Beginners - July 2016 (Page 28)

by ratfus
Program Analysis
I was just seeing what you guys thought of my program; it returns an ordered list and some statistical information. I included it below. #include <iostream...
[3 replies] Last: yes instead you may use size_t (by shadder)
Table isn't showing right.
When an object is falling because of gravity, the following formula can be used to determine the distance the object falls in a specific time period. D = ½ gt...
[10 replies] Last: I fixed it, actually. I removed the semicolon at the end of ++seconds. (by FBHSIE)
Even/odd counter question
Write a program that accepts integers from the user and tells how many of the numbers entered were odd and how many were even. The program should stop asking fo...
[2 replies] Last: Ohhhh. I am bad. They should before the loop. Thanks! (by Austinomical)
by the q
Help with N-Ary Tree
Hello, My assignment is to create a Tree that takes cin input and builds a n-ary tree with the following struct. struct TreeNode { int idNumb...
[no replies]
Instantiating objects in a game loop create overhead? Noob question.
If I instantiate an object in a game loop, for example: while(true) { UI ui; // Just an example ui.DomeSomething(); } ...and UI h...
[10 replies] Last: I hear you. Hopefully we'll both get there (and beyond) soon. It's go... (by hashbrown)
Need help with beginner exercises.
I'm doing the beginner exercises found here: I'm specifically doing Pancake Glutton. I've taken two C++ classes ...
[3 replies] Last: Alright, thanks for the help! (by fukonashi)
Classes help, why does this work?
I'm learning about classes, and public & private. Why does this code work? We are using the string "test" in public before we actually declare it in private, a ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank for for explaining in detail more about classes. I guess my 2 qu... (by volTron)
How do I fix this error? It starts with 2.
It's supposed to start at one when the program is ran. I fixed my indentation and I know I didn't use reference values correctly, but I'm not sure how to fi...
[14 replies] Last: @FBHSIE, You are following your instructor's rules, and that is what ... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
Visual Studio
is it safe to delete InstallShield Installation Information file; I would like to download Visual Studio to do basic C and C++ programs; do I need to have Micro...
[1 reply] : I personally would recommend you download the entire ISO file instead ... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
by mmgh
Hello, I am trying to use the libxml library to read and write an XML file in a C++ program. I included these two in the .cpp file. #include <libxml/...
[no replies]
by fox102
Code error
hey everyone i need some help on this code. Getting errors in the assignment6.cpp part of the code. i will post the directions i have to go by below and then th...
[7 replies] Last: glad we could help :D (by CoffeePoweredComputers)
Dont Work The numbers
Hello again, I dont know how to: I put a sentence: *Calculate the lenght of it* Get the first letter I dont know how to: if i have 17 letters, how to go...
[3 replies] Last: Solved in another way, i forget to put something, thanks anyways. (by CosminPerRam)
Is making a game using GLFW library enough to say you made it with OpenGL?
Sorry if the title is a bit confusing, I'm a bit confused myself. In the past I have used SDL, and SDL2 which uses OpenGL(when specified). I've set a rather tou...
[1 reply] : A fair number of independent games developers who want their games to ... (by Albatross)
How to do a loop how many times want the user
How to do a loop from a cin number? Thanks in advance! I use Code::Blocks 16.02 //Example int n; cin >> n; //Entering 7 loop(7 times) { //code } ...
[4 replies] Last: +Chipp93 +Kemort Sorry, i fixed the problem, i just forget how to do ... (by CosminPerRam)
by Wwx95
linked list
Can anyone help to explain how is the class Solution compile? I tried to understand as below: First judge if head is null,for the first time call this functio...
[2 replies] Last: Sorry,the information are below. Insert function should return a refer... (by Wwx95)
Error useing a string in more files
Hello there, i have soem problems with my code and i dont know how to fix it, you can help me? Thanks in advance. There's the problem: main.cpp: #include ...
[14 replies] Last: I fixed my problem, thanks so much! (by CosminPerRam)
How to detect how many letters?
Hello forum, how to detect how many letters has an text? (with spaces) Example: random text 11 letters How to do it in c++? Thanks in advance! I use C...
[16 replies] Last: welcome :) (by shadder)
Corrections (1st assignment)?
I did my assignment and lost four points. This is what my professor said. // -1 indenting – condtionalAndLoopCalcuiations(), WHOLE while() LOOP NOT INDENTED...
[18 replies] Last: #include <iostream> void condtionalAndLoopCalcuiationsDespiteTheTypo... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
hangman help
Hey so I've been fighting with this for a few days now. I'm trying to create a simple hangman game. The problem I'm having is understanding how to use the str::...
[6 replies] Last: I've tried small and capital. And okay, I'll play around with making '... (by dimensiondoesgaming)
Creating C++ game: Inventory System
Me again! So I want to make an inventory. I'm going to make a vector for that, but my objects are of different classes //don't want to do vector <Misc...
[1 reply] : Inheritance. (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
July 2016 Pages: 1... 2627282930
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