Windows Programming - March 2016 (Page 2)

by noaboa
Get Working Directory Windows
Hi, I am currently following a book about SFML, but I am having a problem with getting the current working Directory. What is wrong with it, I have read other t...
[5 replies] Last: While I'm here 1. Passing NULL to GetModuleFileName() does the same t... (by andywestken)
Convert string to LPCSTR?maybe?
Hello guys i'm an other time here! i have this code #include "iostream" #include "windows.h" #include <msclr\marshal_cppstd.h> namespace Downloadervc { u...
[3 replies] Last: and for the download status? (i mean percentage) No problem, the Web... (by Thomas1965)
replace space with a zero IP control
I have the following code which gives me an IP address in Hexadecimal to push to a .ini file. The problem is where there should be Zeros. ie: 1 =01. it gives m...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks, I stared at this way too long and missed that. (by redchem)
Question about GDI ?
1# Where to learn GDI On Internet Online ? 2# How to design a win32 software like this ?
[2 replies] Last: Anyone for question number 2 ? (by musfiqur)
by Hex213
Only my application
Hello, I need help with my win32 application. I need to find code which start only my application. Another application should not run. It is a login screen. ...
[4 replies] Last: Let's change gears a bit here OP. If you want the users attention excl... (by Computergeek01)
How do I unzip password protected zip file?
hello guys I have tried to Goolge key words which is "C++ unzip password protected",However ,there are few useful information I have ,would you please give ...
[2 replies] Last: I have used ziputils before and it is by far the easiest solution I co... (by kind9)
Can I make a functional button that activates a command in c++? I use Code::Blocks and run a windows 8.1 machine. Thanks for the help!
[4 replies] Last: OK thank you very much! (by JT Maston)
need help with windows IP Control box
I am trying to bring user entered data in to my program using a windows IP control box. I am using the following code from examples others have used but I get ...
[7 replies] Last: I am starting to figure out that I have a class problem. If I try to u... (by redchem)
having issues with serial search
if i only enter 1 set of records i get a correct return but if i enter more than one set of record it only reconizes the last set. so when i search for student ...
[2 replies] Last: Your code doesn't make much sense to me. You load the file into a vec... (by Thomas1965)
How to get focus of the debugged window?
Hello, I am debugging an Win API application (game) in visual studio C ++ 2013. I need to pass commands from the C-code and see what they do on the screen of ...
[no replies]
how convert from LPCTSTR to string?
how can i convert from LPCTSTR to string? i'm trying enum window properties, but i need print the properties names with cout, but the LPCTSTR type don't works ...
[9 replies] Last: finally i can convert them to a string: BOOL CALLBACK PropEnumProc( ... (by Cambalinho)
progress on program running
hi there, please... how display a notice while the program logical-flux is running? for conceptual example, let printAnIntegerValue(int j) a function which...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you :-), i go to study it (by sgnifus)
DLL creation in visual studio 12 using command prompt
Hello friends, I am new to windows programming . I am trying to create DLL using visual studio 12 . I have 2 files source.cpp and header.h header.h contains...
[1 reply] : Add /MT or /MD switches to link against runtime library. See exact co... (by modoran)
void WINAPI entrypoint (void)
so let assume one does not need all the parameters provided by WinMain, how can one have the entry point to be win WINAPI entrypoint(void) ...???
[3 replies] Last: You can have a custom entry point, but then you need to not use any C ... (by modoran)
Error starting an executable in a new process CreateProcess()
An other time, i'm here with a problem ahahaha after a lot of time spent in MSDN (
[5 replies] Last: It is possible that this program requires specific things set up. Use ... (by modoran)
Win32 Project in Microsoft Visual Studio
Hey guys, I want to accomplish the following project in win32 api. I would be grateful for any help! • After loading, program checks for bitmaps (.bmp fi...
[no replies]
Advice on how to draw.
Objective: To create an efficient drawing class to draw virtual desktop representation to a small area of the ClientArea. I have problems loading the images in ...
[1 reply] : Sorry, I'm having a hard time reading your code. Can you enclose the ... (by willbprog127)
by souria
generate 10 random number
Hey, this is a code where I generate random variable from a min and max. Right now, I want to fix the limit of the number. Let say, that I want to generate 10 r...
[1 reply] : Avoid the C random functions. C++ has better and more random generati... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
Calling Managed Functions (C#) from C++
**C++ Wrapper Code :** I am trying to build C++ CLR wrapper so that it can be used in other C++ code. ---------------- public:void CallingBrownianManagedC...
[no replies]
Error reading registry key
hello, i have this code #include <iostream> #include <windows.h> using namespace std; int main() { HKEY key ; if(RegOpenKey(HKEY_CU...
[2 replies] Last: THANKS!!! I'M LOOKING FOR A NICE ANSWER FROM 2 WEEKS!! added: DWORD ... (by Mario Valentino)
March 2016 Pages: 1234
  Archived months: [feb2016] [apr2016]

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