General C++ Programming - June 2012 (Page 30)

[Win32 api] Can't show dialog
Hello, I haven't been programming for a LONG time, today I decided to make a "Dream Journal", however, after I did basics i'm not able to load main dialog, I...
[4 replies] Last: oh yea, I forgot to load richedit :X thanks! date/time picker works e... (by mekkatorqu)
by toran
GC error: taking address of temporary
I have following function: template <> void inline writevalue<boost::gregorian::date> (std::ostream& stream, const boost::gregorian::date& value) { strea...
[10 replies] Last: it is clear that greg_year is neither "trivial" or "standard". From... (by cire)
namespace and visibility
Does using a namespace affect the visibility of functions? namespace DDL { class DDLTYP { private: void Format (ostream & os) const; public: ...
[1 reply] : Try defining the operator overload function inside the DDL namespace. (by Flurite)
Data Oriented Design - class hierarchies
Currently I've been reading up on DOD and its benefits over OOP in games with cache speed in mind. I think I've read everything easy to find on the web, and I d...
[2 replies] Last: please assume that ive read that and anything else that turns up in go... (by cool mr croc)
Using for loop in if (conditional part)
Hello I want to test a two dimensional array's members with if statement and I tried using loops inside the conditional part of the if statement if ( for(...
[2 replies] Last: thank you (by onurbey)
Interrupt a program (function, sleep or for)
Hi all. I'm programming a realtime toll simulator. For example, it has 5 payboxes and x cars will pass 1 hour. The program will show in real-time the number...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks coder777, I havent seen Threads yet, so I didn't understand muc... (by bodosko)
please help me with this problem
Please help me with this it should be in c++ The World Design a simple world where we have few types of creatures and every creature is of different behavior...
[no replies]
TCP socket programming file send/receive
I'm new to this socket programming. I have a client.c and server.c that can send text to each other. Now, I want to send and receive files (like images). I d...
[no replies]
Add an array to 2d vector
I have a declaration of a 2d vector: vector<vector<int> > data I want to add several times in an server-client problem an array of 25 elements. I...
[1 reply] : Anyone?? (by zenitis)
why in the world isnt this working?!
int main(){ SetConsoleTitle("Save Generator"); cout<<"Enter the path.\n\n Example:\nC:/Users/USER/Documents/savegames/Profile"<<endl; cin>>path; mkdir(...
[4 replies] Last: thanks bro (by Invader2010)
Hi guys need some help with my program "greatest and least"
Hello everyone. I would really appreciate your help. I'm still a beginner in c++ and have came up on this issue. What is happening is I'm supposed to display t...
[1 reply] : Put [co de] tags around your code next time. What does your code ou... (by firedraco)
game of life counting code help
I just need help righting the function for counting the live cells in the function inline int NumLiveNeighbors(BoardType Board, int Row, int Col)I have no idea ...
[1 reply] : Think of the compare as a box around the current location: [ a ] ... (by budman85)
Want some work/project for this summer
Hello everybody, I'm a first year student of IIT. I want some projects on basic c++, so that i can learn some more concepts of c++. I would b very lucky if wou...
[no replies]
Grey Screen Tic-Tac-Toe
Hello. I have been programming for almost a year, though recently I got Allegro 5 for game-making. I wrote a program using Allegro for Tic-Tac-Toe and I can't f...
[no replies]
Finals Urgent!
can anyone help me out? this is my final project and i need to know how to do part 2. Create a menu driven program to simulate a simple database system. The...
[no replies]
Console Screen Tearing
I'm currently trying to create a console based game with characters(keyboard, ASCII, etc.) as graphics. So far it is working but I have one problem. Whenever I ...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks a ton! I knew I could do this with windows.h but not with winso... (by closed account GbX36Up4)
Overloads of Class Constructors and Default Constructor
Hello. I have checked around the web and the site, and decided to create a post here. Default class constructors are a bit of a sore spot in my realm of unders...
[5 replies] Last: Sorry, I missed the part about using the default whenever less than th... (by BlackSheep)
How do i add properties to my .exe?
on my program i am making, how do i add something like copyrights This is the properties of my program so far....
[4 replies] Last: I LOVE YOU ='D (by Invader2010)
Having trouble with pointers.
i have a vector<items*> ListofItems, but i need to add one of those items to another vector, vector<myitems> ListofmyItems, using a pointer of an item in the Li...
[3 replies] Last: You can use an enum to represent different indexes into a vector, or y... (by BlackSheep)
How do I keep score of the answers that are correct in a math quiz program? Please Help
Hi, I am working on an RPG math game that collects the number of corrected answers then convert them in to Experience Points for the leveling system. I have jus...
[2 replies] Last: I figured out the issue it had to do with the "answerAdd " not storing... (by DangerousPirate)
June 2012 Pages: 1... 282930313233
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