General C++ Programming - May 2018 (Page 5)

by keekee
Would anyone help the following declaration: class Foo { int test1(); std::string test2(); } in a function, a declation as below, what it means ? p...
[2 replies] Last: this is a pointer to this instance, while the * in front, as with othe... (by icy1)
Looping Issues
Good Afternoon, I am currently trying to write a console application that allows a user to input a character such as 'e'. It will go through a for-loop unti...
[1 reply] : SOLVED The char_type variable I had for incrementing wasn't actual... (by bradltr95)
map struct
[1 reply] : Perhaps try recursive approach? #include <iostream> #include <iomani... (by icy1)
by CFLam
Access same elements in array/vector through different ways
Hello all, In C++, is there any data structure allow me to access the elements in array/vector through 2 methods? e.g. int MemberParam ; I can...
[4 replies] Last: you can use an enum to name array/vector locations. enum locs { he... (by jonnin)
by Hco123
"recipe for target failed" Problem
Hey there everyone! What i'm trying to do: so my mission is to write a program that will manage an academic institution. I need to create four classes (Studen...
[2 replies] Last: Ok good to know! i'll change that and i hope this would be the solutio... (by Hco123)
by Lex33
Array (1,2,3,4)
The task is to implement the function void CTempSensor::calculateMinMaxTemp() .In the function I should search for the maximum temperature and the minimum te...
[73 replies] Last: I don't understand how you can not know the answer to my question. It... (by MikeyBoy)
google mock won't test correctly
Hey y'all, I'm trying to mock an interface using google mock, but keep getting wrong results when created mock objects and testing them. Here's my simplifie...
[1 reply] : 1) Please use code tags when posting code, to make it readable: http:... (by MikeyBoy)
Boost thread thread id
I am aware of boost thread get_id() function but still How can i manually assign a thread id/thread name to boost thread?
[1 reply] : I don't think that is possible. (by Peter87)
Help with map program
Fixing bugs in program. Will re-upload any other questions in a separate post.
[6 replies] Last: and does it need to touch each node once or not? (by jonnin)
Understanding random seed
Hey everyone. Lets say I have a class which has multiple member functions which utilizes rand() % x + 1 Where would I put the seed? Do I initialize it in ...
[2 replies] Last: Unless you want to later repeat the sequence of random numbers it's be... (by Peter87)
adding in random numbers
How would I go about adding in random numbers (1s and 0s) instead of prompting the user for every single number within the matrix. #include <iostream> #incl...
[3 replies] Last: Why have you posted two threads with basically same question? http://w... (by keskiverto)
Help with image program (CImg)
I have been working on a program that takes a binary file, gets the size on bytes (always makes it a square image X x X), and saves the read data as a png file....
[1 reply] : You are using the string "entrada" when you mean to use the variable n... (by tpb)
A simple program for:
Let user input a sentence, and two numbers. Lets each alphabet assigned a number rank,(from increasing left to right)(any space is also counted) now the output...
[1 reply] : #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { cout<< "Type... (by CommandoTeeJ)
[8 replies] Last: I love that someone deleted the religious garbage, though! (by tpb)
any one Help I have an Exam tomorow pls assist to understand the following questions please please please
Been working on this question I am nt sure if im doing the right theng please help 4 1 Write the statement that u pd ates the val ue of an integer variable t...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks a lot I guess I deserve to be called such and wonder if you wer... (by isthelord)
guys am new in coding,i can anyone guide me in learning C++ language.
[3 replies] Last: Here you go. (by SamuelAdams)
can't download <iostream>
I can' get a clean download of this C++ library no matter where I try.
[7 replies] Last: The standard defines two different kinds of C++ implementations: host... (by JLBorges)
Sorting string array
Dear all, I have been working on a project, I am still at the beginning, one of the tasks is to take a number of equations from the user line by line exampl...
[9 replies] Last: could you help me with optional one problem and there should be no m... (by ahmedm512)
Libxml2 not loading xml file greater than 2 GB
I am using libxml2 in my project. I have xml data file greater than 2GB. Problem I am facing is its method xmlReaderForFile() not returning file pointer if fil...
[3 replies] Last: I agree, it has to be supported, but I don't know this one. What litt... (by jonnin)
Why is it sometimes necessary to cast to (void)?
Hi, I have this code from a book, but do not understand why there are so many casts to (void): constexpr auto call_cart = [=](auto f, auto x, auto ...r...
[10 replies] Last: Cheers, thanks for that Max :+D The extra context makes it easier to ... (by TheIdeasMan)
May 2018 Pages: 1... 34567... 11
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