General C++ Programming - July 2016 (Page 3)

by dchin
Customizing make file with added library
I'm fairly new to C and have been trying to edit an example code in a library. The example comes with a Makefile. Everything has been working fine, but I want...
[2 replies] Last: Automatizing CPPFLAGS = -I../../include CFLAGS = LDFLAGS = -L../../l... (by ne555)
by cpxand
Visual C++ driver's exam
What is the code for this? The local Driver's License Office has asked you to write a program which grades the written portion of their driver's license ...
[1 reply] : (by jlb)
Tic Tac Toe Troubles!
Hello all! I am having trouble with my Tic Tac Toe console game. I have the user enter which row/column they want to place their piece, although on coordinat...
[3 replies] Last: it wouldn't let me post the code like it should be Use code tags: [co... (by coder777)
by DICE21
Please Look At My Games I Really Want Feedback
I am a beginning C++ Coder and have worked on very basic projects. I have been teaching myself with the internet for about 3 months. None of which I have publi...
[6 replies] Last: I think you need to address your question by conducting a survey with ... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
by DICE21
IF statment not working!! SOLUTIONS?
I am creating code for a console game and one of my if functions isn't working. If I put in 2 separate numbers then it will, but I don't want that. The code is...
[4 replies] Last: I am surprised that you don't use the "else" int theCorrectCheatCod... (by Nico)
Errors when seeding rand() with time(0)
Hi, I'm an amateur hobbyist working on a project involving random number generation. I'm trying to seed rand() with time(0). The line in question: sr...
[7 replies] Last: All right... That fixed the problem! Thank you! O... (by Lord Mirdalan)
need help with code for drink program
HI everybody ! i am a begginer programmer and need some help with my code. It works ok but when i click N at the end it keeps running instead of stopping. Pleas...
[2 replies] Last: oh ok it works now. thanks very much ! (by leo11313)
API for I/O from/to Excel
Hi. I am looking to build an accounting software where data should be read/write to/from Excel. How can I do this using C++? Thanks!
[2 replies] Last: (by Thomas1965)
Serializing Huge Structures
Hello, I have a program that has at one point to transfer data from the structure of the server to the one of the client. However, this structure is quite hu...
[1 reply] : There are five levels of sophisticated solutions: (by closed account 48bpfSEw)
I want to query a database, I use 'regex' to implement some 'Contain' query. Such as, if a field is '111^111' 1) If the query condition is '1', the result i...
[4 replies] Last: it is about 'regex' and the 'regex' is nested in database language. ... (by cire)
invalid conversion error
Hey guys. I'm having trouble when it comes to sorting my array in ascending order. When i build my code it tells me "error: invalid conversion from int to int" ...
[6 replies] Last: (by closed account 48bpfSEw)
question about Scott Meyers book
Hi, In the following code, class Uncopyable makes private any child class copy functions. I understand almost everything here except the destructor. Why shou...
[4 replies] Last: Hi cire, You're right! Thanks a lot (by wiskimo)
Base class iterator pointer corruption of values
I have an odd error in which if the pointer on line 46 is of the base class type and it points to the pointer stored in the vector the values become corrupted i...
[1 reply] : The it++ uses the type to know how much it should advance the pointe... (by Peter87)
char arrays in a class
[2 replies] Last: s ). (by Andrewcen16)
Cannot split a void function into two separate void functions
Hi guys! This is my first post here, I am in need of assistance. I am a beginner taking a basic C++ programming class. I made a program that does what I want, w...
[8 replies] Last: You can use pointers for the stuff suggested by AbstractionAnon... (by shadder)
constructor question
Hi, I provide a constructor or not and the program executes the same. What is the purpose of initializing var_1 & var_2 through a constructor? #include...
[7 replies] Last: Thx ID-will catch up on the suggestions and reading. Later : ) (by technologist)
by zolo
hexa to ascii char conversion
Hi, I have read in a binary file to an array of chars (DATA). So far so good however I cannot convert it to "human readable format" since it seems to be in h...
[10 replies] Last: Hi, Thanks all for the answers and it seems this not as straightforwa... (by zolo)
What do you think about my Thread Class?
In connection with my Dash Bolder Project or any game programming it is important to handle different actions independently and in a certain time beat. For exam...
[1 reply] : And this is a multi-multi-task application ^^ : MyThread_Tasks is a t... (by closed account 48bpfSEw)
by sam80
Eigen library
Hello everyone, I wonder why people say Eigen library support 2D arrays. I did not see any problem to calculate eigenvalue of 4*4 matrix.
[1 reply] : Eigen definitely supports matrices, even the 2d ones, since it's a lin... (by mbozzi)
July 2016 Pages: 12345... 13
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