Windows Programming - April 2012 (Page 5)

copy to desktop
im trying to use the system command to copy a .lnk file to the desktop, but i cant get it to work (windows 7) and its for assuming i dont know the names of the ...
[1 reply] : Desktop is always at: %UserProfile%\Desktop (by closed account 10oTURfi)
[Win32 API] Force Program To Click & Enter Text
Hello, Is there any way to force program to click on exact possition (I think there's a command that will set cursor possition on exact coords, so I need a com...
[no replies]
how to get sound in sdl
i am usin SDL and i was wondering what i need to use to input a sound file when a certain key is down?!! eg if(IsKeyDown(KEY_ESCAPE)) { playsound()...
[5 replies] Last: Here's a basic example of how to do it with SDL: http://www.libsdl.or... (by Disch)
Visual c++ is not building
Ok see I got a code, when I write extras code, the compiler running and build my project, but the extra code is not appearing.... why?? Sorry for my englis...
[1 reply] : It is impossible for us to answer your question without seeing the cod... (by webJose)
grabbing console output help
Hey guys im working on a little console project to help me do some helpful stuff on androids. I am using Visual C++ 2010. Here is my code: #include <iostr...
[1 reply] : If this is Android, why did you post in the Windows programming forum?... (by webJose)
Windows 8 anc C++
I have tried Dev-c++ on Windows 8, but it doesn't work. Or better, when I click on compile and run, Windows said that g ++.exe has stopeed working (even if i sa...
[2 replies] Last: I just set up W8 in a virtual machine, C::B and the version of MinGW t... (by Athar)
Goto outside function.
Hey fellas, so I'm working on a "database" console program and I've got a little problem. I decided to make every menu in the program as a serperate void functi...
[1 reply] : //I am guessing a console application. int selection = 0; do { st... (by webJose)
rand() function
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <string.h> #include <conio.h> #include <time.h> #include <windows.h> #define T 25 ...
[1 reply] : I see two problems: 1) Compilation error: your declaration of gera_s... (by Stewbond)
by atjm88
imclearborder() in C++
Hi, can anyone tell me what's the C++ code inside imclearborder in Matlab? I need the code inside as to continue my project, but then I've try to search online,...
[no replies]
Pointer vs Handle vs Tracking Reference
I’m using C++/CLI Visual Studio 2010 Professional. Consider this simple native pure C++ code. int nmbr = 5; int *nmbrPtr = &nmbr; Subroutine_1(nmbrPtr); ...
[2 replies] Last: Same advise I give others: C++/CLI is a no-no around here because alm... (by webJose)
creating custom control
I am trying to create a custom control that can be placed on forms. I created a new component and got it to show in the tool box. I think I did something wro...
[3 replies] Last: Refer to #2 above. (by webJose)
Suggest Guys????
Hello Guys, I am a Student of BCA . I want to be an Engineer in my life.So guys please suggest me which Engineering is best for me. ___________________________...
[3 replies] Last: If anyone can answer that will you also please tell me what flavor of ... (by cnoeval)
If / else if logic error
My code looks good but I don't see issue here . I look at other examples and I don't see an issue with my code /* Name : Nathan Seto Kaiba ...
[3 replies] Last: Sorry I forgot I Left that . My teacher tells us just to use getch... (by nathansetokaiba)
Using CopyFile?
How can copy all *.c files using CopyFile function?
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for help (by time to c)
by oonej
please post what u need help with and we will be sure to help
[3 replies] Last: I'm a 16 y/o and... LOL. (by S G H)
by hjazz
Detecting memory leaks using _CrtDumpMemoryLeaks
Hi, This is my first time using the CRT library for detecting memory leaks, and I'm using Visual C++ 2003. As mentioned in this website (
[2 replies] Last: Can you post the full error(s) as output by the compiler please. And... (by S G H)
by S G H
Binary Resource Loading
I have a relatively simple question to ask: Let's say I want to load a file in memory: I have two ways: Taking another file with me, or using resources. This...
[3 replies] Last: Well, to users who are willing to read this topic: I had to: 1. FindRe... (by S G H)
Graphics for Beginners
Hello, I was wondering if anybody new a good game library. I know C++ but, I want to start making games. I made some complex Text-Based RPGs. I want to get in t...
[5 replies] Last: When I tried GM I found tons of documentation/help/support for it. Sti... (by BHX)
CPU load
Hello, does anyone know how to get the CPU load of a process and of the entire computer? I have tried searching this topic but haven't found a good way.
[3 replies] Last: That means that the functions used are in a non-standard library. You... (by Stewbond)
by stuted
WPM, RPM Error Code: 299
Hi, let me get straight to the point. I have posted this to numerous forums, i hope you guys can help me. I am trying to modify a program with write process me...
[8 replies] Last: haha, i like your phrasing. I should get into assembly then to fix thi... (by stuted)
April 2012 Pages: 1... 3456
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