Beginners - November 2014 (Page 5)

by wolfv
concat two chars into a string?
How to concat two chars into a string? #include <iostream> int main() { std::string myString; //output myString = '2'; std::cout << "my...
[3 replies] Last: Excellent work mate, glad you could figure it out. Just remember that ... (by megatron 0)
Quick Question
I have made a little snippet of what my project is essentially based on - except much bigger. I am having a hard to grasping this particular concept. I need to ...
[1 reply] : class Car : public Vehicle { virtual void print(); Wheel tire... (by MiiNiPaa)
by Ganado
Instantiating an object with many functions
Hopefully simple question: When an object is instantiated that inherits from a base class with virtual functions, does the existence of those functions make it ...
[2 replies] Last: I see, thanks. (by Ganado)
Real World Problems
Can anyone give me an example of a real world problem for C++, I dont want the solution, just the problem. By real world I mean something a C++ programmer would...
[2 replies] Last: Some examples that come to my head when I hear "Real world problems". ... (by megatron 0)
Help! Weird concept - having trouble
Hey Everyone, first time posting, long time reader. I'm attempting to challenge myself and create a program for my own practice in c++ which would have a Vehi...
[no replies]
Determining the lowest number of a C-string
This program should display the sum, the highest and the lowest numbers of the entered C-string. I have no problem finding both the sum and the highest but I ca...
[11 replies] Last: welcome (by shadowCODE)
Help installing Code::Blocks
I recently, finally replaced my 10 year old winXP pc! I think that win8.1 is fine. I don't get the fuss bout it. Really looking forward to learning new thing...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks everyone. JLBorges, I followed your directions carefully and it... (by closed account D80DSL3A)
by Scizor
Replacing a letter with string find
Hello there! So I'm having a hard time replacing a character in a masked word based on the results of a string find function. The user guesses a letter, I deter...
[3 replies] Last: Try something like this. #include <iostream> #include <ctime> #includ... (by shadowCODE)
I cant run my programs
I cant run any of my programs because they instantly stop working, I am working with eclipse luna, any help is very much appreciated. When i click on run, ev...
[no replies]
Why does my program crash everytime i try to call this function?
Every time i try to call a function from a derived class the program keeps crashing. The function is first declared as a pure virtual function, but then it is d...
[4 replies] Last: Nevermind, I fixed the problem. It turned out I was supposed to define... (by SomeAmazingGuy)
C++ for Tic Tac Toe, Programming Trouble
very new to this so bear with me, but the code runs the cpu move fine and after you input a move for the human it just closes out, any input would be much appre...
[2 replies] Last: OK I see my main function was all kinda of crazy so I am attempting to... (by rush088)
Tokenize a Kafka Message
Hi Guys, I am writing a code that get a message from the Kafka Queue and I would like tokenizer this message to after apply a word counter. Any idea? My code...
[no replies]
by Danny7
determine if the input integer is a multiple of 5 use a modulus
hi i am having a hard time with this program. i need to determine if the integer the user enters is a multiple of 5 or not with a modulus. this is what i got so...
[5 replies] Last: Thank you very much! (by Danny7)
What's Wrong with My Simple Function Template?
I'm creating a function template for a function "total" that keeps a running total of values entered. It takes two arguments, the number of lines of data it is ...
[16 replies] Last: Nice! That did the trick. You guys are awesome! Thanks for walking me ... (by danpants)
by juaok
What does const& mean?
Basically, what does it mean to have for example this: void somefunction(const int &value) { //code here } I know what const is and I know what the refere...
[13 replies] Last: Mandatory links: (by MiiNiPaa)
Problem with iterators and maps
So i'm trying to read in some x/y. co-ordinates from a txt file and than assign them to enemies so that i can later use this function in a factory method. i'...
[3 replies] Last: god feel so dumb its always something so small with my programs Don'... (by dhayden)
by Ganado
Function pointer from a class function
I was trying to find a good way to associate curves/paths with objects, and I ran into function pointers which seem to be exactly what I want. #include <cmat...
[6 replies] Last: Alright, makes sense. Once I did more tests it seems the difference ac... (by Ganado)
Need help with trigonometry calculate.
Hi I am new to C++ and have to right a trigonometry calculate to work out the angles, area and length of the sides of a triangle, from information given by a us...
[1 reply] : What sample output will you be expecting. Give input and output. (by shadowCODE)
Swap and Array
this code will return output 2 3 4 5 1, i'd like to make the output is 5 1 2 3 4, can comeone help me, please? #include <iostream> #include <algorithm>...
[9 replies] Last: Replace you swap in line 18 with swap(data ,data ); ... (by shadowCODE)
by BB2921
For statement not working
I have to write an elevator simulation for an assignment using classes and what not and I'm having a bit of trouble. I've narrowed it down to my "for" statement...
[1 reply] : Look at the condition in your loop. Explain its logic. (by keskiverto)
November 2014 Pages: 1... 34567... 65
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