Windows Programming - March 2012 (Page 6)

Link List Process
How to write a c program for creating and terminating process using by link list?
[1 reply] : wow, little vague, dont you think be more specific (by NanoBytes)
How to display the files in a specific folder?
I'm trying to make a little disk cleaner program and I couldn't figure out how to display the results of scanned directory on list view tool on windows form app...
[4 replies] Last: This is not the forum for .Net questions, even C++/CLI related ones. ... (by webJose)
by yanio
c++ for usb interface
first and foremost idk anything relating c++ and usb i/o i have this water level system proj where there will be 4 levels and 2 outputs to control. how do i p...
[3 replies] Last: yeah, i thought so... it simply using FILE pointer to check and acce... (by chipp)
by Claymz
WM_KEYDOWN message pause
Hi all! First of all, some additional info: in the wParam parameter of WM_KEYDOWN message, first 15 bits have the following meaning: "0-15 The repeat count...
[3 replies] Last: Basically, you need to implement your own keyboard delay. So you need... (by kbw)
Attache MFC variale to win32 edit control
Hi, I have a edit control in win32 and another class in mfc. In mfc i can use the following to attach the vaiable to control DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_EDIT_CO...
[1 reply] : If you use the same messages as an Edit control, you can use the same ... (by kbw)
by pol
Problem with SAPI Dynamic Grammars
Good morning. I have been making a Speech to Text program using SAPI and am having some problems with loading, activating and deactivating dynamic grammars. Bas...
[1 reply] : Ok. I have broken everything down to its simplest form: (by pol)
by Claymz
Win32 C++ game
Hi all! Ive started making a game, similar to this one: http://www.newground...tal/view/409137, except im making it with Win32 and C++. Ive made the moving l...
[1 reply] : Solved the velocity issue! Just needed to normalize the direction, aft... (by Claymz)
GetOpenFileName in Windows 7
Well, I am trying to open a file in Windows 7 by using this shit: GetOpenFileName() and the application crashes when the class of the initial windows is being c...
[10 replies] Last: Windows 7 has some security features that blocks programs from managin... (by alexbnc)
Scroll bars not going away
Hello there I have created a HWND with a vertial scroll bar like so: hMessageIn = createAHWND(WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, "EDIT", "", WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|ES_MULTI...
[2 replies] Last: Using the ShowScrollbar method does nothing, the scroll bar is still t... (by Squigglyo)
for loop inside switch statement problem
hi! i'm trying to make a memory game but the part of the code that should tell the program where (ex:red and the another red is) is not working also pleas...
[1 reply] : The for() loops in both cases 1 and 2 assign the same numbers. In cas... (by Texan40)
Getting a Windows Size
Im having some problems getting the size of my window. I'm currently working on a .dll file in visual studio for use in a project I've previously made. I'...
[3 replies] Last: GetActiveWindow() will return the HWND to the current active window. ... (by Texan40)
by adn258
Beginning Win32 Convert wchar_t To String?
//array for profile path wchar_t path ; ExpandEnvironmentStrings(L"%USERPROFILE%",path,250); for (int i = 0; i<250; i++) { cout<< path <...
[7 replies] Last: The std::string data type is simply a typedef of the templated class s... (by webJose)
[C++] Create same style as Window's Calculator
I'm curious as to how to apply the same style as window's vista/7 calculator. What i'm looking for in particular is the highlight yellow + yellow fadeout when m...
[1 reply] : Look at owner draw control and uxtheme API. Read about Aero functions ... (by modoran)
by HenryJ
wxWidgets Mouse event problem
hi my name is henry, there's something wrong with this code and I don't know what it is: void MyFrame::OnMouse(wxMouseEvent& event) { wxPoint Start(event.Get...
[1 reply] : EVT_LEFT_DOWN is when the user presses the left click. event.LeftUp... (by Disch)
Styles for "Static" windows
I am creating static text with the Win32 API. I've recently added a background to my parent window and I'd like to make the background for these child windows ...
[no replies]
by siloan
Upnp issue
Hi there, I'm trying to forward some ports through upnp and i have found this -
[no replies]
Problem with raising to a power on x64 system
I created this load game function to work on my linux laptop, and it worked fine, but now it's giving me errors. Specifically: Compiling my RPG... loadGame...
[3 replies] Last: This is an example of a cast int x = 10; double d = (double)x; but in... (by naraku9333)
Best Windows message for initializing stuff
Hi At this level of my C++ study I still have this question: which of the so many windows messages handled in the window's procedure is the recommended to creat...
[1 reply] : The WM_CREATE message can be considered as an object constructor if us... (by freddie1)
Olympiad Problem
I think I failed this one. --- The olympiad took place a few hours ago. --- Colours Miruna loves painting. In the last vacantion she went to her grand...
[1 reply] : Don't multi-post. http://... (by Kyon)
Why C++ fread is so different from Windows ReadFile
Greetings, I write a piece of code to simulate system I/O perf. However the result is so different between fread (IOPS is 5000+) and Windows ReadFile (IOP...
[9 replies] Last: File size is around 4GB. I tried 32 threads to get this number. Looki... (by andywestken)
March 2012 Pages: 1... 4567
  Archived months: [feb2012] [apr2012]

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