General C++ Programming - November 2013 (Page 46)

by helnow
Permutation and combination
I keep getting error on this code, in know it's the cmbo(k-1,r) giving me the error, but i don't know why, can someone help please.. this code is for next_co...
[9 replies] Last: @helnow Please see my previous post. (by abhishekm71)
Need some help with a project please!!
hey everyone. been trying to figure out this assignment but cant quit get it. what i need to do is open a given txt file and read it its contents and place the...
[1 reply] : I would read the data into a pair of the form <int,string> then I woul... (by Script Coder)
Passing arrays.
Hello, everyone. I am having an error at line 21. Specifically the code where it says "list =x" How am I able to fix this code to do what I want? The purp...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you very much! (by thiskid)
linux and regex?
so im compiling with g++ 4.8.1 using the -std=c++11 flag, and i may have found a bug. using this code: [code line=35] try { ...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks Cubbi. (by JLBorges)
"Viewing" a Function With Multiple Arguements
Hello. I am making a program and I have multiple functions. for example, it looks like this: function1(int* var1,int* var2,int* var30 { *var1 blah blah bla...
[3 replies] Last: You mean... like printing the source code? Like you would actually wa... (by Disch)
November 2013 Pages: 1... 444546
  Archived months: [oct2013] [dec2013]

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