Beginners - April 2013 (Page 82)

Need help with functions!
So i have two functions like: int function1(int parameter1){ return int random stuff; } int function2 (int function1){ return int blah...
[2 replies] Last: thanks vlad got it working (by TaisteluJaska)
Need Help w/Arrays
Can someone explain to me how arrays are supposed to work? I put them down but all I get is zero when I compile the program. How do I get the actual array pro...
[1 reply] : cout << gameArray << endl; This is out of bounds. gameArray ; Th... (by ResidentBiscuit)
Alternate ways to break a WHILE loop
This is from a homework assignment I already turned in. My programmed worked flawlessly but I was frustrated by one thing. We were working on linked lists and...
[10 replies] Last: @ L B - I am sure that was precisely the point of the exercise - to sh... (by pojster)
Inserting at certain position in Linked Lists
Hello, suppose I have a struct named nodeType with(info of type Type, and a pointer named link of type nodeType) also I have a class named linkedListType wi...
[5 replies] Last: Insertion at the end should be trivial. If you have a tail pointer, ta... (by ResidentBiscuit)
My Program's Loop Doesn't Do What I Intend It To Do
I do not understand what I have done wrong here. The problem is the bottom. My loop does not do what it is supposed to. You may wonder why all of those "if" sta...
[3 replies] Last: your will be answered too.. sometimes the answers are quick and someti... (by writetonsharma)
Are there any free online compilers for c++
Are there any free online compilers for c++? I don't want to download a developer onto my Pc at work. Would prefer one I could use directly online to write, and...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks Catfish3, and Zereo.. I will check out your links. (by dariusd7)
function cin.get() and getch()
hi, everyone..can i know what is the difference between cin.get() and getch()? as what i know, this two functions can hold on the window when giving output, is...
[7 replies] Last: ok,thanks..^^ (by programming killer)
Employee parttime employee program C++
I never had c++, but i am in a program debbuing class that uses C++. I am not good with inheritance and class etc. I am having trouble debuing the following can...
[6 replies] Last: What is your assignment? What are you stuck on? What exactly do you wa... (by LB)
Error C2079 Object::color uses undefined struct 'Vector'
I have a header file for a vector that looks like this: #ifndef VECTOR_H #define VECTOR_H #include "main.h" struct Vector { double x; double y; ...
[4 replies] Last: Dont include main.h in vector: vector.h - no includes vector.cpp - in... (by Lowest0ne)
by eXord
How to pass in a linked list?
So I'm kinda struggling to pass in a linked list to a function that sorts the linked list, how do I pass in a linked list to a function? Do I pass in a po...
[5 replies] Last: Then you're not doing what I just said. That error is saying that you ... (by LB)
how to computate gradient of given points?
hi, i'm the newcomer here.. i got a bit problem with this program.. #include <iostream> #define N 3 using namespace std; typedef struct { dou...
[2 replies] Last: ok,thanks:) (by programming killer)
Copy constructor call
Hi ! test is a class,and trol is a member function. test test::trol(test& a){return a;} ; test a; //default constructor; a.trol(a); ...
[1 reply] : The second copy constructor call is removed by the compiler, this is a... (by Cubbi)
by tpinon
read from file using functions
Hi guys, I'm trying to write a program that has a menu for displaying data from an existing file in different ways. So far I've only worked on menu option one a...
[2 replies] Last: thanks Yanson! Was it just the positioning of namespace? I tried to co... (by tpinon)
Pseudocode teaching
Algorithm( OriginalWord , Permutation ){ if ( OriginalWord is empty ){ write permutation } for i <- 0 to OriginalWord size length TemporaryWor...
[no replies]
by M159LE
Hi all, I have an assignment to do, all 5 questions is about classes... But first I only want help with the first question, if someone can please help me to und...
[14 replies] Last: Thank you so so much! I understand 100%! Your explanation is much bett... (by M159LE)
3 Functions not working together
As a first year student in C++ I have been given the following assignment: The user must guess a number between 1 and 1000. This must be done in 3 functions. ...
[1 reply] : You should practice better... You're source code is such a mess, very ... (by luigibana96)
program skipping cin/getline requests
I can't figure out what could cause to program to skip over cin and getline requests, but it is, so can anyone help? Ow and i know that alot of the error han...
[3 replies] Last: In this case, I think using std::cin >> value instead of getline(s... (by Chervil)
class help!!!!
hi i was wondering if someone can help me in writing this, Create a class Student with the following private attributes:  Student ID: should be an integer...
[2 replies] Last: yes, 10x mate you helped me alot (by nickss69)
How do I use random_shuffle with a custom random function?
I want use a custom random number generator in VC++11 to randomly shuffle a vector. I have a class called Random , a global instance g_random and a member fu...
[6 replies] Last: Ah right that all makes sense; I need to make the method unary by prov... (by ausairman)
When to go object oriented?
Hi, I just wanted to ask this question, being 3/4 of the way through Herbert Schildt's book "C++ - Beginners Guide", and quite dazzled by the raw power of an ...
[1 reply] : Structured programming and OOP do not contradict each other. Each OOP ... (by vlad from moscow)
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