Beginners - October 2012 (Page 2)

a random number specific
Hey guys, I wanted to create a code that will generate a random number, but I would like it if it would generate a different number from 1-6 each time. t...
[5 replies] Last: ahhhhh I get it now! thank you to both of you! Learning things everyda... (by taku nishino)
Hi. I cannot remember under what condition, or for what purpose a function would be placed to the left of the assignment statement. It may have something to do ...
[4 replies] Last: благодарить = thanks. (by codetojoy)
Dark GDK Assingment
hey guys i have two assignments I'm working on right now and i was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction. i have an assignment where i had...
[no replies]
//Dengan menggunakan structur (struct) di dalam C++, bina satu program untuk memasukkan //maklumat pelajar yang merangkumi nama, nom_matrik dan gred bagi subj...
[no replies]
Sorting a 2D array using std::sort
Hello, Currently I am sorting a dimensional array using the following cose: #include <stdio.h> #include <algorithm> #include <limits.h> using namespac...
[1 reply] : std::sort requires that the value type of the iterator it's passed is ... (by Cubbi)
by jebat
program save data(binary to .txt) in pendrive by using PIC16F877A
Hello everyone.. im really a beginner, i got this project from my advisor and must present it by next week.. i need ur help how to 1.program the ADC data(bi...
[no replies]
by dorA26
Hey I've just started learning about templates. I neede to create a template for an array. this is the code I wrote: #include <iostream> using namespace...
[11 replies] Last: gcc compiles it without warning. (by Moschops)
by veeyik
Find the sum of major diagonal of a 4x4 matrix
i need to write a program to find the major diagonal of a 4x4 matrix. this is my code so far. i cant get the result. please help and correct my code. #in...
[no replies]
Quick Question
At the beginning of some codes that i see in the book that I am reading, sometimes, this comes up: #include <iostream> This was explained once, but i didn...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you (by closed account LN7oGNh0)
by ab123
Constructor Overloading or Default initialization?
Object1(int a, int b) Object1(int a, int b, int c) OR Object1(int a, int b, int c = NULL) in the 1st case I am overloading a constructor - one takes 3...
[no replies]
Okay, I got confused on variables. 1. What does declaring a variable mean? 2. What does identifying a variable mean? 3. How do you display a variabl...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you very much. (by closed account LN7oGNh0)
Class Score Calculator
I want to make for the following problem. I have made the program but dont know whats wrong in my program (I have made the program in VB). It does not calculate...
[3 replies] Last: Plz help....... My program is calculating average and highest marks fi... (by Khubaib)
I am 12 and want to learn C++
Just what the title says. I spend about a month learning the basics of C++ but then got stuck on function (class). If anyone could explain that would be great. ...
[19 replies] Last: Feel free to ignore this if you already know about it, but if you use ... (by barrelroll)
friend function/How to display on of the function Depoiste/Withdraw
< #include<iostream> #include<conio.h> using namespace std; //Class Bank class bank { private: char name_of_depositor ; long account_number; char type...
[no replies]
by srisri
compiling a c file with functions and c++ file with main together
Hi all, I have my functions defined in func.c file and i am using the functions from func.c in my main.cpp can i compile main.cpp and func.c files togethe...
[no replies]
Operator overloading help!!
I understand the concept of operator overloading but i dont understand what is going on if that makes sense. In this piece of code, why has cout been replaced w...
[1 reply] : cout is just one possible output stream, another common one is output ... (by Chervil)
Beginning C++ through Game Programming
I've just started this book, and It starts with the program but it does not say what console application to use... I could either choose a CLR Console applicati...
[5 replies] Last: Thank you bboy premier. I found exactly what to do. No more help neede... (by closed account LN7oGNh0)
sth. wrong with (maybe) for loop + upper line
Hi! Again things went wrong and when I was trying to write an IsMagic program,I faced an error. at line 41 I get a break and error. (I can't understand the re...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you! It is all working fine! I'll change the code in the first p... (by AIVIO)
Compound interest in for loop trouble
[9 replies] Last: OP for reference. Ive been working on this program for over 12 hour... (by Moschops)
by dorA26
creating one object
Hey guys, I need to create a class, from which only one object can be created, and if there's an attempt to create another object of this class it gets the add...
[3 replies] Last: thanks! (by dorA26)
October 2012 Pages: 1234... 84
  Archived months: [sep2012] [nov2012]

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