Lounge - June 2012 (Page 2)

Visual resumes
Having just made the brave step to add color to my resume, or even cv, I am now wondering if I am taking too small a step. While wondering about color, I googl...
[4 replies] Last: I'm impressed with some of them! Re http://www.webdesignerdepot.com/2... (by Duthomhas)
New windows tablet, programmer friendly?
A big issue i had with the ipad was the fact that it was to focused on entertainment, i was not able to take it with me and use it as a compiler on vacations. B...
[17 replies] Last: Well, current multi-core andriod systems can run ubuntu as a virtual s... (by sfBlackfox)
Bad advice (1,2,3)
I've recently read the "why's my console closing" thread in the beginner's section, and I was wondering whether the should some moderation or authority so you d...
[40 replies] Last: One thing I do think that could be useful is a "recommended" button, ... (by ResidentBiscuit)
by Null
Hi, I think it's time to share one of my projects I've been working on my free time. It's a cross-platform partition table editor. It's still in alpha stage...
[5 replies] Last: You might want to make it clear that you need to have 32-bit GTK libr... (by Null)
A question to the forum gods(yes, you with the 2k+ posts)
yes, im talking to you duoas,firedraco,hanst,framework,moschops,disch and many other forum veterans(sorry if i forgot your name) How did you first start with p...
[11 replies] Last: Thanks for all the replies guys, really opened my eyes to the program... (by Need4Sleep)
Am I a bad programmer? (1,2)
Dont know where to start so... I started learning C++ 10 months ago, when I figured that there is no any programming in high school program. After 5 months...
[23 replies] Last: Hyper Threading appeared in 2002 but some people might see that as che... (by Computergeek01)
I hate to restart a long-dead thread, but it's been something that's been bugging me lately. The thread in question was about how (it seems) that programming is...
[11 replies] Last: There's a few female programmers in my workplace. Still, I think this... (by MrHutch)
Girl Problems (1,2)
I'm having a slight moral crisis crisis right now... You see, I have been in a steady (albeit long distance) relationship with my current girlfriend for several...
[34 replies] Last: Thanks guys! I hope it all works out too.... (by ModShop)
Trig problem :( (1,2)
Find the value of s in the interval [0, π/2] that makes the statement true. cot s = 7.25754565 I'm stuck here. I've gone about this multiple ways and can't...
[22 replies] Last: Yeah but we get complex roots, and so the general formula can be re-wr... (by Veltas)
LISPers (1,2)
Hey I have just started learning Lisp and am wondering what real world use it has? Are there any opensource projects that use lisp? Can Lisp be used for designi...
[29 replies] Last: @Duoas, You really do like Tcl, don't you? Thanks, I'll put it on my l... (by chrisname)
Has anyone tried it? I've been playing with it for the last hour and it's pretty great. I've had a soft spot for Javascript for a while, but I'd only ever used ...
[6 replies] Last: It's not that Javascript doesn't give you the flexibility, it's that N... (by chrisname)
Downloading cplusplus.com
Hi, I recently got here from a google search and found this website quite helpful -hats off by the way and keep it up :) - but i have some problems at times ...
[5 replies] Last: OP, once you get the site downloaded, you can copy the directory conta... (by SmallTock)
Put Alan Turing on the 10 pound note
I'm not from the great land of Britannia, but I thought I'd share this petition here for those programmers I know who are. http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/pet...
[2 replies] Last: I'm signing it now. (by chrisname)
OpenMW (Open Source Morrowind) Version 0.14.0 released
The OpenMW team is proud to announce the release of version 0.14.0! This release precedes Morrowind’s 10th Anniversary by 2 days! Release packages for Ubuntu ...
[8 replies] Last: The OpenMW team is proud to announce the release of version 0.15.0 ! ... (by antoine32)
I signed up to RentACoder (now vWorker) today and completed a project. However, I now need to write a resume and my areas of expertise. The areas of expertise p...
[2 replies] Last: I've said when I started programming, what languages I've learned and ... (by chrisname)
So, how long should a resume/cv be?
Mochops commented in a recent thread that he tries to keep his resume down to a single side. Now, I was taught to keep my cv down to two sides, but now use thre...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks for the input. My draft cv is currently 4 pages, but it does n... (by andywestken)
Colored resumes/coloured cvs?
I've been involved with recruitment recently and some of the resumes/cvs we received were colored/coloured! Now I'm wondering whether my own should be upgrad...
[13 replies] Last: Thanks again for the input. After playing round with Word's assorted ... (by andywestken)
What does this mean?
So, I've been working on a bunch of the Project Euler problems since I did the first three and just stopped. I made it to #10 in about an hour, and wrote a pret...
[14 replies] Last: I would just do something like this in Python: #!/usr/bin/env python ... (by chrisname)
Maths question (1,2)
Is there any fundamental difference between how a constant and a variable are evaluated in maths? I'm writing a library for evaluating expressions where the use...
[22 replies] Last: hehe very good point helios! Nonetheless, adding logic to the rules an... (by tition)
Are you C++.com-perienced?
I name a user on this site whose username ends with a certain character. The next person names a user whose username starts with the character that my user's us...
[18 replies] Last: Oh dear. User #17 was supposed to start with 'r' or 'R'. (by Ahaanomegas)
June 2012 Pages: 12345
  Archived months: [may2012] [jul2012]

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