Windows Programming - March 2016 (Page 4)

How to 'edit' existing command prompt lines
Have any of you ever seen an installation from the command prompt? I will use MinGW installing g++ as an example: When it's downloading from sourceforge, it h...
[6 replies] Last: Yes, Sleep() was just to simulate some other lengthy process. what d... (by Chervil)
FILE declare?
Hello when I compiled my program, I got lists of the same Problem: FILE has not been declared. where : void Dump (FILE *fp); FILE *fpDDF; void Dum...
[1 reply] : You need to include either <stdio.h> or <cstdio> (by Thomas1965)
G++ CAN'T FIND METHOD 'getLine(ifstream, string)'
The example use for the function 'getLine' of the c++ standard library, included with 'fstream', is getLine (ifstream, string); . g++ is telling me it is ...
[4 replies] Last: oh. Maybe it is just I got confused because the l has a bar under i... (by demoylan)
Loadresource problem?
In Find resource API. FindResource(..) API the Second parameter i don't understand. I am trying to extract using FindResource and others API. here is th...
[5 replies] Last: LoadResource(..) API the Second parameter i don't understand. http:... (by Thomas1965)
Vectors in windows forms
I have made an initial foray into using vectors in windows forms. After studying several sites on vectors I created a new windows form (VS2010). I wrot...
[2 replies] Last: The compiler error arises because you need the namespace std:: before ... (by coder777)
ReadConsoleInput on windows10 fails with mouse input
Hello, i was just wondering if anybody knows what changed with the console window in windows 10. Edit: i have noticed that auto text select is on. i have bee...
[1 reply] : On my Win10 64bit machine compiling that sample using VS 2015 Communit... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
by s8050
How to insert text at the beginning of a file without overwriting any existing data?
For example the content of a file is: Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 and I wanna insert Line 0 by scrolling the existing data. So that the content changes to: Line ...
[1 reply] : Maybe you can check first how big the file is and how much memory is a... (by Thomas1965)
by Todai
ODBC cannot connect
Good morning guys, I've been working on a data-mining project using libcurl and have encountered an issue with my odbc database connection. Here is the code: ...
[1 reply] : Does it not follow then that, since the same code works in various con... (by freddie1)
by V07
List of drives
Hi I have created a combo box in my main window drives = CreateWindow(L"COMBOBOX", TEXT(""), CBS_DROPDOWN | CBS_HASSTRINGS | WS_CHILD | WS_OVERLAPPED | WS_VI...
[5 replies] Last: I don't understand the problem. I sent you a PM with a link to a demo ... (by Thomas1965)
About Windows: what i need to know before simulate the keys?
i build a program for execute(ShellExecute() ) another program. then i change window position program(SetWindowPos() ). until here fine, but i need to know 2 t...
[2 replies] Last: is zero. seems that i must wait that the window is ready or something ... (by Cambalinho)
Most Memory Efficient c++11 (or higher) Compiler
Okay, so I am a perfectionist, so I NEED my applications to have INSANE performance (i.e. low usage of the computers resources which in this case is RAM). My go...
[13 replies] Last: Right on Computergeek. Using VC's /nodefaultlib capabilities one can ... (by freddie1)
by sz6gz8
Determine external executable program
Hi, I start in a MFC application an external executable program,for example(mspaint.exe). I use Visual C++ 6.0 my code: ShellExecute(NULL,"open"...
[1 reply] : Now I need to determine this mspaint application again. What do you... (by Thomas1965)
EggGame function help
#include <iostream> using namespace::std; int tortoisePick(int numberEggs, int harePicked) void main() { bool gameOver = false; //...
[3 replies] Last: Yes I am trying to have the tortoise automatically pick their selectio... (by tdyoung)
How to write the Multi Text line in the File in MFC programming ?
I'm a newbie in MFC programming. I'm trying to read the Edit Control text and Write into the File.So the Edit control has multi line text when i write the text ...
[1 reply] : I also had my problems. This works for me: CString Filepath = _T (... (by Thomas1965)
Use string type for a Visual Studio (V100 toolset) project
Hi, I'm using Visual Studio 2010 Professional - yes, quite old, but I am obliged to use it. The build toolset is marked as V100. I create a C++ empty project,...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks Thomas, I've solved my issue which was in fact related to marsh... (by Opariti)
Playing sound in Windows error.
I can't play a sound for some odd reason. It gives me this error: Error LNK2019 unresolved external symbol __imp__PlaySoundA@12 referenced in function _main H...
[1 reply] : You need to add Winmm.lib either with #pragma comment(lib, " (by Thomas1965)
Changing bytestream (unsigned char*) to vector
I want to change: unsigned char* lpPixelArray to std::vector<unsigned char> vPixelArray I allocate memory for the lpPixelArray by: lpPixelArray = (u...
[2 replies] Last: Current problem: Whether to instantiate the size or use resize where... (by Jack Hammered)
Crazy things
So I am pretty new to the Win32 API, but this kinda thing doesn't make sense to me, I input a number for TextOut to display and it displays a random number, lik...
[2 replies] Last: This is the code, the rest of the code is the basic VS2013 starting ... (by freddie1)
March 2016 Pages: 1234
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