Windows Programming - March 2012 (Page 7)

Checkboxs wont check
Hello I am testing out how to tell when a checkbox is checked. I have figured out a little bit but what I have isn't working fully I got it so that when I che...
[11 replies] Last: I have to say I just plain forgot that you could pass in the ID throug... (by Texan40)
tic tac toe online
i want to bring my game online using UDP but when i open 2 of this application the second one doesnt receive anything i dont know why please tell me why its my ...
[no replies]
Unable to Execute C#.Net Window on Windows Xp logon Screen
Hi, I kept one button on XP Gina logon screen and am trying to execute an windows Form exe using that button,when i pressed this button it should show...
[no replies]
equivalent program for windows
hi.. this program kills a process after n timeout on linux machines.. /* timeout.c -- invoke a command and kill it hard (-9) if it is still executing ...
[1 reply] : Use TerminateProcess() API to terminate a process, assuming PID is alr... (by modoran)
What are some sites to release open source projects to
what are some sites that allow you to release open source projects and uncompiled codes that have a pretty broad audience. Or do any such sites exists. Usuall...
[1 reply] : (by Athar)
void pointers
okay how would i go about solving this question i have written up a small piece of code that should do most of it but i cant figure out how to finish off the la...
[1 reply] : You can't dereference a void*. What you CAN do, is cast a void* to som... (by hanst99)
by henz22
String to int and subtracting
Hello ! I'm studying software development and C++ I have a task, where I have the text file with information about USA presidents. All the lines are as follows...
[2 replies] Last: I got them all except the day of death. Somehow something doesn't let ... (by henz22)
MFC edit boxes and integers
I'm trying to make an edit box that takes int variables only, and I've used the MFC class wizard in VC++ 6.0 Enterprise to make the member variable an int calle...
[8 replies] Last: @andywestken "I'd just use int, and get rid of the control." Do you ... (by NerdTastic)
by minime
Drive letters associated with Virtual Disks
Hi, I'm writing a program that works with Virtual disks, at the moment using disks mounted from an image file using FTK 3. I was using queryDosDevice to get...
[7 replies] Last: What did you try to mount using FTK Imager, I'm currently using E01 fi... (by minime)
by moot1
win 32 gui
What is win32 gui? Is it graphics?
[3 replies] Last: A GUI is a g raphical u ser i nterface. -Albatross (by Albatross)
March 2012 Pages: 1... 567
  Archived months: [feb2012] [apr2012]

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