Beginners - April 2013 (Page 75)

Concept Question
I'm learning about operator overloading, and I've learned that when you overload the << and >> operators, you need to make them global, since the lefthand opera...
[6 replies] Last: Ok, thanks a lot for the help! (by INeedAHero)
GUI for matching game
I am writing a matching game using C++ GUI but I can't think a way of doing so. It is kind of games similar to Noah's Ark to match animals. The basic rule o...
[no replies]
Help me!!
hello help me plz i'm a beginner, i don't know how to do this 1.Input value to array 2 element 2.Compare between two element then output the maximum number...
[1 reply] : #include <algorithm> #include <iostream> #include <utility> int main... (by MiiNiPaa)
Help with 2D arrays?
#include <iostream> using namespace std; How can I print the whole rows and columns instead of only outputting one number? Thanks! int main() { ...
[2 replies] Last: The simplest way is to use the range-based for statement. For example ... (by vlad from moscow)
how to do vice versa operation? C
i wrote a program which can calculate numerical meaning of a word i type. now i want to type a number and get all possible choices of word list, how is it poss...
[1 reply] : You can make a dictionary of words and their numerical meaning. After ... (by MiiNiPaa)
How would this template code run?
#include<iostream> #include<conio.h> using namespace std; namespace ns{ class A{ public: template<typename T> void operator<< (T str){ cout<< str; ...
[1 reply] : I do not know where there is the line 19 because as all stupid guys yo... (by vlad from moscow)
Constructors giving me a hard time
I have a class Car that calculates speed and whatnot, but with the constructor im getting error messages bugging me to no end. Car::Car(string carMake, int ...
[2 replies] Last: Oh i see. I had it like this before Class Car { Private: //all my ... (by Mobius1)
Need help with C2676: binary '['... ERROR
Anytime I try to access part of an array, ba for example, It gives me this error, even when I print out. C2676: binary '[' : 'BitArray' does not define this...
[1 reply] : only predefined types have the operator built into the behavior. If... (by pogrady)
Random numbers and Vectors (1,2)
Ok, so I have an assignment, which is designed to see if I can implement the work into a class. That's actually the easy part, but I'm having problems trying to...
[25 replies] Last: Simple? This drove me batty for weeks! Heck, the next assignment, (lab... (by xanthian23)
why my inFile will insert extra 1 number after second loop
1 KEZN 2HITACHI HTC2011-500TB 2 1000 4 SAMSUNG ST-56/2-PLASMA 3 13500 6 PENDING my txt . the 3rd line should be Hitachi only. why it will hv ...
[1 reply] : editted (by Lim Boon Jye)
ascii "hello world"
Hello. I am currently working with C++ and was instructed by my teacher to convert my "hello world" code to use ascii decimal values instead of human character...
[14 replies] Last: You're welcome, @maxrax. (by whitenite1)
Help with Limiting Input
I need help with Limiting the user input to only 4 digits and each digit can only be 0-7. It's an encryption program that takes replaces each digit with (sum of...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks for the help guys. I got it working properly. (by Kurisutofaa)
proplem in loops/tax
#include<iostream> #include <vector> struct employee { //ahmed.ha.hnd char name ; float salary; int...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks a lot I am grateful to you (by Man silence)
Adding a template to custom made vector class(College Assignment)
Basically we're taking our custom int vector class and making it into an adaptable vector class. However I'm running into these particular errors. Here's my cod...
[2 replies] Last: Making liberal use of Google (since my class hasn't even started makin... (by fg109)
by Tubes
Search functions not returning proper values
Part of my assignment requires making a search function to find employees in a database. I got the function that searches by id (a five character string of digi...
[3 replies] Last: You aren't calling nameSearch in main(). I didn't read passed that. ... (by Lowest0ne)
by jc4bs
Derived Classes and Constructors
I am having trouble learning the correct syntax for when an object of a derived class tries to call the constructor of the base class. For example, say I have a...
[1 reply] : Your derived ctor needs to take four arguments in general: two to call... (by Cubbi)
Trouble with my assignment
I'm a few months into taking C++ and this is my hardest assignment so far. I've read my book and gone to tutoring, but I'm just having too much trouble trying t...
[1 reply] : Hi :) For you char menu , is a function that requires to return a ch... (by osgwsy)
Can someone explain this?
Can someone explain how the last for loop works which prints out the user's input backwards?? Thanks in advance #include <iostream> using namespace std; int...
[1 reply] : For the for loop, it will first start from i = 9, output the array nu... (by osgwsy)
problem in my assignment
my program does not arrange Salaries well when the //bubbl sort And gives me an error when calculating the salary tax when the // calc tax #include<iostrea...
[10 replies] Last: here not work A program for collecting employee informat And displa... (by Man silence)
by Jace
Function error
I don't know where to input a certain file name into the function so that the function searches for the certain file. If you were trying to find a certain file ...
[16 replies] Last: I have no idea what that means.... so far my program looks like this: ... (by Jace)
April 2013 Pages: 1... 7374757677... 83
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