Lounge - March 2014 (Page 7)

Hey Duoas (or whoever else): how do you draw trees?
I noticed the Heapsort article of the C++ FAQ, and it has nice animations of trees. I am interested to know what software was used to create those animations. ...
[2 replies] Last: It looks like a pretty popular question on Google. http://cstheory.... (by htirwin)
Computer Knowledge
My classmates don't know how to use the computer, only going to facebook and this things, while I am learning C++ and more advanced stuff. What is your opinion ...
[3 replies] Last: I learned to type from IRC's and AIM, not from typing classes at schoo... (by Computergeek01)
English Please?(help with a typo)
So, i've run across what's obviously a typo, but unfortunately I can't figure out what it's supposed to say. This is coming from the C++ tutorial on operators, ...
[2 replies] Last: Pretty much this: Prefix(++x): increment value of x then return x Pos... (by giblit)
Hi, I've finished a Chip-8 virtual machine (which was boring, unfun, and overly simple), and I lost the source code to it and the NES emulator I was working on ...
[6 replies] Last: Wait, I did not say nor mean to imply the NES was simple. I said the C... (by closed account N36fSL3A)
Neovim, if you like vim...
This is super exiting. Basically it's a major re-factoring of Vim, or as the tag line says "vim's rebirth for the 21st century". It's seeking crowd-funding via...
[no replies]
{} or not (1,2)
What`s better? As in easer to read: int main () { for (int i = 0; i <= 10; ++i) { cout << i << endl; } return 0; } or int main () { fo...
[21 replies] Last: What version are you using? When that happens to me I just get a load ... (by closed account N36fSL3A)
Throw stuff at me! (1,2)
So, I was looking at the Gameboy CPU manual and some common algorithms. This helped me clean up my code quite well and helped me create easier solutions to prob...
[30 replies] Last: You do realize xor is the operator ^ and you do not need to include an... (by giblit)
I can't use unique_ptr?
Hi guys, i have Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 express edition, it supports several C++11 features such as enum classes, nullptr etc... but it doesn't seem to suppor...
[3 replies] Last: Whenever you need to use something, you should google it and find in w... (by S G H)
Good "Stressfull" Algorithm
I am thinking to make a code contest with my friends, but I need a good algorithm for testing. It should be simple, but should stress on the size and speed of t...
[1 reply] : Stress testing is pretty application specific, but generally you want ... (by ResidentBiscuit)
Hi there, so today when my brother woke up he told me "I know you secretly went down to use the computer at 3" I said what stop messing. He said I'm not I came ...
[4 replies] Last: I think it would be rare to actually use a computer in your sleep with... (by htirwin)
I use CodeBlocks for compiling my code in C++, but sometimes it says that some libraries(which, normally, should work) don't exist. Is it my compiler or i must ...
[3 replies] Last: graphics.h is not a standard header file. http://en.wikipedia.org/wi... (by Peter87)
Windows 64-bit assembly in C++
I saw an tutorial that teaches asm in C++. I saw in the video this code: #include <iostream> int GetASM() { asm("mov %eax,1000"); } int main() { ...
[9 replies] Last: Haha, funny (ironic). (by iQChange)
Help transcoding Canon XF300 MXF to MPEG-2 SD for Elements 9
Supporting interlacing and high definition, MPEG-2 standard was considerably broader in scope and of wider appeal. On the Windows platform, it's often necessary...
[no replies]
Purchasing A Domain Name
Hello, I'm just wondering where could I purchase a domain name without emptying my pockets... I'm not looking for hosting or anything, just the domain name. ...
[13 replies] Last: [quote=Fredbill] It's unprofessional. No one's going to take you serio... (by BHX)
Hi! I created a small flavour of C++ that I found useful and I thought I'd like to share. It's called Cero and is basically C++ without curly braces and semi...
[4 replies] Last: Thought long and hard and now the keywords have been changed... :-) Be... (by Henrik Harmsen)
school system and stabbed with a pencil
my girlfriends mom is a second grade public school teacher. she was attacked by one of her students when he took a pencil and tried stabbing it into her face. s...
[8 replies] Last: Is it really that hard to fend off 7 year old, pencil or not? I mean..... (by NoXzema)
by LB
Garbage Collection (article + discussion) (1,2,3)
So the other week I wrote an article where I explain how and why I don't like Garbage Collection: http://www.LB-Stuff.com/gc.html I wanted to further discuss ...
[40 replies] Last: I edited out links that he had recommended I join and advice I thanked... (by BHX)
Game Challenge (1,2,3)
Hello. Recently I've been thinking of a small, personal challenge, and I decided to post it here in case anyone here wanted to do so. This challenge is just for...
[47 replies] Last: RealGiganitris, you realize that's C++, correct? MiiNiPaa, fair enoug... (by closed account N36fSL3A)
by odai
problem with assembly code
Hi guys , i have prob here .model small .data data1 dd 5H data2 dd 3H .code .startup mov ax,data1 mov cx,data2 clc call loop1 ...
[no replies]
Building my own gaming pc , help!
Hi , i have done quite a bit of research before doing this and i have bought all the other parts. But i'm just stuck with what cpu to buy I have a: MSI H61M-...
[no replies]
March 2014 Pages: 1... 5678
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