Beginners - November 2014 (Page 63)

entime is going into negatives. help please
i wrote some code to generate jobs at intervals of 5,10,25,30 seconds the jobs 5,10,25 can be arrival times of + / - 1 and the arrive time of 30 is + / - 5. the...
[1 reply] : In your for loop you are updating "endtime." Since you keep subtractin... (by danghotties)
Hollow rectangle shape
Hey all so I got my code written for a hollow rectangle but its not exactly giving me the correct width and height I input. Any ideas? for(int a=0; a<Heig...
[2 replies] Last: Make a function that draws a rectangle void drawrect (int height, i... (by closed account SECMoG1T)
still have no idea how to call function
working on my project which reading the file to get weight and height and do max and min and average my teach required to use call function when I set the imple...
[5 replies] Last: Only initialize your variables if you're not going to immediately us... (by TheIdeasMan)
find average of numbers generated by for loop
Hi so I have to output all numbers between 2 numbers a user inputs. I used a for loop to do so but now I need to figure out how to use those numbers from the fo...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks for the help man, I finally got it figured out //calculate ... (by MrBond90)
hey having trouble understanding wha the program does
i know that the password can't be less the 13 but is the username in asII form i don' get the point if the first few if Thanks int main(int argc, cha...
[1 reply] : There if (v1 == 0) in ascii 0 is null character and inside c string... (by LendraDwi)
Trouble with if statement within a switch case.
I am trying to write a looping switch case. You have four separate payroll options, each with their own steps. Once you are done with one person's payroll the p...
[4 replies] Last: I was just wondering if there was a way to make just one set precision... (by daniel66)
New Help Moving out of Main using Functions
Hi everyone, I'm only one month into learning c++ and need some assistance. Main point: I need to move as much as I can out of main and utilize functions. ...
[12 replies] Last: Thank you everyone for your help. I got this up and running finally..... (by dontmakeascene320)
I/O GPA Calculator -- Need Help Promptly Please
This is a previously posted Topic, no one would reply, so please excuse my repetitive post. Here is the original post. Please help me. This program is due tonig...
[1 reply] : It seems to me that you close the file before you process it. You need... (by ats15)
by Masada
Copy constructor and Operator overloading
I don't really understand how to implement these functions. I have everything else working but these. Here are the instructions for this project: Implement t...
[no replies]
Why is my code only putting out the last function?
Hi, my code is supposed to read data from a text file and make it into a linked list. There are 6 different choices that are chosen by the corresponding value r...
[11 replies] Last: All right, i'll try spacing out those and see if that fixes it (by PATBALM)
while loop help
Hey I'm having trouble with figuring out while loops for my homework. I suppose to prompt a user for a number for height between 3 and 10 (inclusive), and a num...
[4 replies] Last: Hey thanks man that works pretty well. Gonna work on it some more matc... (by MrBond90)
Game replays and wont quit!
Hi! For a class that I am taking we are supposed to make a guessing game that creates a random number between 1 and 1000 and we have to guess it. I have used al...
[8 replies] Last: Now that I look more closely it looks like the OP wanted to check for ... (by kevinkjt2000)
how do I call my function?
My project has requirement for building implementation function there is one function called void function(float *a, a_count) I think a is a array and how to ...
[1 reply] : function( h, i ); (by Esslercuffi)
Memory allocation
Hello i am currently learning about the heap memory or the free store, and was wondering in what situations do you need use dynamic allocation? I understand wha...
[11 replies] Last: Thanks, makes more sense now, i'm gonna bookmark this page. ^^ (by srscode)
if i remove void from a function will it still work?
[4 replies] Last: You need to include void in a declaration & definition, but not when y... (by srscode)
Run-Time Check Failure #2 - Stack around the variable 'nJ' was corrupted
please help me.. whenever i run the program,it always shows "Run-Time Check Failure #2 - Stack around the variable 'nJ' was corrupted" i had no ideas why th...
[3 replies] Last: thank you very much MiiNiPaa!! it's work!! Great!! (by sarah01)
by drax
elements in vector
I need help with iteration of vector. How can I erase element from the vector if there is already the same element in that vector? Any help would be much a...
[15 replies] Last: Code Block is not a compiler, it is an IDE. The compiler included in ... (by keskiverto)
Overload operator[] function trouble
Hi i am having trouble writing this function: int& ArrayVector::operator (int index) It must do the following Return reference to index-th element of th...
[no replies]
Program Help. Constructors, String, Linked List
Help with voidPrint()
[15 replies] Last: add2last () // is a function you seem to have defined You add a singl... (by closed account SECMoG1T)
Not getting my expected output
I'm not getting my expected output and have no idea where to begin with fixing the code. When I compile and run the code it outputs: Area of the rectangle is: ...
[4 replies] Last: Just an example how you can use inheritance properly (Uses C++14): #i... (by MiiNiPaa)
November 2014 Pages: 1... 6162636465
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