Windows Programming - January 2015 (Page 2)

How to Create a Multithread for “public ref class” in VS c++ with “_beginthread”
How to Create a Multithread for “public ref class” in Windows c++ (VS) with “_beginthread” instead of using gcnew Thread Intention: To synchronize ...
[2 replies] Last: I found a interesting reference in this website: people who are havin... (by ksnaveen)
Add resource folder to Code::Blocks?
Hello! Lets say I have two main folders: -Sources (contains all source code) -Resources (contains all assets, like textures, sounds, etc) How can I add ...
[2 replies] Last: Hah, thats awesome. Thank you! (by Blenderman9000)
[C\C++32] - how do double buffering?
my image class have the hdcimage with imageweight, imageheight. knowing these, i need return the HBITMAP. so i must do the double buffering: operator HBITMAP...
[no replies]
C++ Memory Counting
Hello, I have been working on an OpenCV project that uses the grand central dispatch pattern, libdispatch. I have asked at both the OpenCV forum and lisdispa...
[2 replies] Last: First and foremost; charging by memory allocation is a terrible bu... (by Computergeek01)
by xijj
For Tetris tutorial For pure C++ format to write the "Tetris" code, or Tetris tutorial
Where there have very good very detailed "Tetris" tutorial, For pure C++ format to write the "Tetris" code, or Tetris tutorial
[3 replies] Last: This is the game above in Qt: (by Observer)
Python help list and dictionaries
I wish to use a list to access each dictionary. How do I do this? The problem is at the function get_class_average. I want it to go through eash item in the lis...
[no replies]
by Adubey
Job Opportunity - C++ Developer - Somerset, NJ
Job title: C++ developer Location: Somerset, NJ Duration: 6 Months Required Skills: • C++ Windows developer (At least 3 to 5 years of experience) • ...
[1 reply] : wrong sub forum. (by mutexe)
Static text box background color?
Starting to dive into the WIN32 API (windows.h) and I've noticed that static text boxes have a grey BG and editable text boxes are white. I suppose this is beca...
[8 replies] Last: Sorry CGunn86. Windows Api coding, as well as using any class framewo... (by freddie1)
C++ Homework
Write a program to handle the flow of widgets into and out of a warehouse. The warehouse will have numerous deliveries of new widgets and orders for widgets. T...
[5 replies] Last: What errors are you getting? Please be more specific. (by kevinkjt2000)
win32/c++ simple calculator
hi there, I need a help. I am trying to build a simple calculator by myself(self learning). I have completed the gui and codes but then, when i press '=' sign ...
[no replies]
by Hofek
Listbox Item Add problem
Hi, i have a problem with my program. I want it to search the folder for new files and when it find something, listBox will add a new item (for example File na...
[no replies]
by anhnha
Many apps of same type opened at a time
Hi, I am using an MFC application where only one app can be opened at a time. For example, I built the code and the first time I got name1.exe. I also rebu...
[11 replies] Last: Hi, All's well that ends well. Could you explain more? Sorry I am n... (by anhnha)
by ajh32
IFileDialog customisation
I'm using the IFileDialog with the CLSID_FileOpenDialog for an open file dialog. I've created an instance of IFileDialogCustomize so that I may customise the o...
[no replies]
help with a header file and getchar
i read the entire 'the console closing down' thread and i was wondering... 1) When i write C++ code can i use ...
[2 replies] Last: The C standard library is more portable than C++'s, so you don't have ... (by Avilius)
Help me!
#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<iostream.h> main() { int ewan,lag,ehe,wew,diff,oppa,enter,product1,wiw,log,a,b,c,d,e,totalall,totaldrink,totalmea...
[1 reply] : Don't double post. (by mutexe)
Detect if a webpage changed
Hi! I'd like to make a program that tells me if a webpage changed from its last "visit". Since I'm quite a beginner I have no idea on how to proceed. I thought ...
[7 replies] Last: (by tath)
Calling methods error no variable printed
So ive got 2 methods which I call in LRESULT CALLBACK... The problem is that when it prints the variable the number is always zero.What I am doing wrong? The n...
[no replies]
Capture System Audio
I am making a screen recorder in Java and according to people on stack overflow Java is not good with audio capture and can not capture system audio output, so ...
[4 replies] Last: You can use WASAPI on windows:, you have a sample here: http://blogs.m... (by modoran)
Using existing list from files to add values to
I have a problem I want to solve. I save a list I create to a file. I want to use the existing list and be able yo add nre elements to it. Can anybody help? ...
[no replies]
Broken timer
Hello, I'm working on a game for a schoolproject and have encountered an error. this is my code: #include "outpu.h" #include <time.h> #include <string> #i...
[no replies]
January 2015 Pages: 1234
  Archived months: [dec2014] [feb2015]

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