Beginners - March 2014 (Page 4)

Calculations from Textfile
I have a text file that contains values as follows: 2013 05 27 15 52 02.049824 231.401 0.022 49.738 2013 05 27 15 52 02.668822 229.814 0.019 49.738 2013 05 2...
[no replies]
Filling an Array
Hi I'm trying to fill out an array from 0 to 90 in increments of 5, however once I get to 45, the next number is a large random number and the program termin...
[7 replies] Last: Okay thank you (by JasonMcG)
Need help with a code
I am 14 years of age and have an interest in programming. I started this code to have a friendly game with my family for some laughs. Anyways, I started out pre...
[4 replies] Last: I'll try it out, thanks for the help . (by Briggs22)
Visual Basic Program
Declare a 20-element, one-dimensional integer array named intScores. Assign the following 20 numbers to the array: 88, 72, 99, 20, 66, 95, 99, 100, 72, 88, 78, ...
[2 replies] Last: it ended up working with if intScore = strNumber Thanks for the help... (by goblue83191)
Loop Error
I posted this a little bit ago and made some changes but am stuck on two errors now that i cant figure out. Error 2 error C1075: end of file found before the...
[3 replies] Last: I don't see that you're incrementing the divercounter anywhere, so it'... (by wildblue)
by rs2991
Looking for help with header files
All i am getting is undefined reference. I dont know if i am using header files the wrong way or not. Well all the function are coming up as undefined referenc...
[6 replies] Last: did you figure out your problem with your code? I think I am in your c... (by justjen2311)
Need help with arrays
Hello, I'm trying to write this program using arrays that will take in names and grades and compute statistics on them. I am stuck on trying to get the code to ...
[2 replies] Last: Ah, I see it now. Thanks a lot. Also the 8 times was because there we... (by jrose86)
by ma72
Unexpected output explanation
void main() { fflush(stdout); int n ; cout <<"enter the number of values u want"; cin>>n; int* list = new int ; cout<<endl<<"enter the list"<<...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks! (by ma72)
My Snake Game
This is my snake game. I made it about three months ago. #include<iostream> #include<Windows.h> #include<string> #include<conio.h> #include<fstream> ...
[1 reply] : Good one but a bit hard on the eyes because of those flashing ;). BTW,... (by Stormboy)
IDK why but am having a hard time getting these loops or understanding this assignment wanted to see if someone could possibly give me some direction. I am usin...
[8 replies] Last: just a little more research and thought process i think i might have f... (by jdavis3210)
Menu Driven Program - Need help finishing
Hey guys, I can't wrap my head around these 5 functions and statement to call the function. I've written comments on the areas I cant figure out and what the fu...
[1 reply] : anyone have any ideas? (by andrelyn)
brand new c++ user arrays
hi can anyone help me with the implementation of is_not_duplicate please? need to enter numbers in an array, and as the array is read print it, as long as it is...
[no replies]
Factorial Output
Hi I have the following code below that works. I however want the output to look different. How do i make the output look like so: If the user enters the numb...
[4 replies] Last: Oh okay I understand now. Thanks a lot! appreciate it! (by JasonMcG)
Slow run speed for code, randomizing array
Hello! I'm trying to finish an exercise where the goal is to emulate a deck of cards. I've created a class card, here: class card { public: ...
[9 replies] Last: thanks! (by geniusberry)
Tic-Tac-Toe Help
Hey, I'm sorry if I say anything "wrong", I'm new here, but on to my question. I am trying to learn C++, and I thought that making a tic tac toe game would b...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you so much AbstractionAnon, it all works now! (by zackwebs)
Program Outputting Incorrect Values
Hello all, I'm trying to get through an assignment for class and I'm a little lost on the two parts. The homework assignment is asking us to determine pay incr...
[2 replies] Last: long, thanks for replying. I ran into a roadblock. I got the functio... (by ATAndTruong)
array duplicates new c++ user
hi, i need to create a 1D array of numbers and print them as they are entered, however the number should only be printed if it is not a duplicate already in the...
[1 reply] : You have the basic idea to put the numbers in an array, but there is a... (by AbstractionAnon)
Codeblock Logical Error
I have written this simple program (codeblocks), look at the results I get in the console: #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <ctime> us...
[no replies]
Calculator in C++
Hey I'm trying to make a basic calculator in C++ and it doesn't seem to be working... (I'm using devcpp) My code is below, if you can help me please do. #inc...
[6 replies] Last: When you're in edit mode for a post, there's a table of format tags o... (by wildblue)
Help with keyboard use on c++
I'm making a c++ puzzle game recreation, something like sudoku, but instead of having to write down the x and y coordenates, i would like to select the squares ...
[no replies]
March 2014 Pages: 123456... 79
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