Beginners - April 2013 (Page 77)

Hello community! I am creating a matrix for a deck of 52 playing cards. I realise permuting them all together (N=52) will have me waiting for years to compl...
[1 reply] : Are you asking a question? (by IceThatJaw)
Delete a location
Hi , I have to write a function that deletes a location in some array , with its value , for example : a =2 a =54 a =87 a =76 a should be deleted : a =...
[13 replies] Last: True, but looking at his posts, I doubt that he really knows what he w... (by jlb)
by ar2007
very beginner -test "for" "if/else"
hi all. Recently, try to learn C + +, and I am doing some exercises in the book on which study. below, I have tried to create an algorithm that reads a string...
[no replies]
Delete Pointer
Hello everybody, I know this is an evergreen topic, but I openly admit, I am lost. I have the following code // read bond definitions from a file void...
[1 reply] : If it's crashing when you delete, that probably means you have memory ... (by Disch)
Need help with this program
#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; int calcBalance(int invStart, int copRecieved, int copSold); void displayOutput(int idNum, ...
[no replies]
populating a vector of objects
This code seems to work, but there is A LOT of destructors being called. The same items destructor seems to be called repeatedly. As the loop progress, with e...
[6 replies] Last: You can still use C++11 with MVC++ 2010 as long as the compiler you us... (by closed account 3qX21hU5)
txt. file editing
Hi! I'm trying to make a program that generates chars to symbols so I can use secret codes and decode it with the program. Example: I write down on the comma...
[2 replies] Last: thank you (by Alban Gashi)
by thipp
Performing Operations on User-Input Formulas
I'm attempting to make a program that will allow you to input a formula, input variables, and it will solve the formula. The problem I'm facing is that I don't ...
[3 replies] Last: This one is for C++ and I've heard good things about it: http://mupars... (by LB)
Simple problem please help!
I have this code but when I run the program it displays the first two cout lines without prompting the cin after I make choice==1. I'm sure my mistake is very s...
[7 replies] Last: It is a bad habit. Just because it doesn't hurt now doesn't mean it wi... (by LB)
converting int - string
Hello I have created the following program to test out the rand() function and converting values (int - string). #include <iostream> #include <stdlib.h> #...
[7 replies] Last: In C++11, you can use std::to_string() : (by LB)
Help Using 1 Dimensional Arrays With a File That Contains Two Data Items
I am currently doing a programming project where a user has to interactively enter the name of a data file and then is presented a menu and choses a task to be ...
[2 replies] Last: I'm not going †☺ write the code but I'm just gonna drop some hint... (by OxBADC0DE)
infile read problem
void readOrder( OrderList *&order , ifstream &inFile , int &orderIndex ){ string name = ""; string item = ""; string status = ""; i...
[7 replies] Last: solved it. and @bour thanks for your teaching but you are wrong. i c... (by Felicia123)
Can someone give me the meaning of these C++ terms?
Remove this
[1 reply] : I'm 100% sure nobody would answer this question. "Why?"? Because this ... (by OxBADC0DE)
Got a bunch of questions about it, hopefully someone can help me out. These are exercises from a book. 1) Give your Screen class three constructors: - a de...
[5 replies] Last: Alright got it, thank you so much Bourgond =). Too much technical mumb... (by Olysold)
by blink2
is there a timed-release function?
cout<<"What is your name?"<<endl; cin>>MyName; cout<<"You're name is " << MyName << "? Ok."<<endl; cout<<endl; Before the program returns the ...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you for your answers. Very helpful. :) (by blink2)
by kw1991
how to create an icon for system tray?
i used this website to get some code for a basic windows service application and i...
[2 replies] Last: i don't really care about design of the icon. its the code i'm asking ... (by kw1991)
I am trying to understand why/when I should use static_case. For instance, in this code: 1 // Enter purchase amount 2 double purchase amount; 3 cout << "Enter ...
[5 replies] Last: Ok thanks for the explanation LB. My mistake was when I was doing the... (by Banshee1)
Function error
void orderItem( Inventory *& inven , OrderList *& order , int &index ){ displayItem(inven,index); string status = ""; string name = ""; ...
[2 replies] Last: problem solved by created orderIndex += 1 will ask if any proble... (by Felicia123)
by blink2
code spacing
How do I make the output spaced in the console in this code? cout<<"Here's my information: "" My name is " <<MyName<< "I'm "<<MyAge<< "and I live in "<<MyCi...
[5 replies] Last: http://w... (by GaGoKoYa)
What's the latest C++ book for beginners?
Perhaps not totally newbie, but Bjarne's book is ...pretty useless to me at this stage, it looks like it is intended for those with a decent understanding of C+...
[no replies]
April 2013 Pages: 1... 7576777879... 83
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