General C++ Programming - December 2018 (Page 9)

by Hammy
2D Array Help!
This is a code that I am working on and need to take in a chart of a airplane seating assignments and need users to be able to reserve a seat. I have to create ...
[8 replies] Last: In the example you provided the string has spaces, so I am not sure ho... (by Hammy)
by stav
Moving threads & using [] operator
Hi I have a class that contains a vector of threads called m_threads . I thought the best way to initialize them would be like this: (constructor of my class...
[3 replies] Last: And as for using member functions with std::thread you can do that by ... (by Peter87)
Free udemy course!!! Also is this how they make random things?
Hello, Firstly I wanted to share this free c++ udemy course coupon worth £9.99. : you should paste...
[no replies]
by h4ever
wav format - data chunk
I have found two pages which describe wave format: http://www-mmsp.ece.mcgill...
[10 replies] Last: I should clarify what I said too, in a finite window, the power will "... (by Ganado)
by stav
Are read only variables thread safe?
Hi, im new to threading and a have a quick question: Is it thread safe to have multiple threads reading from the same variable without protecting it with a mut...
[5 replies] Last: [quote=stav]Is it thread safe to have multiple threads reading from th... (by Cubbi)
BattleShip Program Errors!
I'm trying to write a battleship program that reads from a file. Here is what the file looks like that I am trying to get the program to read from. ##~~~~~~~~...
[5 replies] Last: @tjwarren1 If your loops are using x, y, then use gameBoard , but if... (by whitenite1)
Custom Class Help
I am trying to make a custom class and for whatever reason it wont work, i'd be very grateful if someone were to help and give me an explanation of what im doin...
[3 replies] Last: Thank You! :) (by RPGShooter)
C++ Homework
Hello guys, I've been trying for quite long, so please, if anyone can help, I really need it. Here's the question: /* Date Design a class called Date that h...
[9 replies] Last: IntDate(), MthDayYr() DayMthYr(), and yearHelper() don't need to take ... (by dhayden)
C++ in Visual Studio
I'm developing a client that allows me to play card games and also create custom cards. I decided that starting with each portion of the program from beginning ...
[1 reply] : Is there a question in there somewhere? (by doug4)
Linked List & Iterators
I'm trying to create a function that inserts a new value before the previous value's position and then return an iterator that points to the new value. Inser...
[9 replies] Last: > I get a infinite loop somewhere did I do something wrong? Hard to ... (by JLBorges)
by a00
what cause invalid usage of non-static member function
This is my code: #include <iostream> #include <chrono> #include <thread> #include <stdlib.h> using namespace std; int absolute(int); class Data{ public: Dat...
[8 replies] Last: ok thank you coder777 Peter87 (by a00)
Simple programming issue?
Hi guys, I haven't coded in a while, probably like four months. Im working on something really simple for a non programming class and I dont see my error, any s...
[2 replies] Last: Jesus, such a rookie move. I am so screwed when I go back to programmi... (by drewdizzle92)
Good idea to make all members static IF....
I have been quite interested in what is considered "good practice" and "bad practice" in C++ for a little while now. I've read and read, and have concluded th...
[3 replies] Last: > I'm not too use to seeing a namespace keyboard just by itself... Can... (by JLBorges)
Binary operations
Hello there, i need some help... I dont know how can i do this math problem into c++ program. I have a pair of numbers (x,y) and i must do binary operatio...
[4 replies] Last: thank you very much for your time and help!!! (by Mike1234)
C++ Assignment (HELP ME PLEASE)
Hello, Everyone I am new to the programming world. I am currently taking Introduction to C++. I would appreciate any help. I am not sure if I met all the requi...
[3 replies] Last: Yes, I did. (by RahimaHamadi)
Celcius and Fahrenheit (Need Assistance)
Celsius and Fahrenheit Start by writing a program that converts Celsius temperatures to Fahrenheit temperatures. The formula is F = (9/5)C + 32 where F is th...
[3 replies] Last: Please use code tags. Edit your post, highlight the code and press the... (by dhayden)
powers of 2
1)so we have the N amount of numbers for example : 3 then we have numbers 8 ,4 ,7 . And i want code which will be able to cout the amount of numbers which is th...
[17 replies] Last: you guys have me beat so far. This is really cool. log and map both ... (by jonnin)
Calculating Days in a Month (Need help)
I could use help with an assignment I'm trying to complete. The goal is to get an output like this Enter a month (1-12): 2 Enter a year: 2016 29 days however...
[3 replies] Last: I meant to say this when you first posted, but thank you very much. (by AnotherAmateur)
remove rows in a matrix
hi there i have a grid of numbers 8x16 i would like to remove rows y 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15 is there an equation i can use for this or do i need to specify onlt t...
[4 replies] Last: this seem very usefull but not sure if it is what i need here is some ... (by martindunne)
I need help with my assignement
Write a program for a banking system.The program shoudl allow 3 users to login to their account using a username and a password,then display a menu to allow a u...
[no replies]
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