General C++ Programming - September 2015 (Page 19)

A C++ File I/O related problem...
Hi all, Recently I'm running into some brick walls with a random project that I tried to do. So this project is sort of laser tag game and it requires some simp...
[4 replies] Last: Read names from file. Create some custom structure using that names ex... (by MiiNiPaa)
[3 replies] Last: is because the counter is always 1 ahead in the array It is the way i... (by MiiNiPaa)
Sikuli platform help
HI guys I dont know if this post is appropriate here but if anyone could help me that would be awesome! I'm trying to create a program that plays blackjack for ...
[no replies]
Journey of Programming languages from human to CPU
hi. Is there any standard and general ways for ALL or atlas MOST programming languages for 1) Translation phases: a- From source code to next form b...
[5 replies] Last: For example, a C program is converted to assembly, then there is micr... (by dhayden)
Tabulate and store length of words from .txt file
Hello guys, I have a project which requires me to write a program that initially prompts the user for a filename. If the file is not found, an error message is...
[3 replies] Last: Should I be using any void functions for this or can it all be done i... (by MiiNiPaa)
Return always 0?
Can any one help find why my return value is always 0? #include <iostream> double getGrade(int, int); int main() { int ammount, correct; ...
[3 replies] Last: temp_grade = (b*100/a); (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
Cannot align output values to the right, setw() right
Hey guys I cannot get my array value to align to the right. I do not know what I am doing wrong, I just can never seem to get the numbers to align, even with o...
[3 replies] Last: You do set the width for the tabulator. Remove the tab or print it bef... (by keskiverto)
Video editing library?
Hey guys, Not sure where to start, so I figured I'd start here. Basically I'm looking for a program that allows real time effects/processing of a video file...
[8 replies] Last: Yeah, I realized after running the numbers, but I just thought "eh, **... (by helios)
Problems with file I/O
Write a simple C++ program called sum.cpp. The program will: 1. Read a file that contains several integers 2. Print these integers to the screen. 3. Add thes...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks a lot I really appreciate it. (by edjohnson35)
by JJ2828
Urgent!!! LOAD and SAVE game source code!! REVERSI GAME (1D ARRAY)
HEY guys, Currently I need a source code to save my Reversi game and load my game, but I done this by 1D array and I can't insert the load game data in my boar...
[4 replies] Last: Ok I get a look to it now. (by Ericool)
Problem with Initialisation of global objects to my class.
My class works for local assignment and use, but setting a global array gives a zero value. My example program should output 3 copies of the same {0,1,0} val...
[11 replies] Last: try to remove Gl\Glut.h from the main.cpp (by Ericool)
Need Help With My Project
[4 replies] Last: @firecoder i made it by my own (by closed account y6q2y60M)
Curl GET Request [LNK2019]
Hi people, I'm trying to use libcurl to make a basic get request, but I can't even compile the project. This is the code I am using: #include <iostream> #...
[13 replies] Last: you're welcome. (by Ericool)
microcontroller password system
#include< reg52.h> sbit r0=P2^0; sbit r1=P2^1; sbit r2=P2^2; sbit r3=P2^3; sbit c0=P2^5; sbit c1=P2^6; sbit c2=P2^7; sbit en=P3^6; sbit r...
[1 reply] : what is your question exactly ? (by Ericool)
Weird c++ program run error in two platforms
Hi. here is my code. It runs on Ubuntu perfectly fine. but when I run on mac OS X in both netbeans, codlin and Xcode the output is. this prog checks active/inac...
[6 replies] Last: thanks MINIpaa, but i wait till masters for this level :)) (by csstudent123)
Arrays as Function Arguments
I am almost finished with this program! The instructions ask: Write a program that will input letter grades (A, B, C, D, F). The grades will be read into an arr...
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> // using namespace std; // **** avoid. just write... (by JLBorges)
what is difference between cin.get and cin.getline i still very confusing with this
[3 replies] Last: What do you ask? (by keskiverto)
by Ozzy69
Help me with chrono library!
Hi, i want make a loop that stop when spending 15 seconds in code: #include <iostream> #include <chrono> using namespace std; int main() { int c...
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> #include <chrono> int main() { using namespace ... (by cire)
Hello to everyone, I've got a question: while I was using visual studio for a code it appeared a lot of errors reguarding cout: " cout is ambiguos". So the que...
[9 replies] Last: Simply hold Ctrl + Shift then press F , choose entire solution and... (by Ericool)
How to put graph information into C++
Hello I am new to C++. I am going to work on graph coloring topic. I ve read some paper and algorithm about solving the problem based on maximum independent set...
[1 reply] : You might have to look into "R" programming, its used for this type of... (by FireCoder)
September 2015 Pages: 1... 1718192021
  Archived months: [aug2015] [oct2015]

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