General C++ Programming - June 2012 (Page 29)

by Owain
Does anybody know of such a libary?
Hello. Does anybody know of a libary which is compleatly cross-platform, has no nasty dependancies and will allow me to allocate the colour of any pixel on the ...
[4 replies] Last: Okay I will look into those. Well my idea wasn’t totally pixel based... (by Owain)
Structs/Namespace help "Incomplete Type cannot be defined"
Ive been creating a program for sales and im stuck on the main.cpp portion of the program. I want to create a object for a structure located in my namespace, bu...
[4 replies] Last: Coder777, im using exercises in a programming book so i dont want to s... (by Need4Sleep)
[Win32 api] Can't close dialog (main window)
Hello, I've come accross this problem several times, but well it fixed itself somehow, I have no idea how, and it was working 15 min ago, simply, when I clic...
[2 replies] Last: some advices by andywestken when I was learning winapi: - DestroyWin... (by mekkatorqu)
Input the variable to output?
Hello, I was wondering if it where possible to input the name of a variable into a console and receive it's value, for example: if int hello = 5; and I type '...
[4 replies] Last: If you are going to have multiple variables, you will want to have som... (by Disch)
GCC template issue
Not sure why this code generates a "no matching function for call to ‘test(main(int, char**)::A)", although the code runs compiles on MSVC, I was wondering if...
[2 replies] Last: In C++98 local classes cannot be used as template parameters. Dependin... (by Bazzy)
Getting notification on member-variable vvalue change
Hi, I want to get notification on modification of some class member-variable(may be primitive or user-defined). Can anyone let me know how to achieve this...
[7 replies] Last: So make something that reads those variables over and over and over ag... (by Moschops)
Why we use pointers.we can store address in a general integer also.
[3 replies] Last: Why we use pointers.we can store address in a general integer also. A... (by kbw)
file identifier compiler error
Hello, I created this function and it uses the file identifier "gamebase" created in the main function. when i try to compile it it gives an error like; erro...
[5 replies] Last: it really helped thanks. (by onurbey)
by Bouya
buffer problem
hi i want make hexdecimal number in a buffer then put them in a char pointer : like that: stringstream ss (stringstream::in | stringstream::out); int a...
[5 replies] Last: You're not seeing the leading 0 when you write 0xc because the field w... (by kbw)
by mIXpRo
using scripting to reduce compile time
hi, i want to know how can scripting reduce the compile time of big projects i.e games ? can you give an example ? and if you have time could you explain in de...
[4 replies] Last: thanks , i think i get it :) (by mIXpRo)
Rock, Paper, Scissors Game Help
Need help with this code: MAIN.CPP #include "game.h" int main() { while (points>0){ string choice, play; cout << "Please enter your...
[1 reply] : two problems: First: Line 12 must be before line 7 (srand() only once... (by coder777)
Game: Word Scramble
Guys, I really need a big help over here. I need to make a word scramble game. When the program is running, it will prompt the user to enter the name of the pla...
[1 reply] : Use a struct like so: struct data { const char *word; const char... (by coder777)
by bwgray
"colon" uses in C++ ???
Just as a Python learning exercise I am trying to translate "Writing Compilers and Interpreters", second edition, into Python 3. There's one use of the "colon"...
[2 replies] Last: Hey, thanks, I really appreciate it. I guess I had forgotton all abou... (by bwgray)
How do i get values from PC games?
i know i can get them by using cheatengine, but cheatengine isnt very good at this, anyone know how else i could do this?
[11 replies] Last: Alright, I see what you mean now. I believe that would require reverse... (by NGen)
by Auris
Finding a minimum value in a for-loop and keeping the index of it
I am working a problem where I calculate the values in an interval of integers of a function (f(x) = x * x – 12 * x + 40) in a 'for' loop. I need to find a mi...
[3 replies] Last: It's pretty charming when wearing [url= (by luluxiu)
Problem in Using atoi function
I am trying to enter a 1000 digit number and then find the greatest multiple of consecutive 5 digits.I was having problem to convert the char to int. Can anyon...
[1 reply] : modify this part: while(i>=999) { a =atoi(const char *cp); i++; ... (by SirSmilesaLot)
random crash in push method of stack
As an exorcise I'm trying to implement a Stack from scratch. When testing the class the push method always crashes the process and rarely at the same point twic...
[4 replies] Last: Initially I was just deleting stack and assigning tmp to stack. But, a... (by Cheraphy)
by gws923
Removing items in a certain range from a list.
Hello all, I'm a bit stuck with this one. I have a list that holds "Points," a class I have created. Some of these points are designated as "loop1 points" (th...
[4 replies] Last: auto is part of C++11 so your compiler probably doesn't support it. ... (by firedraco)
encoding unsigned int
hi, I need to write a program in c++ to encode an unsigned int to a 16-bit and 32-bit integer and I do not know how to go about that. Would anyone who has writt...
[1 reply] : Er... your question doesn't really make sense. An unsigned int is a... (by Disch)
by R00
Array with Make Heap
Hello, If I have an array, and want to make a heap tree out of it using make heap and sort heap, how would I do it? I'm struggling because I didn't take any...
[5 replies] Last: In order to push and pop on the heap array, you would need to use a... (by budman85)
June 2012 Pages: 1... 2728293031... 33
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