is a string and returns the number of capital letters in the string. So far I think the structure of t...
[2 replies] Last: I got it. (by vishivish01)
Linked list needing assistance on understanding the code
Hi, I'm trying to understand what the pointers are doing in this linked list. Basically I don't understand the code itself, the concept I do but a thorough expl...
[no replies]
by Ch1156
Calculator Help
Ok so im writing a calculator and im working on a function that calculates the mean, and it seems to be off and im not sure why, i entered 23 45 32 78 A...
[4 replies] Last: Nevermind i figured it out (by Ch1156)
Error on string subsript range???
Error String subscript out of range of line 24.Don't know what exactly the error is. storeletterscore should be a number value of zero. Meanwhile, when zero is ...
[2 replies] Last: Oh crap :( please tell me I can use an if statement :( or some thing l... (by fahmankhan75)
Invalid code?
Hi, this is a really basic code that asks users to input two numbers (whole and then later fractional) and performs some basic calculations. The issue lies i...
[no replies]
by Xesna
Movie Data
What am I doing wrong? I know it has to deal some where in the class and the void MovieData function. Is it 'cause I haven't declared the type of data it'll...
[6 replies] Last: EDIT: The tutorials are just as vague as the book itself since it isn'... (by Xesna)
by Chubby
Array Problem
I am trying to find the max of array and the index. the code below: when i try to run it. it show me nothing. how can i fix it? #include <iostream> ...
[1 reply] : 1. You do use the array uninitialized, so you are looking at undefined... (by keskiverto)
by sky3
Sorting function repeating numbers?
MY SortArray function is sorting my numbers but repeating some of them twice, for example : 59 59, 60 60, etc. i cant seem to find the error #include <i...
[1 reply] : anyone? :( (by sky3)
Student Programmer needs help with function
I am working on a price markup program using function and I keep getting these errors: 1.0Error 1 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "int __cdecl calcu...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you both! (by kmartar)
Reading from files please help!
Hi, Basically I have a file that has numbers in and i need them to be read into my code ( which i thought i had done correctly) but it doesnt seem to be happeni...
[no replies]
Rotating arrays
I'm trying to figure out on how to rotate arrays. I got information from a file and put it into an array. Now I'm trying to figure out how to rotate the array t...
[4 replies] Last: The rotation can be accomplished by swapping array values and using a ... (by heebleworp)
by Rahmat
please help me .....
hi, why after debugging program windows says: "Run-Time Check Failure #2 - Stack around the variable 'SD' was corrupted." "break or continue" I put h...
[1 reply] : That error usually means you are stepping outside of array bounds. An... (by Disch)
by thepox
reading data from a file
Assignment: In this assignment, you will write a program that will allow for all Caesar Ciphers, using all rotation values (13 being an example above, from...
[2 replies] Last: 11 (by thepox)
by aamna
Declaring charater Strings
Hi i am new in C++. i am having problem in declaring character strings in turbo 3.0. I have included string. but it is not recognizing string as a type. My hea...
[2 replies] Last: or using namespace std; way at top (by tisnman)
December 2013 Pages: 1... 5859606162... 69
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