General C++ Programming - November 2018 (Page 5)

by rgood
Two-Dimensional Array Duplicate Values
Howdy, I am attempting to create a program for costing allocations to different projects. I would like to ask for the number of inputs to determine a 2D a...
[1 reply] : I think a map is a more appropriate data structure. http://www.cpluspl... (by Browni3141)
how to pass a templated function as argument?
I'm playing a bit around with function pointers. Here I tried to implement a simple generic sorting algorithm where a function should been passed for evaluating...
[1 reply] : It's simpler than you have it. #include <iostream> #include <list> ... (by tpb)
Find the power of and than modules large numbers
I am trying to find the power of very large numbers and than the modules unsigned long long base = 888999000, exponent = 202404606, modulus = 237291793913; ...
[5 replies] Last: So you trust one random person's code over another random person's cod... (by tpb)
Need a suggestion
Hey, I am Numan. I am a student of BS Computer science.can anyone suggest me best c++ author book. please share a link if you have any best c++ book in the soft...
[2 replies] Last: oh . okay, I removed my email. thank you for your kind advice. :) (by numanrki1)
While Loop
[1 reply] : & is a bitwise operator you must use && for logical inclusive. (by Satan)
Share object between files
Hi guys, Can I share same object(Adafruit_SH1106 Screen(4)) between main.cpp and ui.cpp? How I can share it?
[9 replies] Last: I use functions on same way in both files. I'll do more tests and writ... (by Pararera)
why this code giver error in visual studio on the other hand it works fine in code blocks
#include <iostream> using namespace std; void disp(char *c) //here visual studio says it should be "const char *c" { using namespace std; cout << "nam...
[4 replies] Last: OK: string ... (by lastchance)
Undefined Reference even the library is there?
I have been trying to compile a trivial static library. I used the library in another project This is my folder structure: GppCompile > bin > ...
[2 replies] Last: Oh... But if no slashes means relative path, why the command I origina... (by As74s22)
Need help with an Error Message.
When I compile the program I get the error message "no matching function to call to" and I know it has something to do with the class object. If anyone could he...
[3 replies] Last: @OP Why did you delete your code? How can we help you if you do that? (by MikeyBoy)
Invalid use of incomplete type class Vertices (with templates)
I think I did everything correctly. I just can't understand whats the problem. Heres my code: template<typename> class Vertices; template<typename T> class Ve...
[3 replies] Last: template<typename T> class Vertex { public: void t(); }; template<... (by Peter87)
Unexpected Timing Results
Hello there! So I wanted to do an experiment to test timing difference between using a switch statement and using an array of lambdas. I seem to be having an i...
[6 replies] Last: @jonnin Nah, I'm pretty sure by now it had to do with CPU caching or ... (by Spirrwell)
File stream reading line with specific criteria
classA, (-7, 11) // classA requires 2 variables(x,y) classB, (5, -31, -22) // classB requires 3 variables(x,y,z) classC, (-7, 11), (20, -1) // classC requires ...
[3 replies] Last: After reading the data for a particular line, extract and discard the ... (by JLBorges)
Object with volatile private member
Hi guys, I'm writing code for Arduino, for interrupt function. Any variable must be volatile, so in case with no object it will look like this: volatile ...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for explonation (by Pararera)
Creating LinkedList by Text File
hey guys as you read on title i have to make linked list.Now i have txt file which named sayi.txt this file includes numbers and all numbers is can be change a...
[1 reply] : Your spacing is insane. A you haven't really done enough. Show your at... (by tpb)
by mqndv
My code does not compile!! Can anyone help me compile c++ code
This is a c++ program about palindromes. It does not compile, and I do not know how to fix it. Please Help!!! MAIN FILE #include <iostream> #include "St...
[1 reply] : Stack's push and ToString methods are missing their return values. Sho... (by tpb)
This is a homework assignment for my class, and the professor didn't explain switch and two-way statements very well. Included is what I have so far, so please ...
[1 reply] : In the end of there are... (by keskiverto)
Deck Of Cards Game (where user beats cpu by 2 points)
I was supposed to create a deck of cards and then use the deck of cards to play a game where I give a card to the user and a card to the cpu, we then both show ...
[no replies]
why i am getting "expected primary-expression before '<<' token|" while printing the datatype passed into the template
#include <iostream> using namespace std ; template <typename T> void function_(T val ) { //only this line works file cout<<"...
[2 replies] Last: With a template function, the T gets replaced with the type that is ac... (by Repeater)
How to remove a directory along with it's contents?
How to remove a directory along with its contents in C++11? I thought rmdir() removes directory along with its contents but it removes only empty directories. ...
[6 replies] Last: you can do it with commands. del /s deletes all the files under the p... (by jonnin)
by faeory
polynomial class
hi, can you help me in writing the functions for this program please?! "Design a class to perform various Polynomial operations. A polynomial is a mathematic...
[5 replies] Last: see : (by homy18)
November 2018 Pages: 1... 34567... 12
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