General C++ Programming - June 2012 (Page 27)

LOOKing for Co-programmers for macro keys program
Basically I have the idea of allowing any keyboard to be used for macro keys. instead of purchasing a special keyboard or an add-on, simply turn the numpad into...
[no replies]
run time error
Hi, I am learning c + + and I am developing a small game in console mode called battala naval. the problem is that when I finish putting the boats in their poci...
[2 replies] Last: hi thanks for your help, but then if I change the value of the index o... (by mathias padula)
Programs not compatible?
ok, when i put my program on windows xp to test it. it says it cannot find msvc100.dll or something similar, when i tested on windows vista, it says the same th...
[3 replies] Last: You need to change the compiler setting: (by coder777)
spot and correct the error
can someone spot and correct the error for me.. my lecturer hinted that the error is at 'case' function /*---------- MainFile.cpp --------------*/ #inclu...
[1 reply] : //continue from top // Order.h #include <iostream> #include <fstream... (by squillaciukm)
General advanced programming question (not specifically related to C++)
For over a year now I've wondered, well let me put it this way, you know when you type a letter (like the letter z not a letter to your friend) how does the com...
[6 replies] Last: letter pressed -> keyboard matrix -> sends code to keyboard controller... (by budman85)
a vector of classes
I was just introduced to this vector type, and i used it to return arrays of objects from functions. The objects have private values that can only be accessed t...
[4 replies] Last: It magically worked now, i think i mistyped something. Runs now but th... (by morgred)
extract from string and put into a file
Hi all, I'm learning C++, and I got a problem. I found a code in cplusplus, that extract part of the string. void extract(char *s,char *t,char *d,int pos...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you so much. I'll try again. (by bluefish)
overloading, scalar multiplication
Hi Guys, Need a little help. The issue is with the "operator*(Time& t)." I am trying to simply multiple a time object by a scalar double, in this case 3.0. H...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the help. I can't run the program now (don't have access to... (by toomanystars)
by tarkes
Reading a tab separated text file, visual C++ 6 URGENT
Purpose of MFC SDI: read a text file having floating values with tab separated not comma I added a menu Contour plot menu and 1. colour and 2. Gray Scale as ...
[8 replies] Last: You don't talk to views, to talk to the document. You need to call Up... (by kbw)
Passing a pointer by reference (1,2)
Hello, I am currently working with this code for my operator overload and class definitions. // CLASS DEFINITION FOR MainClass class MainClass { pri...
[20 replies] Last: No, a const reference is simply a reference to a const-qualified objec... (by Athar)
by tylo
emulate offsetof() for c++ using temporary enclosing object?
Hi, offsetof() is not much worth in c++ as it can only be used on standard-layout classes, so I wonder if the following code conforms to the standard? It co...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the answer! Surely it won't work when accessing dummy1 t... (by tylo)
Help with assigning random integers to variables (a,b,c,etc.) using C++
This is an addition quiz that I have been working on which basically asks you questions then tells you if you were right or wrong and keeps track of your score....
[5 replies] Last: Your srand is in a loop, and is therefore being called multiple times.... (by Disch)
by Screed
O.K. There's something that's been bothering me, what exactly is iostream? I know it and using namespace std; let you use the cout and cin functions, but I don'...
[4 replies] Last: iostream is three things. 1. It's a header that you can add to the... (by Screed)
Help with error debugging
hi everyone, The following is a class in my code : class cBSR { public: cBSR(enum Timer_Len a = sf5,enum Timer_Len b = sf320); //Constructor void f...
[3 replies] Last: The above was wrt line 7and 8 of the above constructor. Am i not allow... (by hello 12345)
[Linker error] undefined reference to...
I'm modifying a program to collect data from a National Instruments spectrum analyzer. For correspondence with this piece of equipment, the reference to header...
[16 replies] Last: I found the Linker settings and updated the library. I'm not getting ... (by dtharter)
Echo help
If I make a basic echo with command line args program and put it into bin can I use it in terminal with variables?
[no replies]
by HeXor
Double multiplication and precision
Hello everyone! I find some strange behavior with a double in multiplication with a non rational number concerning its precision. The precision of stdout is ...
[2 replies] Last: Arf yes of course, how could I forget this =/ 1/8 = 0 which seems no... (by HeXor)
by Jikax
array of 1 byte
I have some information that i need to store. 12 x 4 bits. It is a application where every bit counts so i want to store the information in 6 bytes. But now my ...
[10 replies] Last: How about this? :) Is it possible to make an array containing 12x4 b... (by vlad from moscow)
by Aity
Sending Mails Using C++
Hey Every On, I wanted to know is there a way to send an email or a Text file using a C++ simple Code.....
[3 replies] Last: Thanks Man! it really what i'm looking for... (by Aity)
MessageBox Problem
My program is a console application. I want to break when ESC is pressed, but it can't work when I debug it at VS2010. If I delete the sentence which have Mes...
[8 replies] Last: Thanks! (by paschen)
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