Beginners - February 2014 (Page 7)

by ccdare
"delimit' in string class.
I leant there's a new feature string class has, which is the delimit. So I had a try, which occur some weird little problem with it. string l; getline(ci...
[1 reply] : I finally find the answer. It's because of the characters behind the d... (by ccdare)
Fin>> & Fout<<
I made a quiz-game.It is able to write the name(you have already chosen)and the score in a file named "Quiz-Score". But when i run the program again and write a...
[1 reply] : you need to open the file for "append" (by Jaybob66)
How to declare pointer?
I simply want to know what is the right way of declaring a pointer. int *ptr1; //This is vulnerable. int *ptr2 = 0; //This is wrong. Mostly...
[2 replies] Last: Note that it's a warning, not an error. The warning can probably be di... (by Peter87)
"[Linker error] undefined reference to 'function()'
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <conio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int themenu(); int boygroups(); int girlgroups(); int solo(); int sub();...
[8 replies] Last: you need to post the actual error so we can see, obviously its diffi... (by Jaybob66)
Learning How To Analyze Code
Am I doing this correctly? My assignment is pretty much to answer certain codes manually. int i = 0; while (i < 7 ) { cout << 2 * i; ++i; } ...
[7 replies] Last: No worries - if I had a penny for every little slip I've made in my ca... (by MikeyBoy)
Help in making a very simple rpg game
Hi guys. I want to make a very simple rpg game, which gives me the choice to attack or use a weapon against two objects (rock and log) that have lives, but one ...
[1 reply] : Your character class needs some state data and some getter/setter func... (by Jaybob66)
by IGI30
Input with mouse
Is there is any way to enter value using mouse in C++ programming?
[2 replies] Last: Yes I'm using Windows 8.1 (by IGI30)
by IGI30
Loading Box in C++
Here I've created a code in which a loading screen will come. Can anyone give me suggestion how to make it more attractive Here is code #include<iostream>...
[5 replies] Last: That is why it is called "undefinded behavior"! Everything can happen.... (by MiiNiPaa)
integer division by zero exception?
the program can compile successfully but when i input it prompts"exception integer division by zero" why? thank u. this is my code #include <iostream> ...
[3 replies] Last: When a compiler refuses to compile something, it usually does tell a r... (by keskiverto)
Math not working
Whenever I print the tables, its only showing the first two digits of the answers. I know some of the syntax might not be what is considered best (like system(...
[3 replies] Last: Conclusion: I was dumb and should feel dumb. It works when I take the... (by Bunnikula)
reading from data file
i need my code to stop outputting all the numbers throughout the steps it is going through i just need it to output the total this is my input M C C C ...
[no replies]
Boolean Loop Problem
So I need to let a user be able to enter in as many words as they want until they enter stop. Once they enter stop the code is suppose to for all of the words i...
[1 reply] : Well, assuming the first word isn't stop, the code never checks for th... (by Easton)
by cozier
When is it appropriate to use void functions?
I was wondering if someone could help explain to me when it is appropriate to use void as a function type. Additionally, is it something you can/should use in y...
[2 replies] Last: Oh ok. I was a bit confused because a few of the prompt shells the tea... (by cozier)
USACO Crypt1 Problem!
Hello all. I am working on a USACO problem for practice. The question asks: The following cryptarithm is a multiplication problem that can be solved by substi...
[3 replies] Last: Here is the solution I promised: Let me know ... (by kevinkjt2000)
by dublin
Scanf Issues
So I got stuck while using eclipse so I switched over to Microsoft studio.But now im having problems in microsoft studio hopefully you guys can help. Microsoft...
[2 replies] Last: do i have to do this everytime i use printf and scan f? (by dublin)
Personal Programming Project involving a database?
Hello all, this is my first post, so I'll start off by saying that I began programming about a month and a half ago, and being a "math person" it was mostly int...
[1 reply] : I would probably try to find some open source online dictionary, that'... (by xismn)
Array search
I need to be able to take a input file like 4 Brianna Paul Lindsey Lisa and search Li and find Lindsey and Lisa Right now I can only find the element if the ful...
[4 replies] Last: Here's one way to do what you're asking: #include <iostream> #includ... (by cire)
Class Array Initialization
I am trying to initialize a class with an array, however I keep getting an error in my int main. Class: class testclass { public: int testnum ; ...
[10 replies] Last: Thanks for pointing out, fixed. (by Drakkahn)
error dealing with end of file
this program is designed to take redireted input from a file and count the characters, words and lines in it, but it seems to immediantly see the end of file fo...
[no replies]
Please Help with this array
I am trying to run a search function of an array like this 4 Brianna Lindsey Lisa Paul and be able to search Li and find Lisa and Lindsey but my code is...
[no replies]
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