Beginners - April 2013 (Page 76)

warning C4227: anachronism used : qualifiers on reference are ignored
So I get that error when I try to do this: typedef double const (*t_p_training_function)(std::vector<double> const&); // training function pointer type The ...
[4 replies] Last: My mistake, the error was cause on the line after that one... Sorry ... (by ausairman)
Need help with my homework.
I get the following error in my switch within the operations function Error: more than one instance of overloaded function "multiplication" matches the argume...
[5 replies] Last: @ booradley60 thanks for the insight took a look at what I did and you... (by ejhernandez381)
by misssy
Printing in increasing order
I having trouble completing my output function. The directions I was given were to: create copy of the original array: in a for-loop copy the values fr...
[no replies]
pass vector to function?
Does anyone know how to make that work? #include <iostream> #include <vector> using namespace std; int isPrime (int a, vector c) { for (int b = 0...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks. What does adding the const do? Because the program runs, and i... (by eagleman)
confusion on why the void function won't recognize my declared variables
So my code is as below. #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; void display(); void display2(); int main() { char foote...
[8 replies] Last: Yes, declaring the variables globally. Thank you. I never thought of... (by jackbruns28)
keypress in dialog form
hi, I want to control robot, using keyboard, for example if I press s the robot will move forward, z will move backward. I use visual studio 2010, class l...
[6 replies] Last: Thank you .. you solve my problem (by Daniel Sutopo)
Need some polishing advice or direction on this project.
I used "//" needing attention and direction. This program will compile if anyone is interested in giving it a whirl. Any advice pertaining to my situation woul...
[no replies]
by Shala
std::cin, std::cout, peek, ws
Im going through my class notes online and my professor talks about ws and peek but i don't exactly know what it means. to my understanding, its used with cin, ...
[2 replies] Last: std::cout is for output (C++ OUTput) to the console window, like in th... (by LB)
18 E:\hw6aKJJ.cpp uninitialized const `array' //program will take a user inputed list of integer numbers and use three //function calls in order to find t...
[1 reply] : The error tells you word for word what is wrong. You're declaring a c... (by booradley60)
by fiodis
Possible Memory Leak?
I've written a short, multi-source file program in native C++ using VS 2010 (I'm on Windows 7). I had to allocate some memory on the heap for an unsigned int a...
[5 replies] Last: Sorry for all the walls of text, it's why I wasn't sure if I should po... (by fiodis)
by Daleth
Using getline properly
The following code works for half the time when getting user input. However, sometimes if the user presses enter without entering anything, the program crashes....
[7 replies] Last: I don't know of any problems other than not being able to use a custom... (by LB)
I'm new, I am using Dev-C++ as my compiler. My program is compiling but does stay on the screen, it just close right after I run it. How can I keep the window...
[1 reply] : (edit: at least you didn't ... (by Splux)
Converting a Variable from a BTYE type to a WORD type
First post on so apologies if this has been answered else-ware (I couldn't find any answers I understood/applied to me) or if this question is in the wr...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks guys. The MAKEWORD macro worked really well (after I worked ou... (by graham terry)
Enums in function parameters
I'm trying to make a function that will take a enum from a class and set it equal to whatever I called in the function. I can't seem to get it to work though. ...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks again! (by Austin J)
Arrays and Averaging
I know what I need to do in this program, I just don't know how to do it. This program needs to show the the average of grades after the user decides what qu...
[10 replies] Last: Thank you Jilb for all of the encouraging words. you helped me a lot..... (by redheadAlyssa)
How TO Produce animal voices.. In c++ code
as we know about Beep(523,500); But How it will produce animal like horse voice
[4 replies] Last: You'd need a library that supports sound output. You need to load the ... (by Bourgond Aries)
How to generate random numbers using "random_device"?
HI! What is wrong with this piece of code : #include <random> #include <iostream> using namespace std ; int main () { random_device myrd ; ...
[3 replies] Last: In Code::Blocks you go to settings -> compiler -> and you check the bo... (by Vidminas)
Delete last vector entry
Hello, How do I remove the last entry of an int vector? Thanks.
[6 replies] Last: booradley60, thanks, I'll look for the problem in my code. (by SoapChicken)
What kind of degree should be taken?
Hello everyone, I have somewhat recently found an unfathomable interest in programming. I have bought a couple books to begin learning in C++ which is going pr...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks for the reply Smac. I just needed to know if I HAVE TO take a g... (by TripCode)
by Pixlr
User inputs from cin inside if statement
Hello, I am trying to do user input where a user types in "d(i)" where 'i' is a variable when the user wants to delete the i-th element. In my if-statemen...
[2 replies] Last: Hey, Thanks a bunch. It works, but I am having problems to detect inpu... (by Pixlr)
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