Windows Programming - November 2014 (Page 2)

HELP PLEASE!!Create a program that will ask the user enter numbers until the average is not most of 90.If the average is less than 90, print a message: Entered ...
[1 reply] : Please read this: (by knn9)
Help with Excercise
So I'm doing an excercise on a tic-tac-toe program with some A.I. But I am being given a ton of errors, sadly the errors are beyond me and was hoping anyone cou...
[1 reply] : Errors due to post being to long: 1>------ Build started: Project: Tic... (by NewCComer)
by MarkP
How does my program survive all the security?
I´ve developped an application for Windows years ago. That has always worked fine, until the latest updates for Windows as well as some antivirus have started...
[6 replies] Last: I believe you guys got things a bit confused. There is in fact a datab... (by MarkP)
by Walnut
Change Volume of one PC from another
How would one go about changing the volume on one PC(x) from a separate computer(y) over wifi/internet? Is this possible using windows.h? I'm pretty sure it's ...
[2 replies] Last: There are various security issues which will not allow you to do this.... (by sitipano)
VisualFilter ImageProcessNetwork
Hallo zusammen. VisualFilter ermöglicht es ohne Kosten Videos/Kameras/Bilder mehrfach in der eigenen Anwendung unter C/C++ zu integrrieren,dazu noch mit ...
[no replies]
i need correct the menu handle definition
the menu handle is the popup handle or menu item handle? why these question? because when i use the AppendMenu() for add a new menu item, i don't get the menu ...
[14 replies] Last: i'm getting a memory error: case WM_MENUCOMMAND: { ... (by Cambalinho)
ISSUE - Transparent .png image in VC++
[1 reply] : What do you mean by "convert png transparent", it means convert to ano... (by modoran)
Can anyone tell me what's wrong with this code?
The code is supposed to read a text file, Scores, with scores integer values and display the highest and lowest score as well as the passing and failing scores,...
[3 replies] Last: For anyone that comes across this I did manage to solve it, the code f... (by aids8544)
Change FONT SIZE of already existing TTF font in SDL.
Hey guys I'm trying to do something quite simple, but I couldn't find any functions here to help me ach...
[3 replies] Last: hehe ok, Note: this is old code and is not the best way of drawing te... (by Precious roy)
[C/C++ 11 - win32] - how add a bitmap to menu?
i did these function for add a bitmap to menu: void bitmap(string filename) { HBITMAP bitimage = (HBITMAP)LoadImage( NULL, filename.c_str(), IM...
[2 replies] Last: resolved: void bitmap(string filename) { HBITMAP bitimage... (by Cambalinho)
Change specific file icon
Hello. What i'm trying to do is change the icon of a specific file that does not have a unique extension. I need to do it in c++, without knowing the file type.
[2 replies] Last: I know how to do it for a specific file type. I want to do a specific ... (by fabtasticwill)
SDL2 button click registering many hundreds of times...
Hi guys, I'm trying to make it so that when the user clicks on a sprite it runs a function. However, everytime I click it runs the function a couple of hundred ...
[2 replies] Last: I actually solved this, thanks for your reply though. Here is my solu... (by bryan177mcsc)
VisualStudio Windows32 Form Event (not) bug
Hello evryone, For school i am required to start work on my DX engine that's all fine for the most part. But now i noticed that lets say i have an windows me...
[1 reply] : Ok So my problem is not a bug. after some research i managed to unders... (by Precious roy)
Vectors or Matrices in the .NET environment?
I'm a beginner c++ student and my professor "bet" us 20 points on our past exam that we couldn't find a way to use vectors and matrices in Vis Studio C++ Window...
[no replies]
Ways to being .cpp and h file types and classes into a third party app
I inherited a series of h and .cpp files that when compiled are brought in to other consuming c++ apps with the regular .h and .lib static library approach. It...
[1 reply] : Yes, in fact you just described in detail, exactly what OLE\Automation... (by Computergeek01)
Open an image in DirectX9
Hi, I am working on Visual studio wherein I have a cube and a sphere and I am able to set material properties to them. I want to open an image in this world. ...
[1 reply] : draw a plane with a texture on it. (by Precious roy)
Updated VS, now I am getting a few errors. Now what?
I finally realised an update was available (Visual Studio 2013 Update 4) for Visual Studio, so I updated it. Now I am getting a few errors: Error 1 error...
[2 replies] Last: It's got nothing to do with the code; why should it? The update should... (by cybermonkeyso)
Converting file to UTF-8
Hi, I am going to obtain some data from windows registry and I use system command to export whole key to txt file. But when I try to find in C++ my text in...
[1 reply] : Hi, Maybe someone tells me, how to find text in Unicode file ? It is... (by grzybek)
Problem with codeblocks
I created a program and it won't work a stand-alone executable. It says it's missing a 'cygwin.dll' file. I want it so this program will run from a disc, is tha...
[5 replies] Last: I'm not pretty sure if your compiler(cygwin) supports static compilati... (by rjvc)
how subclassing menus?
how can i subclassing the menus? i have 1 code code for build the menus: #define ID_NEW_RECORD_ITEM 1001 #define ID_SAVE_RECORD_ITEM 1002 #de...
[4 replies] Last: ok. i fix that and now i'm trying subclass the menu: class Menu { pri... (by Cambalinho)
November 2014 Pages: 12345
  Archived months: [oct2014] [dec2014]

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