Windows Programming - April 2012 (Page 6)

write software with MFC
Hello guys I want write software with MFC in visual studio 2010, but I do`nt khnow how I start. If anybody knows a good reference,please introduce to I. very ...
[1 reply] : (by webJose)
by oonej
VB + Mysql
Hey guys, I'm trying to connect to a MYSQL server. Its at my domain name, and I access it just fine on my personal pc, but when I run it on other computers i...
[3 replies] Last: i figured it out.. my problem was the MySql.Data.dll file wasn't in t... (by oonej)
by atjm88
Diagonal line?
Hi, I want to do a simple calculation for crossing 2 lines together but cannot get it after tried the program below. The program below cannot cross the center o...
[4 replies] Last: Hi, this is what I want to get actually... http://img195.imageshack.u... (by atjm88)
scripting in Windows?
I want to create some scripts for running programs through various test cases. Essentially, the value of the script will be repeatability and ease of running ma...
[7 replies] Last: This is a good summary of .cmd instructions. You ... (by kbw)
Building a GUI with C++ & Visual Studio
Could someone help me walkthrough the process of building a graphic user interface? I've got the code of my program to run but I can't for the life of me figure...
[2 replies] Last: If you hate C++, then there's no hope at all in learning how to build ... (by TheDestroyer)
Use https in VC++
Hi All, I have been trying to connect .net web service(IIS) using https in VC++. I have tried to use CSoapSocketClientT by adding "Add web reference..." to...
[no replies]
writing on a file
i am developing an student software in which i am taking the information using text boxes and command buttons and after he push the register button i want that...
[3 replies] Last: please read this, it might help you get better aquainted with such eve... (by iKlsR)
by atjm88
RGB to Gray Image
Hi, can anyone tell me how to convert RGB image into Gray Scale Image using C++? Thanks...
[1 reply] : (by kbw)
Show window when minimized
I am trying to create a window that shows itself when minimized. I tried this in WndProc. if(IsIconic(hwnd)!=0){ShowWindow(hwnd, SW_RESTORE);} The expr...
[2 replies] Last: What is your purpose of making this? SW_SHOW might work. (by codeman)
GUI programming without a full Win32 application
I'd like to use native Windows GUI components (windows, buttons, text boxes, menu bars, etc.) to create a GUI for an application, but I don't want the applicati...
[4 replies] Last: @modoran You may link statically for Qt for non-commercial version, bu... (by TheDestroyer)
April 2012 Pages: 1... 456
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