Beginners - January 2013 (Page 11)

by ocdjg
Can't get this program to compile!
I've been at this same program for weeks now and I can't figure out what the heck is wrong. Its a 3 file program, 2 cpp files, and 1 header file. Here is the co...
[7 replies] Last: You guys are awesome! Thank you. Yes I meant; Resistor::Resistor(d... (by ocdjg)
Function return int [] (using pointer)
Hi, everyone, im learning c++ and and I did the following problem, i need a function that return an array int , know that its not possible without pointer : ...
[2 replies] Last: Function returnarray() is attempting to return a pointer to a local ... (by Chervil)
File Handling
HI.. I'm working on an initial level project using c++ and file handling i need a help can anyone guide me i want to delete the record of an employee wat w...
[3 replies] Last: I have used the above code but it's still not deleting the record of e... (by Tehniyat)
Function needs to create array from file.
I need to create a function that reads the contents of a file and creates an array from them. I need a counter that tells me the number of numbers on the file s...
[8 replies] Last: You could use a separate ifstream (e.g. infile2) to open and read the ... (by Chervil)
Star Program
Hi guys, I'm new to this so please be patient... I need to create a program in C++ that shows a pattern of 1 star followed by 2 stars followed by 3 stars, and...
[1 reply] : For loops work like this: for(counter/s, test, action) { blook of co... (by nedo)
My first calculator :)
Hello everyone.. spent a few hours studying and some time writing this code for a calculator.. I am trying to do the addition portion (sum) of the project first...
[17 replies] Last: In line 55 although you are checking the value of iValue2 you are do... (by FastLearner)
Program not working
I have finished this code for a check writing program to print the dollar amount in words but I cannot seem to get the words to print! Can someone show me what ...
[2 replies] Last: ok I actually got it to work I just cant get it to work with a single ... (by JBIRD304)
Why won't this compile?
I use the Visual Studio 2012 Express compiler. I decided to make a large text-based game for practice. I still in the beginning, but when I test it, it won't ...
[5 replies] Last: Alright. Thanks for the help. I was able to get it to work. Thanks! (by closed account EAUX92yv)
Not sure how to start Circles assignment
Assignment: Write a C++ program that defines a global constant named PI with a value of 3.14159 and local variables for radius, with a value of 6, and diamete...
[12 replies] Last: whoa good catch lol whoops (by cPlusN00b)
by kha20
im stuck with this problem
hello everyone, im taking c++ this semester and i have a problem with this assignment i only know basic stuff in c++ programing. the assignment is: An educat...
[3 replies] Last: If I'm understanding you correctly, you could have the user input a va... (by closed account L1AkoG1T)
Problem getting user to enter txt file.
Hello, I am currently writing a program that requires the user to enter the file name for the .txt file. I'm sure I'm just missing something simple. Belo...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you James, you solved my problem. Have a great night sir. (by johnnydiamond08)
what is puorpose of struct in c++ console win32?plzzzzzzzz tell me a simpliest exmple of struct wd explanation tht why struct are used?
[2 replies] Last: yes.but i cant understand it (by muddaser)
Populating array of objects with cards
Hand test ; Hand *hand2_objects = new Hand ; for ( int i = 0; i < 52; i++ ) { test_card = deck_game.dealCard(); test .setTakeCard(test...
[no replies]
Any good, updated sfml tutorials/books?
Everywhere I look, there are tutorials on SFML, but they are all outdated! Everywhere I look up different events, They are either outdated, or of 2.0, which isn...
[3 replies] Last: I understand your points about 2.0 but he specifically refers to not w... (by K0T4K0t4)
by Zunft
A simple function
//In the Second function: I want "_ax" to change a1, a2, a3, a4...a11 //Is there a way to make 1 function instead of 11? //Collisions\main.cpp|79|error: '_a...
[6 replies] Last: Zunft wrote: i was looking for something like: int _ax float _ax ... (by JockX)
by mobat
Add any object in Vector
I have a class structure which is Armor->Weapon->Item . So The Weapon inherits Item and Armor inherits weapon. I also have an inventory class which is std::vect...
[3 replies] Last: > then I cannot access the functions that's in the weapons or armor cl... (by ne555)
RegSetValueEx() problem
I am trying to add an application to run on startup in Windows. I am using RegSetValueEx() to do this: int main() { HKEY hkey; long regOpenResult; ...
[2 replies] Last: I tried it now, but still no change. (by gizdaman)
Little help please!
Hello! I have just started to learn the c++ language two days ago, and I seem to be stuck on a simple (for some of you) problem. Here is the code of the...
[4 replies] Last: Thanx! Sorry about the comma, the compiler doesn't seem to have a prob... (by funkyshizzle)
simple addition programme !!!
im nt getting o/p i hav compiled in GCC compiler #include<iostream> using namespace std; int x,y,sum; int main() { cout<<"enter the values for whi...
[5 replies] Last: Just follow the link, please. (by JockX)
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