Beginners - November 2014 (Page 64)

Issues Overloading Operators
I have been struggling with a problem that asks me to convert a day of the year (1-365) to the corresponding month and day of that month (ie 1 = January 1, 365 ...
[5 replies] Last: Increment and decrement are working like they should. Line 2 day = 5 ... (by mobotus)
Sum of All Pos Integers from A to B
Write a program to print the sum of all positive integers from a up to (and including) b where a and b are entered by the user. I can't seem to get ...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks Esslercuffi! (by supernoobjake)
mytxt.dat, mytxt.bin
I pretty much know of text files and use them oftenly, my question is based on a file I just came accross but I don't know of it mytxt.dat. what format is used ...
[7 replies] Last: Thank you very much for that n your time too, I appreciate (by closed account SECMoG1T)
by rich1
Spam filter
Hello guys. Assume you are creating spam filter. You are given some training emails (text files, each known to be spam or ham), so you can "teach" your SF ...
[no replies]
by hanest
output data to txt file
I am using the trapezium rule to approximate an integral, i want to output the data to a txt file so i can plot it elsewhere can anyone help me with this? ...
[2 replies] Last: thanks a lot (by hanest)
C verify input
Hello, Need to make it so that if a RATIONAL number is entered it returns 1 and if a letter/nothing is entered it returns 0. Before, I used "int" and %d and t...
[1 reply] : Thought % f was for float type. Aceix. (by Aceix)
by amna03
new in programming
can anyone help me this question? 2- Write a program that populates an integer array of size 50 with the following sequences: a. 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, … b. ...
[1 reply] : it helps. Aceix. (by Aceix)
by vxk
different result for allocated uninitialized int*
The following 2 different codes are giving different results even though the result has nothing to do with the deleted code. #include <iostream> #include <ar...
[6 replies] Last: Yes, except for: std::vector<int> v2(); // empty vector declares f... (by JLBorges)
read nuknow row file in to array
what is the syntax of reading one column unknown rows numbers and make into array???
[1 reply] : you cannot (directly) dynamically allocate an array at run time. The s... (by Esslercuffi)
Stuck in loop when value over int is entered
When any value over int is entered (including letters and decimal numbers) the program gets stuck in a loop. How can I fix this? Thanks
[3 replies] Last: Fixed it with this code thanks to someones post on yahoo answers, I al... (by Finnian)
Basic inventory problems
I am having some unexpected trouble with a game I'm working on. Basically I have a function with a parameter called flag, and judging by the flag I generate a...
[7 replies] Last: Nevermind i solved it. I changed: if(flag == 0) { } else { } ... (by Funkist)
Reading in basic C File I/O help
Hello everyone. Im fairly new to programming and could really use some help. 48604394 100.00 63.97 99.77 83304736 55.48 66.41 42.86 64035580 82.19 99.34 87.9...
[1 reply] : I would read the first element in, and throw the rest into a variable ... (by mobotus)
by ANouf
please help
i have a qestion and i have just one day to answer it ,so i really need your help.. here is it Write a complete C++ program that calculates the cost of tr...
[11 replies] Last: change: cout<<"welcome the tairn ticket cost calculator,\nHow old are... (by Funkist)
Help with switch statements inside while a loop
Trying to write a program that can calculate the volume, surface area, or "girth" of a box. I want to be able to enter a letter for each subject and after it ca...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you so much for the help. :) (by JackHawk)
Text file not read properly
I am reading string from a line in a text file and for some reason the the code will not read the whole text file. It reads to some random point and then stops ...
[6 replies] Last: Then empty the buffer into the vector right after the loop has ended. ... (by Aceix)
basic input, ouput and stream operations
I have to ahcieve the following : 1) my program gets called with input looking like this : 1549728268___(tab)____4 the numbers are a barcode and the amo...
[no replies]
just a question?
hey guys ive been doing this for an hour now this is a decimal to binary converter that ive been working on and i got the answer but i have to use an array to b...
[1 reply] : You could start with a really big power of 2. Something like 2^15. T... (by kevinkjt2000)
by Phaxen
Generating random integers, calculate the square root, calculate the average
Write a program that will do the following steps: - generate 2 random integer numbers between 0 and 20 - calculate the square root of each number - calculat...
[10 replies] Last: Very close. Line 13: random1 and random2 is actually a boolean expr... (by dhayden)
by HelenI
Can I put an IF statement in an For statement ? How do I do it?
[2 replies] Last: thanks (by HelenI)
how to call my function
i am writing my code with ask for weight and height once enter the W and H I have to call my void calculateBMI function to calculate BMI, When enter my code lik...
[5 replies] Last: Oh! Good catch! Sorry about that. (by dhayden)
November 2014 Pages: 1... 62636465
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