Lounge - May 2016

Order to read my books
Hi, guys, just interested in a little tip what should I read next after finishing "C++ Templates The Complete Guide". The choices are 1. "Modern C++ Design" ...
[no replies]
Bjarnnnnnnne!!! Seriously, WTF!
Just need to rant quickly, I can't help it: Why does c++ have a hackish version of vector< bool >, which you cannot safely access from multiple threads, even...
[8 replies] Last: For the sake of education... The reason why you can't access a vector... (by NoXzema)
Good books for a new Game Engine Developer?
Hey everyone, I have been learning C++ for over a year and I decided maybe it's time to advance my skills. I have taken the book called "Game Engine Architectur...
[2 replies] Last: It(Game Coding Complete, Fourth Edition) sounds interesting, I MAY tak... (by closed account 1vD3vCM9)
by Liger
Input on Which C++ Book Would be Best Suited for Me
Hi guys, I'm a comp sci major transferring to the uni this fall as a junior. I've finished my calculus, gen eds, and two important computer science classes. (Co...
[2 replies] Last: What books should I buy (or not buy)? - http://www.cplusplus.com/faq/b... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
by Gyiove
Renting reallly powerful cpu power with only 2gb ram, for a week, what's the cheapest solution?
Hello everyone! I need a really really powerful computing power but the thing is that I don't need much ram. 800~ mb is enough. About computer power, well. T...
[10 replies] Last: Raspberry Pis use 1.2 GHz, not 2 GHz, CPUs. I doubt even 4 Pis can out... (by helios)
by daym
PC problem
Well, this is not related to c++ or code I'm having a problem with my computer, I think someone broke into my pc or a virus has been placed on it, specificall...
[10 replies] Last: I had the same think happen to me but i used virus program i made to g... (by james1402)
sorted multimap
Heylo! I have to do an abstract data type: sorted multimap and in the implementation to use a binary search tree.I've tried looking for some theory and examples...
[4 replies] Last: Yeah! Good to hear! (by Duthomhas)
Greece 2016 :Its All for Money ???
Hi there .Iam a middle aged Lead Programmer and I live in Athens .(Greece) I wonder where is the Original Essence of Open Source ??? Its Not definitely in Gre...
[no replies]
Why can't you post pictures in the forums?
Being able to post some pics would be a real nice feature to add. Sometimes all you need is a screenshot -- and the whole question would be much easier for othe...
[1 reply] : http://www.cplusplus.com/forum/lounge/114600/ (by Duthomhas)
Why is this site so slow?
I've been using this site for few years. Now I'm not a all-time user, I tend to take breaks, but the last time I was here the site was still looking good. Now e...
[9 replies] Last: Or maybe it's just that the site is being really fast today. It seems ... (by LB)
Java Collections
In C++ collections are not available.. In this topic i will explain about Java Collections..A Collection allows a group of objects to be treated as a single uni...
[1 reply] : C++ does have collections: http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/stl/ htt... (by LB)
Help Me Find a Tutorial
Hi, Can you help me find the tutorial, Google recommends in its C++ course (https://developers.google.com/edu/c++/next-steps )? The link to the tutorial is: h...
[7 replies] Last: I hope I can learn to use LLVM before the end of this year. No worr... (by TheIdeasMan)
Parellel Programming
Hi all, I am interested in learning how to parellel program. Do any of you suggest any books and/or coding libraries to use. Since I am a CS student I would ...
[5 replies] Last: Vulkan probably would require too much boilerplate for a student want... (by htirwin)
How to put doxygen documentation online
I've been documenting the project I've been making with doxygen for quite a while now, which when I have a copy of the masses of files it generates and can open...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks, I've looked into that and got a folder which I've just tried o... (by shadowmouse)
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